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Chapter 650

On the road to the burial sword, Qin Nan's figure stopped.

Five thousand five hundred miles, just as I had guessed before.

If five thousand miles ago we were dealing with the peak sword king, then this sixth thousand miles are dealing with the early stage sword king.

However, one sword to destroy magic is enough to support him half the way, which shows that his current combat power is enough to shake the Sword Emperor in his early stage.

This is a qualitative improvement.

But in the remaining five hundred miles, the power of destroying the law is no longer enough, and he needs to show other powers.

"Inscribed Sword Qiankun!"

Qin Nan did not hesitate.

He is now full of confidence and has no desire to use the third sword at all. Just using the Inscribed Sword Qiankun is enough.


Immediately, the mountains, rivers, sun and moon descended, and the old days were replaced by new ones, as if he himself had created a new world.

Boom boom boom.

Immediately afterwards, Burial Sword Road began to roar and vibrate violently.

Click click click!

The endless white bones began to shatter, turning into fly ash at a speed visible to the naked eye, and scattered on the Sword Burial Road.

Not only that, even the sword burial roads that Qin Nan had walked on began to collapse at this moment. They collapsed in an instant and ceased to exist. The swords inserted in the mountains also began to break. It seemed as if Qin Nan walked out of this place.

At this point, their existence is meaningless.

This scene shocked everyone.

Even Sword Lady's pupils shrank and she couldn't help clenching her fists!

This scene is so shocking. The Sword Burial Road has existed between heaven and earth for countless years, and countless geniuses have set foot on the Sword Burial Road. Although the distance of six thousand miles is unusual, it is not that no one has walked it.


This has never happened before.

Buried Sword Road actually collapsed!

"Sword Princess, this..." The old woman's face next to Sword Princess had an unprecedented serious expression, and her eyes were extremely horrified. She was in the Sword Burial Plateau, so she naturally knew what the Sword Burial Road was. It was indeed a forbidden road, and she was the only one who knew it.

As far as I know, there have been half-step sword emperors who have set foot on this path, and they all died in the end.

Therefore, this road became the Road of Sword Burial.

But now, this road collapsed and disappeared into nothingness.

This also means that there will no longer be this road in the Sword Burial Plateau, and no one who comes after will be able to set foot on this road.

Sword Girl was emotionally unstable, and the calm she had always shown was broken. Seeing the Sword Burial Road collapse in front of her, her pupils flickered several times and focused together.

But it only took a moment for her to recover.

"Keep waiting!"

The old woman's forehead tightened and her mouth opened several times, but finally fell silent.

But at this time, everyone in the venue exploded, and everyone was stunned.

They didn't understand why the Burial Sword Road collapsed, but in their eyes, this was a humiliation to the Burial Sword Plateau. Especially since they had caught Sword Queen's emotional changes before, they thought Sword Queen was also angry now.

"Miss Sword Princess, why don't you take action? Qin Nan is so rampant that even the Sword Burial Road collapsed. This is cutting off the retreat for us cultivators in the Western Wilderness."

"Yes, Miss Sword Princess. This Sword Burial Road is a symbol. No one in the world knows that there is a forbidden road in our Xihuang Sword Burial Plateau, where countless geniuses have been buried. Even if no one has set foot on it, it is still a kind of authority. Now it is destroyed here.

What a shame and humiliation in this kid's hands."


One by one they screamed.

Shock, anger, fear...

Countless emotions mixed together.

At this moment, Qin Nan's existence has become a potential threat to them. Unless Qin Nan dies, they will feel uneasy, as if a sharp sword hidden in the void will fall down and kill them at any time.

Therefore, at this moment, they spoke again without any scruples, hoping to let the Sword Lady take action and kill Qin Nan on the Sword Burial Road.

It's just a pity that Sword Princess completely ignored it.

On the other side, on Burial Sword Road.

"What a good boy, even the Sword Burial Road has collapsed, and there is no one who can match me in thousands of years." The light of approval in Gui Lao Chen's eyes was unmistakable, giving Qin Nan unlimited affirmation.

He was also excited.

The change in Qin Nan's state of mind had moved him before, but now when he used the Mingjian Qiankun, even the Burial Sword Road was suppressed and collapsed on the spot. This kind of power shocked him.

Except for the Burial Sword who opened up the Burial Sword Plateau, no one understands better than him what the collapse of the Burial Sword Road means. He is now more certain that Qin Nan has an absolute possibility of reaching the top.

Of course, only he has this possibility. The road to burial sword is blocked, and no one can set foot on this road again.

Qin Nan himself was also shocked.

The changes before him were beyond his own knowledge, and he did not expect that when his Ming Jian Qiankun came out, he would have such violent power that it would directly collapse the Burial Sword Road.

"Senior, did something unexpected happen? My strength is just to keep moving forward." Qin Nan said.

Just like before, Qin Nan was able to dispel the power of the Burial Sword by just using his own strength. However, he did not expect that when the Ming Sword Qiankun came out, the entire Burial Sword Road collapsed.

"No surprise." Gui Lao Chen said immediately:

"Keep walking. This is Burial Sword's affirmation to you. The next three thousand miles are the most important. Every thousand miles, the things to consider are different. As for what it is, you will naturally know it when you go up."

"If you can climb the mountain, there may be benefits you can't think of."

Ghost Grandma Chen said, urging Qin Nan to continue.

Qin Nan suppressed his thoughts, but his heart began to get excited. Gui Lao Chen had told him more than once about the opportunity after climbing the mountain. His intuition told him that Gui Lao Chen must know something, but he just refused to say it now.

The more this happened, the more curious he became.

The next moment, his sword wings surged, and the sword Qiankun above his head flew upwards in an instant.

The mountains on both sides roared and slipped away in the peripheral vision of the eyes. In the blink of an eye, five hundred miles roared by.

In one step, Qin Nan would be six thousand miles away. Wherever he passed, the Sword Burial Road was cut off and turned into nothing.

Qin Nan no longer paid attention to what was behind him at this moment.

He understood that if he took this step, he would be suppressed by another force.

Qin Nan put away the Inscribed Sword Qiankun, activated the Immortal Sword Soul, and made all preparations. With the Immortal Sword Soul around, Qin Nan believed that even if the power of the Burial Sword came, he would be able to sense it in advance.

After a moment, Qin Nan adjusted his condition and took a step forward.


Before Qin Nan could stabilize his figure, countless sword energy bombarded him.

The soul of the Immortal Sword also started to move at this moment, its divine radiance flashed, and it shone brightly in the consciousness sea of ​​the divine platform.

"Sword Wings!"

Qin Nan also displayed his sword wings again.

Immediately afterwards, endless sword energy erupted from the sword wings, roaring out, fighting sword energy against sword energy.

The sword energy crisscrosses the sky, densely packed, like a rain of swords.

"This sword energy is left behind by countless geniuses who once set foot on the Sword Burial Road. Three hundred miles is a level. The sword energy will become less and less, but it will become stronger and stronger." Gui Lao Chen said.

He followed Qin Nan closely, always reminding him.

Qin Nan nodded.

Then without stopping, he moved his sword wings and moved forward step by step.

Boom boom boom!

When the sword energy collided, the entire Sword Burial Road became devastated, but this power could not hurt Qin Nan at all, and even the sword energy bursting out from the sword wings could not be blocked.

As Ghost Lao Chen said, these swords are not strong.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Nan walked three hundred miles. Qin Nan looked ahead and pondered slightly.

"Three hundred miles ahead, the sword energy is equivalent to a sword in the sword king realm. If I remember correctly, as of twenty years ago, there were probably no less than a thousand people on this Sword Burial Road. In other words, for this distance, you need

Facing the sword energy of a thousand sword kings." Gui Lao Chen said.

"Sword King?" Qin Nan muttered.

If it is the sword energy of the Sword King, it is not enough to rely on the power of the sword wings. After all, the sword energy of the sword wings is only his strength. His sword body is immortal, and all the energy entering the body will be converted into sword energy, but the damage will be

Average strength.

"In this case, let's resist!"

Qin Nan's eyes were like swords. He said a simple word, then put away his sword wings and walked forward.

This chapter has been completed!
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