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Chapter 114 The hunt begins!

Queen Gu looked at Qu Jiang in embarrassment and said softly: "The groups have been divided. Isn't it appropriate to change the groups now?"

Qu Jiang smiled faintly and said with determination: "Empress, Ye Qingran is the first place in this archery competition. She can defeat Yang with a hundred steps. I think she can defeat many people with her own strength. Even if I am missing, there will be nothing."


Queen Gu looked at Ye Qingran and asked with a smile: "Ye Qingran, what do you think?"

Xia Meng urged from the side: "Ye Qingran, let him go. This kind of garbage makes me sick, so I don't mind if you don't want it!"

Ye Qingran gave Xia Meng a 'be patient' look, and then smiled: "Queen, although Qu Jiang's words are good, without him, our team's probability of winning will be lower."

Queen Gu's face turned gloomy.

Qu Jiang looked increasingly proud.

But Ye Qingran said again: "However, Qu Jiang is ugly and has body odor, so it is quite appropriate for him to go to Ye Huanhuan's place!"


After everyone heard this, they laughed out loud.

Qu Jiang, who was originally feeling very proud, suddenly changed his face and turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Ye Qingran, who are you scolding?"

Xia Meng covered her nose very cooperatively: "I guess I didn't smell it because I was standing on the wind vent before, but now... vomit~"

After saying that, he bent over and looked like he wanted to vomit.

Qu Jiang's face turned even darker.

Ye Huanhuan's expression was also very ugly.

What does Ye Qingran mean by this?

Do you think they have the same chemistry?

Qu Jiang glanced at Ye Qingran and the others angrily, and walked towards Ye Huanhuan's team, his heart full of ridicule. Even though Ye Qingran was known as a marksman, it was difficult for him to defeat four people with just two fists, and there were still many people in her team.

There is one from the bottom, one from the bottom, and two archery wastes!

Without him as a master, he wanted to see how Ye Qingran could win?

Ye Qingran looked at Xia Mengfu and then at Wuhen, finally understanding the mystery.

The penultimate and penultimate players are both in her team. Is her luck really that bad?

Finally, a teammate who ranked high in the first trial chose to leave on his own initiative.

Is all this really just a coincidence?

Ye Qingran didn't care.

It doesn't matter to her.

Besides, Xia Meng is a very well-hidden person!


"The hunting time is two full days. We will gather at the camp at the beginning of the day after tomorrow. Everyone, you can set off now."

Queen Gu said loudly.

Ye Huanhuan looked at the members of her team. In addition to her, there were Mu Qingrou and Dongfang Xuan. They all entered the retest. Qu Jiang, the weakest, also ranked eleventh in the preliminary test.

With such a luxurious lineup, she, Ye Huanhuan, will surely win the first place in the hunt and avenge her shame!

Ye Huanhuan cast a provocative look at Ye Qingran across the vast crowd.

As for Ye Qingran, he didn't even look back at her.

Ye Qingran's team passed by Ye Huanhuan and others.

"Ye Qingran, although you won the first place in the archery competition, the final ranking still depends on your hunting performance. How many prey do you think you can hunt with these rotten fish and shrimps? The final victory is still ours.


Dongfang Xuan said contemptuously.

"Hey, His Highness the Seventh Prince, how can you curse others? What you are doing is wrong!"

Xia Meng was dissatisfied.

"Did I say something wrong again? A waste of cultivation and two wastes of archery. Birds of a feather flock together!"

Dongfang Xuan scoffed.

Wuhen's face was still cold, and there was a hint of coldness in those dark eyes.


Xia Meng was extremely angry. She never knew that the Seventh Prince Dongfang Xuan was actually such a person. Then he really deserved to be beaten by Ye Qingran in front of the Wuji Palace!

"Xia Meng, why are you talking to him? If the dog barks at you, will you still bark back?"

Ye Qingran spoke in an understatement.


Xia Meng's originally depressed mood was swept away and she burst into laughter.

Calling the seventh prince a dog?

I guess only Ye Qingran can do it, but the description is very appropriate!

"Ye Qingran!"

Dongfang Xuan said bitterly, but Ye Qingran turned around and left with Wuhen and Xia Meng.

Ye Huanhuan watched Ye Qingran leave, squinting her eyes with fighting intent.

Ye Qingran, the first place in this hunt belongs to me, Ye Huanhuan!

Each team dispersed in different directions deep into the dense forest. After a while, the lively camp quieted down, leaving only Queen Gu and some military attachés who came to watch the game and their guards.


The sky is as blue as a wash, and below it is a vast expanse of green and ancient forests.

Ye Qingran and the others walked slowly towards the depths of Jiufu Forest. Their leisurely pace and relaxed mentality made them look like they were on an outing.

Xia Meng was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, full of curiosity about everything.

"Ye Qingran, have you ever thought about where we go hunting?"

Xia Meng was familiar with her, and her tone of voice sounded like she had known Ye Qingran for many years.

Ye Qingran glanced at her and pointed to the deep mountains and forests in the distance with his chin: "Deep in the Jiufu Forest!"

Xia Meng's eyes lit up and she shouted: "Okay, okay!"

An expression of eagerness to try.

Wuhen was like a shadow without any sense of existence, following behind the two of them without saying a word.

But from an angle that no one else could see, his abyssal eyes would fall on Ye Qingran's back from time to time, occasionally revealing a gentle light.

How could Ye Qingran not feel the line of sight behind him?

She finally couldn't hold it back and asked in a chatty tone: "Wuhen, where are you from?"

There was silence for a second.


Xia Meng answered: "Cangzhou? Is it so far away? Although I have never been to Cangzhou, I have heard that this place is on our eastern border. Why did you come all the way to Xiliang?


Wuhen was silent for a moment. Seeing that Ye Qingran seemed to be waiting for his answer, he explained: "I happened to be traveling here and came across the annual royal hunting event, so I participated."

The royal hunting event is not only open to the princes and ladies of Xiliang City, but also young ladies with certain status in other places can participate.

From this point of view, Wuhen’s status in Cangzhou is not low?

Xia Meng suddenly understood, and Ye Qingran nodded gently.

At this moment, the sound of rustling branches and leaves was heard quickly, and all three of them stopped in their tracks, their expressions slightly grim.

"Murderous!" Xia Meng shouted in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a loud noise in the dense bushes ahead, and a black shadow suddenly jumped out!

A few people took a closer look and saw that it was a wild boar.

However, this wild boar is different from that wild boar. It is extremely aggressive and looks even scarier.

"give it to me!"

Ye Qingran and Wuhen saw that it was an ordinary spiritual beast, so they ignored it and let Xia Meng deal with it.

Xia Meng let out a low drink, and his breath was released. His aura became fierce. He held a small dagger in his hand, spun and jumped, and started fighting with the wild boar.

Xia Meng's movements were smooth and smooth, with ghostly steps and strange body movements. Ye Qingran's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

Soon, the wild boar was choked by Xia Meng's move!

"Wow, it's a good start! Although it's just a first-level spiritual beast with a first-level bloodline, it's finally open for business, isn't it?"

Xia Meng danced happily around her trophy.

This is her first time hunting spiritual beasts alone in the wild!

It’s so interesting!

The deeper you go into the Jiufu Forest, the denser the vegetation becomes. Ancient trees that are hundreds or even thousands of years old can be seen everywhere. The higher the level of the spirit beast, the more precious its bloodline becomes.

The three of them did not deliberately search for spiritual beasts. Most of the spiritual beasts they encountered on the road were dealt with by Xia Meng. The corpses were collected in the space.

Soon, the sun set in the west and the sky became dark. The three of them cleared an open space, using the sky as their bed and the earth as their mat.

The sky was dark, the moonlight could not shine through the dense canopy of trees, and you could not see your fingers. If you are not a cultivator, your five senses are sharper than ordinary people, and it would be difficult to move in a place like this.

At midnight, a gust of wind blew in the forest.

Immediately afterwards, faint rays of light flickered, and the black top of the head suddenly shone like a sea of ​​stars.

Wuhen suddenly opened his eyes, looking up at the 'stars' flying above his head with a stern face.

Points of light scattered all over the sky, like stars scattered, illuminating the dark woods like a dream.

He immediately looked away and looked at Ye Qingran, who had her eyes closed and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Ye Qingran was a light sleeper. I don't know if he was sleepy today or for some reason. In short, he did not wake up due to such movement.

This chapter has been completed!
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