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Chapter 426: Closing Negative Illusions

Eastern suburbs of Xiliang City.

A manor.

This is where the Jiuzhou Second Army Corps trains.

After several months of devilish training, the tough guy in the team, represented by Gale, has long since lost his temper.

Of course, they just lost their temper with Ye Qingran. In their hearts, they were still the arrogant young men they once were.

Qin Feng and Gale Feng are the most talented and hard-working people in the team. They are affectionately and vividly called the "two madmen".

Qin Feng is now the captain of the Jiuzhou Second Legion, and his deputy captain is Gale Feng.

The captain of the Jiuzhou Legion has always been a capable person. However, a few months have passed and Qin Feng is still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. The most promising Jianfeng has been constantly challenging, but even though he is constantly improving, Qin Feng is still improving.

The speed is not slower than him.

With these two competing for each other, the atmosphere of the Kyushu Legion has always been very positive and has won the recognition of Zhuang Xian and others.

They even felt that the atmosphere of the Second Army was comparable to that of the First Army, which they had been working with for a long time.

Of course, one of the reasons is that the Second Army currently has less than a hundred people. The First Army has a size of two hundred people.

During this period of time, Ye Qingran didn't come much. Zhuang Xian and others were usually looking after him.

Therefore, when they learned that Ye Qingran was coming, everyone in the team went crazy with excitement.

On the training ground, more than ninety people stood neatly.

Although all of them are dark-skinned, they are full of high spirits and high fighting spirit.

"The boss is coming! We must present our best appearance to the boss, and we can't embarrass the boss, you know?" Gale rolled up his sleeves and shouted loudly.

Everyone raised their arms and were extremely excited.

Qin Feng is relatively taciturn due to his personal experience. Although he did not speak, the excitement in his eyes almost overflowed.

When that figure walked into the training ground, everyone's eyes fell on her without blinking.

Awe arises spontaneously.

She is their faith and the star of their life, pulling them back from the wrong path and pointing them to a path full of hope and passion.


The loud sounds gathered into a rushing surge, soaring straight into the sky.

Ye Qingran's eyes passed over the young and energetic faces, and he felt satisfied in his heart.

In fact, the members of the second legion were not as talented as the first legion. But their final results were beyond her expectations.

"Thank you for your hard work."

“It’s not hard work!”

Compared to the place they stayed before, this place is simply paradise.

Although it is very tiring and hard, and requires high-intensity training every day, my heart is full of hope.

Here, they can eat well, sleep well, and realize their own life value.

They enjoyed it like a cake.

The purpose of Ye Qingran's coming today was to see Yunzhi.

However, she still took the time to patiently communicate with each member of the Jiuzhou Legion, and answered their questions patiently and endlessly.

With the guidance of the big boss Ye Qingran, everyone suddenly became enlightened and understood a lot.

"Where is Yunzhi?"

Qin Feng looked at Ye Qingran and restrained his inner excitement, "Boss, come with me."

In a room, Yunzhi was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

Ye Qingran stood in front of the bed, looked at Yunzhi with lowered eyes, and then gave her a full body examination.

Finally came to the conclusion: Yunzhi was hypnotized.

Even, during hypnosis, a memory was forcibly added.

In the hypnotic world, this is often called negative hallucination.

Obviously, the memory implanted in Yunzhi is similar to hers.

This is why Yunzhi firmly believes that Xiaochen is her child.

"Miss, can the negative hallucination be erased?"

"It can't be erased." Ye Qingran shook his head, "But it can be closed."

Closing the negative hallucination is equivalent to hiding this memory. Without external interference, Yunzhi will never take the initiative to think of it.

However, what Ye Qingran was worried about was not the negative hallucination, but her original memory.

Obviously, her original memory has also been closed, making it difficult to reopen it.

Retrieving memories is often more difficult than implanting memories.

"You all get out. I'll try to see if I can reopen her memory."

Ye Qingran cleared everyone out, leaving only her and Yunzhi in the room.

Looking at Yunzhi's face, she became more and more convinced that there was some connection between herself and Yunzhi.

An hour later.

Ye Qingran smiled with relief.

Finally succeeded.

Pushing open the door, Han Xing and others were waiting.

"Miss, are you okay?"

Compared with the results, they were more worried about Ye Qingran's safety.

Ye Qingran felt a warm current in his heart.

Although they are not related to her by blood, they are really like a family.

"I'm fine. Yunzhi's memory has recovered, but she will sleep for a few days." Ye Qingran looked at Qin Feng and Gale Feng who were standing aside, "You guys should pay attention to her these days. When she wakes up, we'll be there as soon as possible."

Notify me."

The two of them nodded in agreement.

Three days passed unknowingly.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ye Qingran stayed in Yaowang Pavilion for three days.

Outside Yaowang Pavilion, curious people gathered around every day, wanting to know what happened to Ye Qingran?

"Do you think the Valley Master of Yaowang Valley can cure Ye Qingran?"

"It should be possible. After all, the Master of Yaowang Valley is a world-famous ghost doctor. It is said that he can bring human flesh and bones to life."

"That's not necessarily true. Ye Qingran offended Nanyinzhou Yun Mansion. I think she narrowly escaped death this time."


Just when everyone was having different opinions, a figure walked out from Yaowang Pavilion.

The fluttering white dress captivates the country and the city.

Who is it if it’s not Ye Qingran?

The moment they saw Ye Qingran, everyone's eyes widened.

"This, is this Ye Qingran?"

After it was confirmed that she was Ye Qingran, everyone was shocked.

She is back as before!

The owner of Yaowang Valley really cured Ye Qingran!

This news soon spread to Ye Mansion.

"What did you say?!"

Ye Huanhuan stood up suddenly and looked at the servant in front of him, his expression extremely ugly.

In the past three days, she had been suffering every day.

She was very worried that the Lord of Yaowang Valley would rescue Ye Qingran.

She prayed for Ye Qingran to die quickly all the time.

Now he actually told her that the Master of Yaowang Valley had really succeeded?

"How is this possible?!"

Ye Huanhuan couldn't believe it.

"Ye Qingran is indeed safe and sound!" A figure in a black cloak came into the room and said in a deep voice.

Ye Huanhuan's heart dropped when she heard what she said.

"If the princess knows that Ye Qingran is fine..."

She said in a trembling tone, with panic flashing in her eyes.

The princess will definitely kill her!

"No, I will never let such a thing happen!"

"What do you want to do?"

The man in black asked her, without any emotion in his voice.

"I want to kill Ye Qingran!"

"You and she are equally powerful as Xuan Zun, you can't kill her!"

Ye Huanhuan's delicate body trembled.

Thinking of something, she suddenly narrowed her eyes, "What if I use forbidden magic?"

This chapter has been completed!
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