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Chapter 477 Only the fifth place?

In the literary test of the Tianban assessment, no one knows whose paper the paper belongs to before the results are announced.

The marking team will divide all papers into grades A, B, C and D based on their scores.

There are twenty-five people in level D, fifteen people in level C, seven people in level B, and three people in level A.

Results are usually announced from the back to the front first.

The elder who announces the results will first announce the results based on the level of the results, then open the name seal and announce who the candidate corresponding to the results is.

"Fiftieth place, 910 points...Wu Xianyu."

The results were announced by Elder Gu.

When he heard this result, the student named Wu Xianyu had a look of loneliness on his face.

This result and this ranking basically means that he has no chance to be in Tianban!

"Forty-ninth place, 915 points...Ling Luo."


The results were reported one by one from the mouth of the ancient elder.

The crowd at the scene was completely silent, listening with bated breath.

Because the results reported first were D-level results, the students who heard their names were not happy.

You must know that they are here to participate in the selection of the Tianban. With such results, they basically have no chance of being in the Tianban. Unless they can achieve extremely outstanding results in the next martial arts test.

The results of the twenty-five Ding level students will come out soon.

"Next, I will read out to you the results of the fifteen candidates in Level C."

Seeing that all the results for the Ding level had been reported, but not hearing the results of Mo Xiaohu and Ye Xiaochen, Nangong Pushe frowned in displeasure.

"It's a miracle that you actually scored more than 900 points in the exam! However, my C grade should be your final destination, right?"

Nangong Pushe sneered.

He didn't think that these two country bumpkins, Ye Xiaochen and Mo Xiaohu, had the strength to hit the B level or even the A level.

"Perhaps they are the second to last in Grade C!"

Nangong Qingyuan echoed.

"Twenty-fourth place, nine hundred and thirty-one points...Li Yang."


Because the paper was very difficult, most people's scores were stuck at 923, until the one with the highest C grade finally got 940.

"Look, we are not in level C!"

Seeing Nangong Pushe's unhappy expression, Xiaohu made a face at him.

"how so?"

Nangong Pushe felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Next is Level B.

Ye Xiaochen and Mo Xiaohu are not in the D and C levels, which means that their results have entered the top ten!

Didn’t they even take the mock exam?

How do you have the strength to enter the top ten?

"Even if they are in the top ten, they are still at the bottom!"

Nangong Pushe silently comforted himself in his heart.

"Next, announce the results of the eight candidates in Level B."

When the sixth place was announced, the names of Ye Xiaochen and Mo Xiaohu had not yet come out.

At this moment, among the candidates without real names, only Nangong Qingyuan and Nangong Pushe from Golden City, brothers Ye Xiaochen and Mo Xiaohu, and Gu Xingyan, the highly praised genius child from Zhaixing Pavilion.

"Oh my God, are the brothers Ye Xiaochen and Mo Xiaohu so powerful? They actually defeated the geniuses of Taiyang Palace and Yuqiu Sect!"

"He Xi from Sun Palace is in sixth place, with a score of 979, which means that the scores of these brothers are very likely to be above 980! This is a very high score!"

"The results of these two brothers should not be as high as those of Nangong Qingyuan and Nangong Pushe. I just don't know who is stronger or weaker between Gu Xingyan from Zhaixing Pavilion and them?"


For a time, these five people became the focus of everyone.

Their achievements have also become the subject of speculation.

"How is this possible?!"

When Ling Xueyao saw this, her expression turned ugly.

She thought that since the brothers Ye Xiaochen and Mo Xiaohu came from the Central Region, their talents would not be too high even if they had a letter of introduction from the Emperor of the Competition.

However, what she didn't expect was that they actually achieved such good results in the first stage of the re-examination, the literary test!

She felt very uncomfortable, even a little nauseous.

What is the identity of her child? How can two bastards like Ye Qingran be compared with her child?

"Okay, next is the fifth place."

Elder Gu paused and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The overall strength of this year's candidates is stronger than in previous years, especially...

Elder Gu exhaled a breath and continued: "Fifth place, nine hundred and ninety points..."

When this result came out, everyone was shocked.

You must know that nine hundred and ninety points, this score can definitely be ranked among the top three in previous years! It can even win the first place in some sessions!

This year, it can only be fifth?

How damn competitive is this year?

Nine hundred and ninety?

When Nangong Qingyuan heard this result, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Her estimated score is 995 points, so this score is not hers, let alone her brother's.

Then, it is most likely that it belongs to Ye Xiaochen or Mo Xiaohu.

I have to say that they did very well in the exam, but she and her brother have to decide the first and second place!

Nangong Qingyuan smiled proudly and waited for Elder Gu to announce the master of this achievement.

"Fifth place, Nangong Qingyuan!"

Nangong Qingyuan?

Fifth place?

This name surprised many people.

He and Nangong Qingyuan had the same idea. Everyone thought that this result would come from Ye Xiaochen or Mo Xiaohu.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Nangong Qingyuan's.

Didn't she say that she got 995 points in the exam?

Why is it only nine hundred and ninety-nine?

The most shocked person was Nangong Qingyuan himself.

She couldn't believe her ears.

After being stunned for a while, she suddenly sat up from her seat and interrupted Elder Gu.

"Wait a minute, how could I only have nine hundred and ninety-nine! Did you make a mistake?!"

She shouted loudly, her voice sharp.

Elder Gu looked at her and explained: "Nangong Qingyuan, don't get excited. Your paper has been confirmed by at least three special instructors and two elders, and there will be no problem. Besides, the top ten papers from Wu Yuan

The director has personally checked it out and there is nothing wrong with it."

"I don't believe it! There's no problem, how come I only have nine hundred and ninety points?"

Elder Gu was very helpless.

There couldn't be anything wrong with the paper, but Nangong Qingyuan had to hold on to it, and there was nothing they could do.

"I want to see the paper."

Ling Xueyao walked towards Elder Gu.

"This..." Elder Gu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wu Shushan, who nodded almost invisible to him.


Elder Gu unfolded the paper, and there were a few red deduction items scattered on it. Among the nearly a thousand questions, they were almost negligible, but very conspicuous.

"Mrs. Nangong, look, here, here, and here, she got the answers wrong. It's not because we corrected the questions wrongly."

"Why are points deducted for this question?"

"This is a subjective question. Three special instructors and two elders all gave deductions ranging from two to four points. We based on the average and finally deducted two points. This is understandable. There are almost no candidates who do not deduct points for subjective questions.


Unless those two little perverts!

He was still guessing who the owner of those two results was before, but now it seems that there is no need to guess.

He already knows.

After Ling Xueyao read the paper, she was speechless.

Nangong Qingyuan's paper indeed only had 990 points. Even if she got back the two points for the subjective questions, she still didn't have 995 points.

"Mom, how are you?"

Nangong Qingyuan looked at Ling Xueyao with red eyes.

Ling Xueyao had no choice but to shake her head at her.

"how so!"

Nangong Qingyuan expressed that she could not accept such results.

With Nangong Qingyuan's lesson learned from the past, Nangong Pushe began to feel a drum in his heart, and he always felt that there seemed to be a problem with his own assessment.

For a time, he became very restless.

[The author has something to say]

Good night~

The fifth day of the first lunar month welcomes the God of Wealth, I hope we all have abundant wealth~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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