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Chapter 590 Earth Dragon Lizard

The black claws are as sharp as daggers.

"What is that?"

Several people huddled together, watching warily at the terrifying monster emerging from the cracks in the ground.


With a loud noise, a black shadow emerged from the cracks in the ground.

It fell to the ground, raising clouds of dust.

When the dust disperses with the wind, the true appearance of the black shadow is revealed.

It has a dragon head and a lizard body, with two standing legs at the back, and the two front limbs are like human hands, but the long claws are frighteningly sharp.

He is more than one foot tall, with a long tail swaying back and forth, and he doesn't look aggressive when his face is expressionless.



When it opened its mouth, it revealed a terrifyingly long, barbed tongue and a row of blood-stained teeth, especially the two fangs, which could easily tear an adult into pieces!

"Earth Dragon Lizard!"

Someone exclaimed, and horror suddenly appeared in his eyes.


"Don't forget the Herbal Heart!"

The gloomy male disciple easily picked off the heart of the herb.

The few of them ran away without saying a word. The earth dragon lizard behind them saw that the heart of the herb was taken away, and roared to the sky, chasing after them.

"We've obviously made a thorough investigation, why did we forget to check the underground?!"

"Who knew this thing could be hiding underground?"


They ran desperately into the valley, and soon discovered that there were three cliffs in front of them, and there was no road at all.

"It's over!"

Turning around and looking at the brutal Earth Dragon Lizard behind them, several people's faces were ashen.

"It turns out that Professor Ye knew about the Earth Dragon Lizard a long time ago. We should have listened to her then!"

At this moment, they finally understood the meaning of Ye Qingran's advice before leaving.

"Don't mention her, I'll get angry if you mention her! Ye Qingran clearly knows that there is this damn earth dragon lizard hidden underground, why don't you just tell her? She just wants to kill us on purpose!"

The female disciple was angry and gritted her teeth.

"That's because what we said went too far!" one male disciple retorted.

The female disciple glared at him, "Is what we said wrong? She obviously wanted to steal our herbal heart, but she only gave up when she saw that we were firm and it would have a bad impact if word spread.

As a special teacher in the academy, or even an Alchemy Emperor, her belly is too small!"

"Stop arguing, our top priority is to get out of danger quickly!" The gloomy-looking male disciple said quietly at this time, "As for Ye Qingran's debt, we will settle it with her after we get out!"

"Yes, we can defeat it if we work together!"

Several people released their auras, showed all their strength, and took the initiative to attack before the Earth Dragon Lizard attacked.

However, they underestimated the strength of the Earth Dragon Lizard. This Earth Dragon Lizard was actually a Beast King. Even if they joined forces, they were no match for it!

"It's over!"

When several people were knocked back and fell to the ground vomiting blood, their hearts were filled with despair.

At the critical moment, a ray of light shot down from the cliff above and hit the earth dragon lizard, making it wail in pain.

However, this attack did not cause much damage to it.


Several people looked up and found that it was still Ye Qingran and his party.

"Jiaoxi Ye, please save us!"

"Don't think too much, I'm here to steal the heart of the herb."

Ye Qingran folded his hands around his chest and spat out leisurely below.

Grab the heart of the herb?

The female disciple had an angry look on her face, "You have all heard it, this is just the kind of person this person is, extremely despicable and shameless!"

Ye Qingran's figure floated down and stood in front of several people, with the violent Earth Dragon Lizard behind him.

"Hand over the heart of the herb and I will save you."

"You are shameless!"

Several people above the valley also looked at each other, wondering where Ye Qingran was acting.

Does she really want to steal the heart of the herb?

"Dangdang Danhuang, it turns out you are this kind of villain who takes advantage of the situation! Ye Qingran, if I can get out, I will definitely expose you!" The female disciple looked at Ye Qingran with eyes full of resentment.


"The heart of the herb, or become its meal, choose one."

The male disciple held the heart of the herb, his face full of reluctance, but life was undoubtedly more important than the heart of the herb.

"Take it!"

The male disciple threw the Heart of Herbs to Ye Qingran, who caught it and put it into Shennong's space.

Well, let’s copy some by the way.

Ye Qingran raised her hand and two of the eight disciples were thrown onto the cliff by her.

"What about us? Ye Qingran, are you going to break your promise and get fat?"

The male and female disciples stared at Ye Qingran, full of disbelief.

"You can think so if you want." As he said that, Ye Qingran took a step, floated up, and returned to the previous cliff.

The earth dragon lizard was originally numb and dizzy after being beaten by Ye Qingran. At this moment, it just recovered. Seeing that there were several fewer people in front of it, it became even more angry and simply vented all its anger.

On both of them.


There was a violent howl, and the air flow was like a strong wind, raising grass flakes and dust.

The next moment, the ground dragon lizard rushed towards the two of them. The injured people were unable to resist the ground dragon lizard and could only choose to wait for death.

"Jiaoxi Ye!"

When several other disciples saw this scene, their hearts trembled.

Although they narrowly escaped death, they didn't want their companions to perish just like that.

Ye Qingran always had a faint smile on his lips, turning a deaf ear to their calls for help.

No one knew what Ye Qingran was thinking.

However, as long as Ye Qingran makes up his mind not to save the two companions below, they will definitely die!

The Earth Dragon Lizard rushed toward the two of them angrily, seeing the sharp fangs and claws that were about to tear them into pieces. At the critical moment, a sword light suddenly lit up, and a beam of light penetrated the void in the blink of an eye...

This chapter has been completed!
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