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Chapter 1,116 People who don’t want to leave

The two of them walked side by side as they went down the mountain.

After walking a few steps, the monk in black suddenly asked: "If he really doesn't want to agree, will you really kill him?"

Chen Chao said: "Since he just wants to live, there is no way he will not agree."

The monk in black did not speak, because that was not what he asked, nor did he want the answer. .??.

Chen Chao smiled and gave the answer, "Yes."

The monk in black frowned and said, "As he said, if you kill him, the entire Buddhist sect will regard Daliang as an enemy."

What he wants to say is that the consequences are too heavy and whether Chen Chao can bear them.

Chen Chao said: "Then destroy Buddhism."

The monk in black didn't say anything, but he was still surprised. He didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so decisive.

"I was very satisfied with what you said in the temple before, but you were just scaring them, but I would really do that."

What the black-clothed monk said before was actually not discussed with Chen Chao in advance. In fact, it was because he could not find Chen Chao now. The young guardian envoy had a heavy burden on him, and he always came and went without a trace.

However, after he took the initiative to come to Luming Temple, what he said was actually in line with Chen Chao's thoughts.

The monk in black said: "Maybe I think the same as them, I don't think you can do this in such a situation."

The fact that he didn't say anything that he dared to do showed that the monk in black also believed that he would do so when the time was right.

Chen Chao smiled and did not continue talking on this topic. Instead, he turned around and said, "It is not a good thing to leave one's post without permission."

The monk in black is an official in a certain place in Daliang. According to the laws of Daliang, if he wants to leave his jurisdiction, he needs an official document from the Ministry of Personnel.

Speaking of this, it was hard for Chen Chao not to remember that when he was in Tianqing County, he refused to leave even though he was in such a bad situation and taught others to take advantage of him.

The black-clothed monk smiled and said: "There is a document coming from the capital of gods, asking me to go to the capital of gods to be an official. I am just on my way to the appointment."

Chen Chao smiled and said nothing.

That was naturally his handiwork. Although the Divine City was suppressed by him, it was actually still unstable. Chen Chao thought about it. In the Divine Capital, the courtiers in the court could really use it. Now only

Mi Ke, but Mi Ke can be a pawn, and sitting in the center is still a bit uninteresting, so Chen Chaocai thought of the monk in black and let him enter the city in advance, not to mention presiding over the overall situation, at least to control the situation.

The black-clothed monk said: "The imperial capital cannot move south. This is a very simple truth. If this place moves, the morale of the soldiers in the north will lose. The current situation is only supported by morale. Once the morale is gone, what will happen next?"

There is no need to fight the battle."

Chen Chao glanced at Luming Temple in the distance and said with emotion: "Yes, the truth is that simple, but at this moment, everyone will not think about the best way to do things, but only think about how to do it."

You have to do it to be safe.”

The monk in black nodded. The preservation here is not just for himself, but also for the world and this dynasty. But if there is no

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If you think about winning, you probably won't be able to do anything about preservation.

As the saying goes, if you turn your gaze to the sun and moon, you will still be lost among the stars. If you turn your gaze to the stars, you may only be able to find your home in the treetops.

That's the truth.

"Many people still think that because my surname is Chen, what I seek is the continuation of the Liang Dynasty."

Chen Chao suddenly spoke. At this moment, they had walked somewhere behind Luming Temple. They were standing on a stone and looking at the temple in front of them. Chen Chao's eyes were a little tired.

The monk in black said: "Everyone will think so."

Chen Chao was silent for a while and then said: "Actually, neither Your Majesty nor I put the continuation of the Liang Dynasty first. If the people want to live a good life, then whoever is sitting on that chair will not give top priority.

Your surname is Chen, it doesn’t matter.”

Living well is probably not that simple.

The monk in black said: "I will try my best to stabilize the situation and prevent them from affecting the north."

Chen Chao glanced at the black-clothed monk and said, "Things like arms, baggage, food and fodder are very troublesome."

"When His Majesty started the army, the seniors did an excellent job in doing these things. Although I am young, I should not be too bad."

The monk in black looked at Chen Chao calmly.

Chen Chao smiled and said: "It seems to be a very similar story, but it is actually different."

"Actually, they are all the same, because they are all working hard for the betterment of the people."

The monk in black joked: "The only difference is probably the ending after doing this."

When His Majesty the Emperor raised an army and succeeded, he became the Emperor of Liang, and the black-robed monk also became the national advisor. But now, even if the black-robed monk becomes the imperial advisor, Chen Chao will not become the new emperor.

Chen Chao said: "It's a little different, but it's okay."

After saying this, he left.

His figure disappeared on the spot. Although he didn't know where he went, he probably went all the way north, to the Great Wall in the north.

The monk in black didn't pay attention to what Chen Chao said after that. He had already guessed the result.

After going to Shendu this time, he will become the new national preceptor of Daliang.

The National Preceptor is not an official position, so whether he can speak effectively and make people fear him is a test for the National Preceptor himself.

But I think the black-robed monk in front of me can do these two words well.

Going north, you can naturally see a lot of things. There are carriages from various states and counties. Those carriages are not all from the court, most of them are private things. They carry all kinds of things to the north, but they are not going directly to

The border of New Liuzhou, go to the front border with the demon clan, but go to

City of Gods.

In the capital of the gods, these things would be received by a certain yamen of the imperial court, and then exchanged for things that could be used by the soldiers in the north before being transported to the north.

Among these carriages, there were many carriages pulling loads of cloth.

Seeing the monogram on this carriage, many people recognized it as the carriage from Hu Ji Dyeing House in the south.

Hu Ji Dyeing House is the largest dyeing house in the south. It is Hu's industry and almost everyone in the south does not know about it.

"Mr. Hu has earned so much money, so why not just give him some rags?"

Looking at those big cars, someone on the roadside spoke with some disdain in their tone.

The groom who was driving the car heard this but ignored it and just drove silently. The Hu family guard who was responsible for guarding turned his head and looked at the man with a chill in his eyes.

"Why, am I wrong? Mr. Hu only knows how to make money. When the country is in such crisis, he doesn't know how to help. What a profiteer!"

The man spat, his face full of disdain.

Listening to his words, many people on the roadside joined the crusade.

The crusade seems to have come very unreasonably and continues unreasonably.

Suddenly it rained, and soon the road became muddy, which made the carriage move very slowly, so it was even more necessary to listen to these unpleasant words.

The groom probably didn't have any ideas, but those guards seemed a little angry at the moment, but seeing that the people on the roadside were ordinary people, it was hard to do anything.

So they all seemed very aggrieved.

On a low mountain not far away, there was a young man standing on the top of the mountain, stepping on the soil under his feet, listening to those harsh words, and was very silent.

A woman not far away asked: "Looking at this, don't you feel sad?"

The young man did not turn around, but asked in confusion: "Why are you sad?"

"There are people like this among the people you protect. How can you remain calm after hearing such words? Do you still feel sad?"

The woman spoke slowly, but there was no emotion in her voice.

The young man smiled and said: "What you see are the people on the roadside, and what I see are the carriages heading north."

The woman frowned, then turned to ask: "It's so difficult in the north now, what are you doing here?"

The young man smiled and said: "Actually, I would like to ask Fairy Li Tang, why are you walking around if you don't ask Yueshan to stay?"

The woman is no one else, but Fairy Li Tang, who is very famous in the North. During the war in the north, countless people from Qing Yue Mountain have gone to the north. There are not many monks in Qing Yue Mountain now. Fairy Li Tang probably feels that in her heart

I was a little bored, so I left the Northland and wanted to walk around.

"I want to know if it's worth it, and why you want to do it."

Litang bluntly said that this was indeed something that had been bothering her these days. Looking at Qing Yueshan,

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

The monks left one by one, and she was a little confused.

The young man said nothing.

At this time, on the official road at the foot of the mountain, the people who were still cursing could no longer say anything, because another group of people with a larger number had already started fighting with them.

The people were beating and cursing: "Even if Mrs. Hu only took some cloth, it would be much better than you guys who did nothing!"

"What's more, are they just some fabrics? All the dyehouses in Hu Ji are weaving overnight. They are providing winter clothing materials for the soldiers in the north!"

"What are you talking to these bastards about? Just beat them up. These idiots usually like to talk bad about the imperial court, and now they are talking like this. I think they must be spies of the demon clan!"

As curses rang out one after another, the people's fists kept waving, and soon the group of people who made the sarcastic remarks were beaten and fled away.

Of course, those people couldn't be spies of the demon clan, but it was obvious that those who said these words at this moment were certainly not good people.

The young man asked: "Do you understand?"

Li Tang asked: "Is the imperial court taking action behind the scenes?"

The young man shook his head and did not answer the question. He just said: "I feel a little tired, so I just came to see them."

Li Tang frowned, not knowing what to say, or maybe she didn't understand anything.

The young man said: "I saw a small sect yesterday. There were only about a hundred people in total, and they all went north."

Li Tang wondered: "Don't they know that the north is now a bottomless pit, and if you go there, you will die?"

"What don't you know?"

The young man said: "You still go if you know it, don't you understand?"

Litang said nothing.

The young man laughed heartily, "Then you can probably tell by looking at the people who beat people."

Just as he finished speaking, a few more streaks of light passed by the horizon. They were monks, rushing to the north at the moment.

"I heard that some places have been lost. It seems that we will lose at any time."

Li Tang looked at the young man in front of him who could almost determine the trend of the world. He wanted to get an accurate answer from his mouth, but after thinking about it, he shook his head. It was probably impossible to get it.

"Of course you may lose at any time, so you can't slack off every day and make every decision carefully."

Chen Chao sighed: "If it wasn't so difficult, why would I be running around and being hated by so many people? Sometimes I would feel a chill behind my back."

Li Tang still had many questions to ask, but in the end he thought about them for a long time and held them back.

In the end, she just looked at the young man in front of her, frowning again, feeling speechless.

"Okay, now that I've finished reading, it's time to go."

Chen Chao raised his head, "Actually, every time I come back, I feel a little reluctant to leave."

This chapter has been completed!
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