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Chapter 1,153 Autumn in the wind and snow and father and daughter

"I can actually tell you the truth, I actually don't have much confidence."

In the wind and snow, two women stood on the snow hill and talked a lot.

Xilu looked at Xie Nandu and said, "It's not because he is my father."

Xie Nandu looked at the demon princess in front of him and said calmly: "Of course it's because you are very close to him, so you have experienced his power for countless years, and you still lack the courage to defeat him."

"There are not many people in this world who think they can defeat him. If anyone thinks so, then it must be because he is far enough away, just like that idiot Bai Jing."

Xilu was very calm when she spoke and did not show any fear, but Xie Nandu could feel her uneasiness and lack of confidence.

When she talked about Bai Jing, Xie Nandu said, "He should be dead now, but he is indeed an idiot."

Xilu knew that Xie Nandu could not know the news from the outside, but he was still a little surprised.

"He always has something to do when he comes to the Demon Realm. What's more, he will be very useful if he dies."

Xie Nandu thought for a while and said, "But the chaos over the Demon Sea has little to do with the overall situation."

Xilu glanced at Xie Nandu, brought the topic back, and said, "How can I have confidence?"

She was asking Xie Nandu a question that was probably difficult to answer.

Xie Nandu didn't seem to be embarrassed, and just said: "Before asking this question, you should face your heart. It's not that you don't have confidence, you are a little scared, or fearful."

Xilu has always been one of the most proud people in the Monster Clan. She is afraid of such emotions, as if she should not appear in her body no matter what.

But when Xie Nandu said this, Xilu did not refute. After being silent for a while, she admitted the matter, "I am indeed a little scared, no, I am a little scared."

Everyone will have such emotions, but the things and types they fear are different. For example, in Xilu, most things in the world may not scare her, but it is difficult for the Demon Emperor to make her not scared.

"Ever since I can remember, he has been the strongest person. No one can defeat him. He always sits on that chair, like the highest mountain. It seems that he has spent his entire life unable to read it."

That was the feeling that the Demon Emperor gave her. In fact, it was not just the feeling that the Demon Emperor gave her, but the feeling that the Demon Emperor gave to everyone in the world. However, she was the closest, so she felt it most clearly and clearly.

"But before he became that mountain, he was just a human. Sorry, maybe I should say he was a monster. At that time, he was just an ordinary monster."

Xie Nandu looked at Xilu and spoke slowly. She might need to solve Xilu's problems, otherwise the outcome of this battle might have been decided before it even started.

This is not what Xie Nandu wants.

"I was not born when he was an ordinary demon, and he will not be an ordinary demon now, so what you said is meaningless."

Xie Nandu looked at Xilu, thought for a while, and said, "Even if he is a mountain now, this mountain is not that scary. Didn't you see that he once faced that mountain and did not die in the end?"

Xilu naturally knew that what Xie Nandu said was about the Demon Emperor rushing back to the Demon Realm after the Chen Dynasty broke through.

"He didn't lose because the two sides couldn't decide whether to live or die in the end."

Xilu said so.

"Earlier, in Mobei, Your Majesty fought with him, and Your Majesty won. He hid in Mobei for a long time."

Xie Nandu didn't know the inside story of that battle, but she needed this result, so she said so, because otherwise, there would be no way to give Xilu confidence.

There is some silence in Xilu. The Demon Emperor has been hiding in Mobei for a long time. This is indeed a fact.

"He actually lost before."

Xilu felt a little emotional.

It was all her own speculation before, but now it has become a fact. This makes her feel different. Before today, she had never received any news that the Demon Emperor had lost.

She felt a little confident.

Xie Nandu said: "Even if he is the strongest in the world, as long as there are enough people standing opposite him, they will naturally lose and die. You are not facing him alone, what do you have to be afraid of?"

Xi Lu said nothing, but everyone knew that although these words could make her feel better, the Demon Emperor was like a dark cloud, still floating above her head and in her heart.

"There's always revenge."

Xie Nandu said: "The demon clan is very powerful, and we are weak, but every time I think about defeating you, I don't feel very scared, just very excited. The demon emperor is your enemy, in fact, your thoughts should

Just like me."

"Also, no matter who of you wins, I will die here. I am destined to die, and I don't feel afraid."

Xie Nandu felt a little tired of looking at the snow and wind in the sky.

When I was in Bailu Prefecture, there might only be one snowfall every two or three years. As for heavy snowfall, if you were lucky, you might get one every three to five years, but if you were unlucky, you might not see it in ten or eight years.

Occasionally there is a heavy snowfall, and good-tempered masters will ask the students in the school to put down their books temporarily and go out to have a snowball fight.

So they were still looking forward to heavy snow at that time.

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After arriving in the divine capital, it snowed every year. Later, when we came to the north, it snowed heavily. It seemed like it was completely white all year round. The things we had longed for were now easily available, so we no longer cherished them.

When Xie Nandu was wandering in the sky, Xilu had actually been looking at her. After she came back to her senses, Xilu asked: "You are about to die. Is there anything else you want to say?"

There is no other meaning in these words, only the most sincere curiosity.

Xie Nandu said: "I actually want to have a barbecue before I die. I remember that year when it snowed heavily, in that small courtyard, he leaned on a pillar with a lot of paint peeling off and baked one for me."

Tianqing County is a remote county in Daliang and Weizhou. If it hadn't been for that heavy snow, that blood demon, and that boy, then she would probably never have many memories of that county.

Xilu is a little silent, and some memories are not worth mentioning in the eyes of most people. No one cares about the so-called roasting. After all, it is not a cherished thing.

But there was some envy in Xilu's eyes. Although it was very faint, it was real.

"I got the news that he has returned to the south, but he has fallen into a hard fight and has no way to get out. He can't come here to roast you."

After all, Xilu's words still contained a hint of jealousy.

Xie Nandu didn't take it seriously and just said: "If he comes, it won't be a matter of roasting."

"Actually, I still have a question. Did you do these things to make him listen to you, or did you lie to him?"

In the past, whether Xie Nandu was facing Xilu or Hongxiu, what she said was always what Chen Chao wanted to hear. But after Xilu thought about it carefully, he probably felt that Chen Chao would not be the kind of person who would listen to what others said.

That's what kind of person.

Even if that person was Xie Nandu, when she told Chen Chao that she was going to die, Chen Chao would definitely not agree. How could he accept it?

"Do you think that as the guardian of the Liang Dynasty, he would give up the outcome of the entire war because of one person's life at such a critical time? He is not that sure."

Xie Nandu smiled.

"This is not something that cannot be explained clearly."

Xilu said: "No one will be the kind of person who only knows right and wrong. Just like the people of your human race, even if they plant crops and consider how to get the best harvest, they certainly don't necessarily know how to get the best harvest in the process.

They are all trying their best, and there are always times when they take a nap, and sometimes they may even set a fire and burn the crops they planted."

Xie Nandu shook his head and said: "Your metaphor is not very appropriate, but I did lie to him and go back. He is indeed not the kind of person who can completely calm down. But now, once he goes back, it is useless to think about it, because he has already

There is nothing we can do."

"So you just take away the choice from him."

Xi Lu smiled and said: "So you also know that when he can make a choice, he may have to choose the path you don't want him to choose."

Xie Nandu did not answer the question, but simply said: "If you choose that way, you will become a sinner."

"Maybe he doesn't care about being a so-called sinner."

"But I don't want him to be a sinner."

"Then you are actually trapping him with what you want to do, and you have not thought about what he wants."

"Yes, I won't refute."

"In this way, can you also say that you like him?"

"Then...what do you think is like?"

"Of course he can do whatever he wants, as he pleases."

"Even if everyone says it's wrong, even if he will die because of it?"

"That should be his own choice, and he is happy because of it."

"If he were an ordinary person, I would treat him like this."

"You're still looking at him the way you think. Maybe he just wants to be an ordinary person?"

"He really just wanted to be an ordinary person, but it's a pity that fate brought him here."

At this point, Xilu thought about what Xie Nandu said and suddenly shook his head and said: "Fate cannot take people in any direction."

Xie Nandu looked at her, "Really?"

Xi Lu said calmly: "If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. If you have to do it, you can't resist, and you still can't die?"

From liking to talking about destiny, this may be a bit of a gap, but Xilu probably truly eliminated his fear in this process.

She calmly concluded: "If there is a destiny, then it is only in your own hands."

Hearing these words, before Xie Nandu had time to answer anything, the wind and snow in the distance suddenly became stronger, and the whole world was filled with the sound of wind and snow at this moment.


Xie Nandu frowned slightly. In an instant, she couldn't stand still. She felt that the snow hills under her feet were collapsing, but she couldn't move and could only collapse with the snow hills.

Xi Lu silently walked to Xie Nandu, and then the avalanche stopped.

That terrifying breath also

It is temporarily dissipated at this moment.

The next moment, both of them saw a figure appearing in the wind and snow in the distance.

The figure was wearing an imperial robe and walking slowly in the wind and snow, but it was getting closer and closer.

Xilu remained silent, but suddenly several demonic auras appeared around him, and they rushed towards the demon emperor in an instant. Those auras were strong and weak, but none of them could surpass Wangyou's strong man, the most powerful,

It's just the end of forgetfulness.

At this moment, Wangyou's existence has actually become useless in this battle.

There was a time when they were the most powerful beings in the world.

Xie Nandu felt those auras and asked, "Is it useful?"

Xilu said: "I don't think you should ask such a question. Even if you ask him to raise his hand one more time and consume a little more demonic energy, it will be useful."

Before the Demon Emperor came here, he had already fought with a group of Fuyun demons. He naturally consumed a lot, but for Xilu, he could consume some more.

Only the weaker he is, the greater her chance of winning will be.

Even if the price is the death of those who are loyal to them.

They are actually willing to accept this ending.

Xie Nandu looked at Xilu and remained silent.

I don't know how long it took, but it probably didn't take long.

The movement in the wind and snow just dissipated, and everything became calm over there. Even the sound of the wind and snow disappeared.

There was only the sound of the man's footsteps moving forward.

The originally extremely subtle voice seemed extremely harsh at the moment. Xilu frowned and did not speak, but just walked down the snow hill.

Xie Nandu, who was behind her, also walked down.

So the two women met the Lord of Demons, the most powerful man in the world.

The Demon Emperor looked at Xilu, and naturally also looked at Xie Nandu. The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, who had just experienced a bloody battle, stood under a cedar tree and finally said, "Not bad."

No one thought that this demon emperor left the royal city, had a bloody battle with the Fuyun demons in the Onan River, and finally came in front of his own daughter, who could be said to have put him in such a situation.

, but without any anger, he said these two words.


This can be heard both from the words themselves and from his tone. It is truly a compliment.

He said Xilu was good.

But Xilu didn't know what to say.

"I have had so many children in my life, but since the beginning of your birth, I have known that you will be my best child, and this boundless demon realm will one day be yours."

The Demon Emperor spoke slowly. He didn't seem to care about anything Xi Lu did. At this moment, there was still no hint of anger in his tone.

"But you killed my mother."

Xilu finally spoke, but it was a very abrupt sentence.

The Demon Emperor knew what she was expressing, but he didn't care very much. He just said: "Since you want to become the master of this demon realm in the future, then she must die."

There are some reasons here that belong exclusively to the Demon Emperor. He didn't explain it, he just said the result.

Xilu said: "But she is my mother."

The Demon Emperor ignored what she said and just said: "You are outstanding enough and fully meet my expectations, but you are a little beyond my expectations."

"Of course, that's because you are my daughter, so it's nothing to do this."

The Demon Emperor looked at her calmly, and finally there was some anger in his eyes, "It's just that you clearly know that I don't want you to take this step forward, and you also know when you should take this step, but you are still like this


Xilu listened to what the Demon Emperor said and thought about the young man in the wine shop. Of course there were many things going on here, but there was no point in talking about them at the moment.

"What makes me most angry is that you are already joining forces with the human race in order to kill me."

The Demon Emperor stood under the cedar tree, like an angry old father accusing his daughter. He seemed to be deeply hurt at this moment.

Xilu looked at him and suddenly laughed, but his voice was full of sarcasm.

"Father, it turns out that there are times when you are reluctant to let go."

Xilu suddenly understood everything the Demon Emperor said. She was so close to her father, and even closer in the past years, but she had never actually understood the Demon Emperor. But at this moment, she understood everything.

He was a little reluctant to kill himself.

No matter what time, the Demon Emperor is not the person who likes to chatter, killing his own children is not the first time he has done it, but he never talks nonsense. The reason why he talks so much now, and the reason why he looks so-called angry, is actually

I can't bear it.

What he was reluctant to bear was not killing his own daughter, but Xilu.

This seems to be a very contradictory statement, because Xilu is his daughter.

But if you think about it carefully, you can actually understand the difference. He just regarded Xilu as the most proud work of his life.

Now that he wants to destroy his most proud work with his own hands, he will naturally feel a little reluctant to part with it.

Like the Demon Emperor

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People who stand too high and live too long will naturally become tired of countless things, but cultivating Xilu to where it is now is naturally an interesting thing.

In the end, this interesting thing turned out like this. It is impossible to say that the Demon Emperor didn't care at all.

So he said something, wanted to hide something, wanted to vent something, but in the end, Xi Lu pointed him out.

The Demon Emperor did not refute, because this was the truth.

He was no longer angry, but there was some appreciation in his eyes. He probably felt that Xilu was actually very good now, which at least proved that his work was better than any other work in the world.

But the next moment, all the emotions were wiped away by him. There was no emotion in his eyes anymore. Instead, they were like a bottomless well, with only nothingness.

Since he has created such a work, the work should look the way he wants it to, and should not look any other way.

If one day, his work no longer looks like what he wants, then he will destroy it.

The Demon Emperor is like the best craftsman, but also the most paranoid craftsman. No one can convince him, no one can change him, and no one can even...stop him.

Xi Lu didn't speak, but silently pulled out the hairpin from his hair. The hairpin slowly changed, and finally turned into a slender flying sword.

The blade of the sword is long and slender.

The Demon Clan has been practicing swordsmanship for thousands of years, and in the Western Continent in front of them, they have really become a great swordsman.

Feeling the sword intent that flowed out inadvertently, the Demon Emperor didn't care, and just said: "The moment I left the royal city, I knew that you and Hongxiu had laid a plan for me. It was quite reluctant, but I never stopped it from the beginning to the end.

I didn’t think much about it, because all the situations actually don’t have much meaning. As long as you are strong enough, you won’t be trapped by any situation.”

Xilu said: "Father, you are too conceited."

The Demon Emperor laughed when he heard this, "I am invincible, why should I be conceited?"

Xilu thought for a moment and said, "This may be your only weakness."

Before the words could even be heard, sword energy began to fill the space between heaven and earth. Every snowflake seemed to have a touch of sword energy at this moment.

In the wind and snow farther away, the wind and snow kept drifting, and finally formed countless flying swords condensed from the wind and snow.

Xilu was holding the flying sword called Louwaiqiu. In the wind and snow, her clothes were blown by the wind. The flying sword seemed a little out of place at this time of year.

She was no longer afraid, but she was still a little nervous, not because the person she wanted to kill was her father, but because he was too powerful.

At this moment, Xilu suddenly glanced at the sword in her hand, thinking that the sword energy was attracted by Chen Chao and entered the flying sword, and then she embarked on the path of sword cultivation.

Now think about it, at that time, did Chen Chao think that one day there would be such a battle?

Xilu didn't know, whether it was there or not, it didn't make sense at the moment.

The Demon Emperor felt the sword energy filling the sky, feeling the sharp meaning hidden in the wind and snow.

He has fought against both men and women who are best at using swords in the world, and he can naturally feel that the sword energy in Xilu is much inferior to them at the moment, but he is thinking about other things at the moment.

Although he had experienced a great battle, and although he was no longer at his peak, he still had no intention of taking action first.

He wanted to see first how far his work had come.

If it's high enough, then he'll probably be a little happy.

The world is full of boring things, but this thing is very interesting.

Xilu didn't know that what she thought was a life-and-death fight was just a big test in the Demon Emperor's eyes. She was just carefully adjusting the flow of all the breath in her body. She wanted to adjust herself to the best time.

Only then can we win this battle.

What she wants is not victory, but survival.

Since you want to live, the person opposite you must die.

After taking a deep breath, Xilu had adjusted her condition to the best in her life, and then she drew her sword.

The autumn outside the building brings an untimely autumn feeling in this wind and snow season, blooming in the wind and snow.

Autumn often also represents sadness.

Most of the time, this touch of autumn is actually brought by Xilu to her opponents. Even if today's opponent is so strong, she still wants to bring it to him.

The Demon Emperor felt those invisible sword intentions rushing toward him at extremely fast speeds around him.

Then there were several dull sounds all around.

It was like someone put the sledgehammer in their hand on the ground.

These sounds started very suddenly and disappeared very suddenly.

But those invisible sword intentions had lost their trajectory at this moment and began to be forced to go in other directions.

Xi Lu remained silent, but moved forward and really extended his sword.

Thus, the fight between father and daughter officially began.

This chapter has been completed!
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