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Chapter 14 Identity

 "In the Xuanming Mine in Tianqing County, many mines have collapsed and many people have died."

Commissioner Li stared at Chen Chao and asked, "Do you know what this means?"

Just listening to Commander Li's words, Chen Chao thought of Lin Cheng, whom he had just met, and frowned. It turned out that the matter was far from as simple as he said. He did not tell Chen Chao about the dangers involved, presumably because he didn't want to let anyone know. He is worried.

"Aren't there officials from the Ministry of Industry sent by the imperial court at that mine?" ??

Chen Chao did not answer the questions raised by Commander Li. Since he was destined to be involved, getting as much useful information as possible was what he should do.

Mine collapse is actually a common occurrence for stone mines. There are numerous large and small stone mines in Daliang Dynasty. Such things happen almost every day. In order to prevent the miners who mine ore from dying in mining accidents, Daliang In fact, the government has done a lot of things. The most obvious thing is that for every mine, there must be an official from the Ministry of Industry in charge. After systematic study, these officials can accurately judge the depth of each mine. Once it reaches If the mine can bear the maximum capacity, they will immediately ask to stop mining.

With these officials here, although mine collapses will still happen, the mortality rate has been greatly reduced.

Therefore, in the Xuanming Stone Mine in Tianqing County, even if the officials of the Ministry of Industry made a mistake in judgment and caused one or two mine tunnels to unexpectedly collapse, they should have ordered a timely stop of mining after one or two similar incidents occurred.

Sheriff Li nodded, satisfied with Chen Chao's question at this moment. Since he wanted to investigate the stone mine, he needed someone who understood, not a fool.

"After the mine collapsed for no reason at first, officials from the Ministry of Industry had already taken measures. However, after some exploration, no problems were found. In addition, the imperial court's demand for Xuan Ming Stone was not small, so they had to let it go again. The workers were mining. Until a few days ago, several stone mines collapsed overnight, and many workers died in the mines. The mines chose to stop mining, but the reason for the collapse of the mines must be Find out..." Sheriff Li kept passing on the information he knew to Chen Chao.

But Chen Chao always felt that there was something wrong.

"I have a question."

Chen Chao glanced at the envoy Li Zhen and stopped him from speaking, so he took the initiative to ask, "It goes without saying how precious the Xuanming Stone mined from the Xuanming Stone Mine is. The imperial court takes away thousands of kilograms of Xuanming Stone from this mine every year." , such important things should be well protected by powerful monks, even if it is not for the lives of those civilians, but also for the safe transportation of those Xuan Ming Stones to Weizhou Mansion, or even the Divine Capital."

Towns in the same county

Compared with guardians, the selection of people responsible for guarding a mine, whether they are monks or not, must be much more stringent. Whether in terms of number or ability, they are probably much stronger than ordinary county or town guardians.

Even if there is a monster that covets it, just kill it. In other words, if they can't handle the matter, can the guardian envoy here be able to do it?

If this is the case, why does he need to go investigate now?

Commissioner Li is a smart man, so naturally Chen Chao can know his series of doubts without asking Chen Chao about these things.

"You're right. It's such a big deal that you don't need to worry about it on weekdays." Governor Li felt a little melancholy. "It's not the turn of us guardians to get involved in this kind of thing."

Sheriff Li sighed, looking worried.

"Sir, please tell me the important points." Chen Chao gritted his teeth. He hated this kind of guy who spoke half-speech the most in his life.

Sheriff Li looked at him and smiled, then finally spoke slowly, "The Xuanming Stone Mine has been mined for a long time. After exploration, officials from the Ministry of Industry have already determined that it can be mined for at most one year, so at the beginning of the year

At that time, it had entered the final mining period. After the mine collapsed a few days ago, the strong men stationed there had escorted the last batch of Xuan Mingshi away. These days, officials from the Ministry of Industry will also evacuate. Even if it is not

If something like this happens, that stone mine will become a waste mine after this winter."

"So now, it is the time when the imperial court needs us... to be precise, it is the time when it needs you." Sheriff Li smiled and said, "After finding out the reason, I will ask for credit for you."

Chen Chao frowned. This kind of thing always seemed weird. The man in front of him obviously didn't say something clearly.

Commissioner Li patted Chen Chao's shoulder and said with a smile, "Not many people know about this yet. These days, the quarry over there will take the remaining civilians to the new mine. You don't have to rush there. You can still go there."

Someone will be with you, and when they come, you can go together."

Chen Chao remained silent.

A mine collapse occurred and many civilians died. The officials who were supposed to find out the cause of the mine collapse went straight to a new mine and left the investigation to themselves.

And even if you leave it to yourself, you don't have to worry?

Is this an attitude of wanting to know the truth?

The water inside is probably not shallow.

And besides yourself, is there anyone else?

"Don't worry too much. Just go investigate and report the results. There won't be any problems." Sheriff Li looked at Chen Chao with a smile.

no problem?

No problem, will you come to see me in person?

Chen Chao didn't believe it.

Even the dogs won’t believe it!

After a moment of silence, the emotions on Chen Chao's face gradually changed.

"My lord said before that we should protect the people of Daliang, but I only want to be comfortable. I am really ashamed. I have thought clearly now. Please transfer my lord to the place with the most monsters, so that my lord can guard the land and bring peace to the people."


Chen Chao looked sincere, and the previous scene was replayed here.


Guard Li looked at Chen Chao and was speechless, "This is the first time I have seen you so shameless and upright."

"They are all cultivated by adults." Chen Chaocai didn't care what he said. In troubled times, the first thing to do is to save his life, and then to prevent himself from getting into unreasonable troubles.


"There's nothing to discuss about this matter. Do you think you can bargain for the food you buy at the market?" Sheriff Li sneered.

Then he calmed down a bit, looked at Chen Chao with his eyes, and said meaningfully, "You are a smart man, do you know what to do?"

Chen Chao cupped his hands and stopped struggling.

His face looked a little depressed, as if he had resigned himself to his fate.

Commander Li was very satisfied and suddenly said, "Don't worry, I won't harm you."

Chen Chao opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say to this immediate boss whom he met for the first time.

After a long silence, Chen Chaocai said softly, "Thank you so much, sir."

Sheriff Li glanced at Chen Chao and smiled without saying a word.

After saying these words, Sheriff Li walked out of the county government hall and disappeared into the wind and snow.

Chen Chao sighed and followed him out of the lobby, meeting Xie Nandu who had been waiting here at the gate of the county government office.

The two of them looked at each other and were about to leave when they saw the little official who had left before. He was panting towards the county government office. When he came to the door and saw Chen Chao, he was overjoyed and said, "Mr.


He was breathing heavily and could no longer speak.

What's coming.

Chen Chao glanced at him, smiled and said, "I understand."

This matter is over, how can he not know?

After leaving the county government office, Sheriff Li came to an alley. I don’t know when a carriage stopped here. The carriage was piled with snow. It seemed that it had been parked here for some time. Sheriff Li came to the carriage.

, said with some respect, "Sir, the delivery has been completed."

After saying this, Commissioner Li did not dare to say another word. He just stood by the carriage and waited quietly for the next sentence.


Not long after, a lazy voice came from the carriage, "How about that young man? Can he become something big?"

Listening to the voice, I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"It seems that he is a little calm. He is not stupid. He just seems a little timid and unwilling to get involved in right and wrong. I don't know if he will do anything bad when the time comes."

Sheriff Li recalled that when he dealt with Chen Chao before, the boy looked different before and after.

He was silent for a moment and asked tentatively, "I don't know why you need to find a low-level guardian envoy for such an important matter?"

As soon as Governor Li asked this question, he regretted it a little.

Sure enough, there was just an indifferent voice coming from the carriage, "You just need to do your business, and there is no need to ask about anything else."

But not long after, the man in the car seemed to be unable to bear it, and said softly, "He has his own city. Otherwise, based on his achievements in the past few years, no matter how hard you suppress him, he can take your seat."

"In a county town, there are almost no traces of monsters within a radius of dozens of miles. Where can you see this kind of scene in Daliang Dynasty?"

The owner of that voice was obviously curious, "He's just a boy, but he's not just a boy. It's really unbelievable."

"By the way, you really can't find any problems in his file?"

Governor Li smiled bitterly and said, "It is true that I bought the post of Governor, but the family that paid for it didn't have any clues and did it very cleanly."

"It's already expected. Maybe even his name is fake."

Guard Li nodded subconsciously, otherwise they wouldn't have no clues.

For a moment, neither of them spoke, and everything between heaven and earth was very quiet.

A moment later, another voice came from the carriage, "I hope that boy is really not stupid."

This chapter has been completed!
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