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Chapter 290 His Majesty the Emperor

(12,000 long chapters)

A demon tribe stands quietly on the Mobei Plain. Perhaps the demon tribe knows the customs of the human race and likes them, or they simply want to mock the human race. In short, they all hang wind chimes in front of their tents.

, usually, when the wind blows, there will be the sound of wind chimes.

It's windy in Mobei, so the wind chimes rang again today, and the demons in the tribe didn't think it was anything special.

But a moment later, a demon clan walked out of the tent, accidentally raised his head and looked into the distance, and found a huge wave blowing from the north. The demon clan's face suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily: "Quickly go!"

The huge wave was at the end of his sight, like a torrential flood, constantly advancing forward. The terrifying aura was advancing here layer by layer, but what made people feel strange was that when the terrifying wave was advancing, it was not expected.

The weeds among them were crushed, but the weeds were just suppressed and unable to lift their heads.

The monster clan screamed and turned into their original shape and ran towards the distance. Their residence was torn apart in front of this terrifying air wave. Nothing could last for a moment before it was turned into powder. Everything in the world was turned into powder.

, except for the grass, this is the case.

On the vast Mobei Plain, there are countless demon tribes, and there are countless demon tribes. When the vast air wave continues to advance on this vast plain, countless demon tribes begin to run, and there is no one.

The demon clan will have the idea of ​​resistance when facing this air wave, because the terrifying air wave carries not only the terror of the breath of death, but also two powerful wills, one of which they are extremely familiar with and belongs to the demon emperor.

, the other one is a bit unfamiliar, but the two wills are actually the same, both are extremely terrifying and irresistible.

The monsters ran hard in the grassland. Some monsters ran for a long time, and finally gradually lost their strength. They were overtaken by the terrifying wave of air, and then they could only sit on the ground with fear on their faces.

As soon as the air wave passed by, the demon clan was instantly crushed and turned into a blood mist that dissipated between the sky and the earth.

There was no flesh and blood, no bones, all these things were crushed.

This wave of energy gave no one any chance to resist.

Feeling the terrifying aura moving forward behind you, no one can be calm. However, more and more demon clans are unable to survive, so the blood mist becomes more and more. The entire Mobei Plain can be seen at this moment.

There is a strange scene everywhere, that is, between heaven and earth, there is blood mist everywhere, floating on the plain, it is very strange.

In the southeast of the Mobei Plain, countless demon clans were running around. Two tiger demons had been running for too long. The breath in their bodies gradually ran out and they could no longer run. The male tiger glanced at the female tiger beside him, then turned and looked behind him. At this moment

The air wave was already less than a few feet away from them. The male tiger knew that he would never have a chance to leave. With a sudden change of heart, he suddenly pushed his claws on the female tiger and pushed the female tiger away by several tens of feet. Only then did he feel nostalgic.

He glanced at the tigress and chose to stop.

The tigress roared angrily, with some emotion in her voice, but she did not stop and continued running, her hooves flying like flying, and her speed was extremely fast.

The male tiger faced the terrifying air wave, and its tiger hair was blown tightly close to its body. It had already developed endless courage, but when it really faced this terrifying air wave, it came from the depths of its soul.

The fear still made it kneel down. Faced with the biggest choice between life and death, it could not think of any resistance. It could only surrender and kneel down.

I originally thought that this was it, that it would die in such humiliation, but no one thought that just after it chose to kneel down and surrender, the air wave passed over it like a breeze, without bringing anything more.

There were so many things, and the breeze just blew past them, and then headed further forward.

The tiger demon raised his head, his face full of astonishment.

It turned its head with lingering fear and watched the wave of air moving forward without knowing what was happening.


it's actually really easy.

What that wave of energy wants is not destruction, but surrender.

To make everything in heaven and earth surrender, this is the way of an emperor!

The meeting and then fighting between two kings was naturally one of the most important events between heaven and earth. The entire Mobei Plain began to shake when the two men tested each other. This vast plain that originally belonged to the human race now belongs to the demon race.

, now the Qi is everywhere, like a huge wave, pushing out layer by layer, some demon tribes that are not far apart, after feeling the huge fluctuations of Qi waves starting to come from the distant horizon, without any hesitation, they start to move their families

, heading further away.

While the demon clan was heading further south, Sword Immortal Liu Banbi was driving his sword to the north. This man in green shirt, who was born in an academy and is now a sword immortal, looked at Mobei indifferently. What would happen if he went deep into Mobei?

Of course, he knew the price. He would most likely die in Mobei, surrounded by a group of great monsters, but he didn't care.

He just went north for a human race he had never met before. Since the other party dared to go deep into Mobei for the human race, why didn't he dare? Even if he was seriously injured now, even if the road ahead was destined to be dangerous.

Standing on the flying sword holding the cicada, Liu Banbi smiled slightly and thought with some emotion that if he must die, he must die facing north.

Facing the south, that is the homeland of the human race; looking to the north, it is the ambition of the human race.

The river has been subjected to countless horrific measures. The two kings stood on both sides of the river bank but never moved. The two men just looked at each other silently, and the grassland was in turmoil. The sun and moon were dim, and the sky and the earth were dimmed.

The two kings looked at each other silently for less than a stick of incense.

The turbulent grassland suddenly calmed down.

Emperor Daliang's robe was originally embroidered with countless gold threads, but now it had cracked a lot, and there was an extra crack on the robe of the demon emperor opposite.

Other than that, there seemed to be no traces on either of them.

It seemed that the battle had started a long time ago, but neither of them had done anything yet, and it seemed that the winner had already been decided not long after it actually started.

"I underestimated you a little."

The demon emperor took the initiative to speak and looked at the gap at the hem of his clothes. As the emperor of the demon clan, the robe on his body was naturally not a mortal thing and could be broken at any point.

Emperor Liang remained silent, but his hair on the temples seemed to be whiter.

The Demon Emperor said calmly: "Perhaps you are the strongest person in the human race."

His voice was very light, but these words were enough to stir up a storm. As the strongest man of the Demon Clan, the Demon Emperor’s words carry great weight. The Emperor of Liang was not even considered the strongest person of the Liang Dynasty before, but now in the Demon Clan,

According to the emperor, he even became the strongest person in the entire human race.

Doesn't that mean that those big figures from outside, such as the master of Chixin Temple, the master of Jian Sect who has not appeared in the world for many years, or the old monk in Luming Temple, are not as good as this one?

Emperor Liang?

Emperor Liang just said calmly: "I really want to see the Onan River."

The Demon Emperor looked at the south and said, "I also want to see that divine city."

After saying this, the two kings almost unanimously stepped into the river.

Feeling the river flowing by his legs, the distance between the two kings was only a few feet.

"I heard that among you human monks, the warrior's body is the toughest. That is your biggest support when facing other monks. Unfortunately, in front of me, your biggest support is actually extremely ridiculous."

The Demon Emperor slowly walked forward and spoke in a slow tone.

It is an indisputable fact that the body of the demon race is inherently tough and stronger than that of a martial artist. Even if the Emperor of Liang has gone very far, he may not be able to gain the upper hand when facing the demon emperor in front of him.

Emperor Liang didn't say anything, but walked some distance and saw a very beautiful pebble in the river, so he smiled.

The Demon Emperor raised his hand, and a strong wind began to rise between heaven and earth again.

But the wind stopped in the river.

Behind Emperor Liang, everything remained calm.

The confrontation between the two has actually been going on.

And neither of them wants to be the loser.

Both of them knew very well that their victory or defeat would directly affect the future of the human race and the demon race.

It was deep in the night, and the dean woke up in the middle of the night for no reason. This dean of the academy, the leader of scholars in the world, had never been a diligent monk. When he was studying in the academy, he was fortunate enough to become a disciple of the former dean.

He often did not attend lectures, but he was a very talented guy. He was familiar with all the teachings of sages and hundreds of schools of thought. Even though the former dean had the idea of ​​​​beating several times, he was quite prepared every time.

Many times, when I went to find the dean and wanted to make him understand the truth that there is a world outside the world, there are people outside the world, but this young scholar with a playful smile would deal with it time and time again.

After doing this several times, the former dean stopped worrying and didn't care whether this kid showed up in class or not.

When the previous dean passed away and the dean became the dean of the academy, there was no one to control him. Therefore, he acted more and more as he pleased. He still studied occasionally, but when it came to spiritual practice, the dean was really not serious, so

While most monks in the world meditate at night, he sleeps like ordinary people. Over the years, there has never been any change.

But tonight he woke up when he was just ugly, and when he tried to fall asleep again, he felt irritated and could no longer close his eyes.

After a moment of silence, he grabbed a handful of fried soybeans on the bedside. The dean slowly stood up, left his residence, and walked slowly in the academy. Every few steps he took, the dean threw a fried soybean into his mouth. Unknowingly,

, then came to the bank of Nanhu Lake.

Winter has already entered the capital of God. There was a heavy snowfall a few days ago. Now the academy is completely white and the South Lake has frozen.

The moonlight is excellent tonight. The moonlight shines on the lake surface, and it looks like a layer of silver frost on the lake surface.

The dean took a second look with interest. Since he became the dean of this academy, he has almost never left this academy. Therefore, in spring, summer, autumn and winter, cold comes and summer comes, whether it is spring rain moistening things or summer scorching heat.

, whether it’s the falling leaves in autumn or the majestic snow, he has seen it all.

After seeing so many sights, and repeating them year after year for countless years, for ordinary people, I am afraid that they will rarely get tired of them, but for the dean, this is not the case.

He probably has a new perspective every time he sees these scenery.

The world is full of weariness, but the dean is not.

He didn't even get tired of seeing the entire academy, so the entire city of God and the entire Daliang wouldn't be bored either.

Standing by the lake for a moment, the dean stretched out his hand to catch some falling snowflakes. He recalled for no reason many years ago, when he stood by the lake watching the snow in the middle of the night, and a young man who was about to go north said goodbye to him here.

At that time, the dean took the initiative and asked him, "If you learn the sword, of course you can kill more monsters, but what is the essential difference between killing more monsters and reading more books?"

At that time, the guy who still respected him rubbed his head, was silent for a long time, and then said numbly: "The disciple doesn't feel any difference. It's just that if he continues to study in the academy for ten or twenty years, the student will only feel more and more annoyed.

Looking at these sages' teachings, students can't help but want to pull out the sages who said these words and ask them, "It's natural that you have done this knowledge, but compared to killing a few monsters, who is more amazing?"

The student at that time was naturally Liu Banbi. When the dean heard this statement, he couldn't help but get angry and said: "The sages of the past generations have left so many sages' teachings, which has brought peace to the hearts of many scholars. This is a great thing that will benefit generations to come. Why?

In your kid’s opinion, it’s worthless?”

Liu Banbi shook his head seriously and said: "It's not that students think these sages' teachings are worthless, it's just that my husband asked me this, so I asked him this. Even if there is a question with a clear answer, in fact, at different times and in the eyes of different people, there are different

Different answers.”

The dean sighed and did not refute, just said: "Go to the north and kill thousands of monsters. After you feel calm, will you still study in the future?"

Liu Banbi still didn't hide anything and said: "After students read about the history of cannibalism and shame in those historical books, they can no longer read any books. From now on, they just want to kill monsters and die on the way to kill monsters."

It is the students’ final destination.”

After saying this, Liu Banbi suddenly smiled and said casually: "In the future, the student will definitely not be able to come back for my husband's birthday. If the student is still alive, I will send a letter telling him how many demons the student has killed this year.

Realm is huge, if the student is gone, sir, don’t be sad."

The dean sneered, "Who will be sad if your kid dies?"

I say this, but in fact, every time the dean celebrates his birthday, the most anticipated gift is the letter sent by this disciple from the north. Over the years, every time he receives a letter from the north, the dean will pay close attention to it.

Read it and then put the letter away.

Who said that in the early years, he said that he would follow the example of his predecessors and accept seventy-two disciples, but he did not accept any student at will. Every student was treated as a nephew by him.

Liu Banbi's original temperament was very much like him.

It's just that time has changed, especially when the boy decided to practice swordsmanship and go to the north to kill monsters, his character became very different. He could no longer be said to be a scholar, but a pure swordsman.

The dean was silent for a moment and then said: "Your boy is going to the north to kill demons. I can't stop him and I don't want to stop him. But if you kill demons, you will kill demons. If you do sword cultivation, you will do sword cultivation. You can't read a few more books in your free time.

, look at the teachings of sages?"

When he said this, it seemed that the dean was no longer the leader of scholars in the world, but just an ordinary elder, helplessly admonishing his nephew who was talented but did not study well.

Although he probably knew that there wouldn't be any answer he wanted.

Liu Banbi also thought for a long time, and then slowly said: "Sir, when we go to the north, students have no free time. How can they have free time to practice swordsmanship and kill monsters?"

After all, it was this student who finally couldn't bear to say frankly that he didn't want to study again, to save face for his husband.

"Liu Banbi, you better fucking become a swordsman, otherwise don't blame me for looking down on you!"

"Thank you for your good wishes!"

In fact, in the end, the dean did not feel good about mentioning Liu Banbi in front of outsiders. It was not because he stopped studying and went to practice swordsmanship, nor because he insisted on running to the north to kill monsters, nor because he ended up

He really became a swordsman and slapped the dean in the face, but the dean knew that he really didn't read a book from that day on.

He is no longer a scholar.

That was the reading seed I had chosen from thousands of times before.

To this day, he still remembers when he met that little guy in the countryside. The young man stood in front of him with a playful smile on his face, "May I ask, sir, how does your knowledge compare to that of Mr. Chen from the private school?"

At that time, the dean also smiled and said: "I only know a little knowledge, and I am a little more knowledgeable than your current husband."

God knows how humble the dean was at that time.

"Liu Banbi..."

The dean sighed and said softly: "If you have the ability, don't die in Mobei."

After saying this, the snowflakes in the dean's palm just disappeared and turned into snow water, rolling down the lakeside.

After a long time, the dean raised his head and looked towards the lakeside. There appeared a scholar who was also unable to sleep in the middle of the night and was also walking slowly here.

The two looked at each other, and the dean threw a fried soybean into his mouth without saying a word.

Wei Xu hesitated for a moment, came here, bowed to his husband, and then asked: "Sir, you have something on your mind and can't sleep in the middle of the night?"

As the only person who has served beside the dean in these years, Wei Xu naturally knows the dean's habits. He does not practice in the middle of the night and can only sleep.

But the dean, who had never slept at night, was actually swimming in the lake at the moment, so he was naturally worried.

The dean did not answer the student's question, but instead asked: "Are you worried too?"

Wei Xu was silent for a moment and said softly: "I can't sue Mr. Yu."

The dean chuckled. He had known this. He knew the temperament of the student in front of him very well. He looked gentle on weekdays, but in fact he was extremely stubborn. If he believed in something, he would naturally not change it. He would not listen to others' advice and would not take the initiative.

Talk to others.

Since he had taken the initiative to say that he couldn't talk, the dean no longer asked, but smiled and said: "Yexue looks good, go and warm up two pots of wine and have a drink."

After saying this, the dean took the initiative to walk towards the center of the lake, while Wei Xu turned around to prepare the stove and wine.

Not long after, the two met again under the pavilion, and then the dean asked Wei Xu to sit down.

The stove was on the stone table, bringing bursts of warmth to the two of them.

Wei Xu took a bowl of wine and poured it for the dean, and then got up.

The dean said calmly: "You and I, master and apprentice, seem to have not had a good drink for a long time."

Wei Xu was startled, but then he understood what his husband meant, so he didn't get up. Instead, he poured himself a bowl of wine and remained silent.

"When I met you a few years ago, I told you that as scholars, it doesn't matter if you are smart, but don't think too much and make too many calculations. This will make your life unhappy and it will be difficult to read the true meaning."

The dean took a sip of wine and said calmly: "You are talented in cultivation and smart, but it's a pity that you were born into the Wei family, a wealthy family. Life is tiring, and you think too much. If you don't get out soon, you

How many more years do you think you can remain a scholar?"

Wei Xu had no reaction. He just took a sip of wine, put down the wine bowl, and then said softly: "The teacher is right, but the students cannot do what the teacher thinks."

The dean held the wine bowl and said with a smile: "Don't force it. As a so-called leader of scholars, when I start to persuade people, there are always many people nodding like chickens pecking at rice. But who knows, students like me don't

Too many people listen to me as a teacher."

Wei Xu looked at his husband with a complicated expression, and said: "I have only seen it in books before, the so-called people in Jianghu can't help themselves. Later I learned that the most involuntary people in the world are not the so-called Jianghu people, but the so-called Jianghu people.

He is a descendant of a wealthy family."

The dean shook his head and said, "It's not interesting to say this. It's better to drink."

Wei Xu smiled bitterly. He originally wanted to say something from the bottom of his heart to his husband, but thinking about it, there is no truth in the world for a person like his husband that he doesn't know, and there are many things in the world that he doesn't know.

What can't he figure out clearly?

He doesn't want to listen or speak, so he naturally has his own reasons.

After Wei Xu figured this out, he stopped talking and drank in silence.

Two bottles of wine was not much, and he drank most of it in a short time. The dean's expression remained the same, but Wei Xu's cheeks were slightly red and he was a little tipsy.

When drinking with your husband, you naturally cannot use your cultivation to dispel the alcohol, so you can only rely on your own drinking capacity. Wei Xu's drinking capacity is not good, and it has never been considered.

"Speaking of which, am I a failure as a husband?"

The dean suddenly looked at Wei Xu, a little helpless and a little sad.

Wei Xu was a little confused, but he still said seriously: "From the students' point of view, no matter what you say, you cannot be called a failure. In the eyes of students, you are the best teacher."

The dean ignored him and just said to himself: "I have accepted many disciples in my life, and they are all pretty good. Everyone has their own merits. I know them all and like them very much. Sir, students are just walking together.

But when you stop and go, you can't think of it. People who are traveling together always have to separate, just before and after. At first, I just thought about some students, so I left. After all, everyone has his own ambitions, but later on, where can I think of it?

Come to think of it, after walking for so many years, no matter how you look around, there are very few followers behind you."

"When I decided to accept your little junior sister as a closed disciple, I really thought about it a lot. A lot of people would gossip about a woman as a closed disciple, but I don't care. As long as she is willing to study hard, it would be great, but I can't imagine that.

, she has only been a beginner for a long time, and she is already thinking about becoming a sword cultivator."

Wei Xu retorted: "Sir, what you said doesn't make sense. If a junior sister practices swordsmanship, she will no longer be a scholar after practicing swordsmanship."

The dean looked at Wei Xu and said calmly: "Of course I know, but I'm just worried. That guy Liu Banbi has learned from the past. Reading really made him crazy, and then he didn't even want any good things.

It seems that as long as it is a truth in the book, it makes no sense to him."

When talking about his fellow disciple, Wei Xu could only remain silent.

The dean smiled. He was naturally aware of the little emotion between the two, but he didn't want to reveal it.

"I'm just thinking now that there are not many guys behind me now. If one day there is no one left, what face will I have to see my gentleman?"

The dean was a little melancholy, looking at Wei Xu in front of him with some emotion.

This scholar, who was considered to be the best candidate to succeed the academy in many cases, may not really be the best in the eyes of the dean.

The word "scholar" does not mean that one is reading, only one who knows the principles in the book can be called a scholar.

The dean, who had spoken a lot, was a little tired. He rubbed his eyes and said softly: "I had a dream in the middle of the night. I dreamed that the old immortal from Wantian Palace gave me a dream and said that he had realized something now.

When I asked him what it was, he asked me to guess it, so I was so angry that I grabbed a stone on the side of the road and gave it to him."

After saying this, the dean became a little tired and said: "This guy should take a step earlier, otherwise I would go out to Wantian Palace today to make him look good."

In fact, this is a baffling thing to say, but it is actually a bit sad.

Wei Xu was silent for a long time, and finally asked: "May I ask, sir, what should I do if I have to make a choice in the future but don't know how to choose?"

The dean turned to look at him, drank the last half of the wine in the bowl, and said calmly: "There are many good things that I like, want, and can't resist. Who can say anything about this?"

Wei Xu looked at the dean and hesitated to speak.

The dean continued: "To be able to make such a choice and feel that it is the right choice is an ordinary person. Knowing that such a choice is right but not making a choice is an ordinary person."

After saying this, the dean pointed to his heart and stopped talking.

Wei Xu didn't know if he understood the true meaning of the dean. After being silent for a long time, he slowly stood up, saluted seriously, and said: "Students are taught."

The dean chuckled and didn't say much.

It’s snowing heavily in the capital of God, but the front door of the small courtyard by the academy lake is clean.

Xie Nandu was sitting under the eaves, with a stove in front of her. After practicing to her level, she was already protected from the cold and heat, but she was still used to lighting a stove in winter, which seemed to bring her some warmth.

There are some newspapers in front of her that have been delivered to her in the past few days, all from the Xie family. However, there is not much news this time about the northern border that she is most concerned about.

The battle in the northern border seems to have too much to do with it. Military reports are transmitted to the capital of the gods through the most secret means. Most outsiders have no idea that even the hidden stakes planted by the major families in the northern border are at this moment.

No news could be spread, but there was some vague news, saying that in this battle, the Daliang Dynasty did not have any defeat.

Xie Nandu reached out and threw the newspaper into the stove, and then quickly remembered another thing.

Emperor Daliang said that his cultivation had reached a critical juncture and he had been in seclusion for several days. All the government affairs these days were handled by the eldest prince. At first, the officials thought it was nothing. Emperor Daliang was the emperor of Daliang, but he was also a powerful warrior.

Since he was still practicing, he must have encountered difficulties. However, within a few days, the courtiers gradually felt that something was wrong. Now, in the capital of God, there was already an undercurrent.

Xie Nandu withdrew his gaze, threw the newspaper into the stove, and then looked into the distance, calmly and somewhat outrageously.

Today's divine capital is experiencing an undercurrent, which is not likely to be a good thing for the entire Daliang.

"There have been many similar stories written in the annals of history. Your Majesty was in the wrong position. If such a thing really happened, many people would not be happy to see it happen."

Xie Nandu looked at Wei Xu who appeared at the gate of the courtyard at some unknown time.

Wei Xu stood in the heavy snow, but not a single snowflake could fall on him.

The scholar who was born in the Wei family looked at Xie Nandu and asked: "If there is a real storm and the undercurrent turns into waves, what choice will Xie Nandu make?"

Xie Nandu looked at Wei Xu and said calmly: "Then what will Senior Brother Wei choose?"

Wei Xu changed the subject and asked: "Where is that young man? When will he return to Shendu?"

Xie Nandu shook his head and said, "God knows."


Looking at it infatuatedly, it is also snowing tonight. This seemingly ordinary dilapidated Taoist temple is now covered with heavy snow, but it actually has a different kind of beauty. A middle-aged Taoist man is slowly returning to the mountain in the snowy night, while walking slowly on the mountain road.

, and no Taoist priest in the temple could detect his traces, but when he just stepped into the door of the Taoist temple, a Taoist priest had been waiting for him here for a long time.

After glancing at the Taoist priest who had known when he would return to the mountain, the middle-aged Taoist was silent for a moment, but quickly saluted and said calmly: "I've met the master of Guanzhu, senior brother."

Although the middle-aged Taoist is the master in charge of the Chixin Temple, he is always both a junior brother and a subordinate in front of the temple master.

The viewer glanced at his junior brother and said calmly: "You might gain something from going down the mountain?"

The middle-aged Taoist remained silent and did not answer.

The viewer continued to speak slowly and said: "Who took action when I was so seriously injured?"

The viewer sighed with emotion: "Although you don't like me as a senior brother, since you are my junior brother, I, as a senior brother, should take care of everything you should."

The middle-aged Taoist shook his head slowly and said softly: "I know this in my heart, so I don't need to worry about it."

This time, he even omitted the word "senior brother" and did not mention it.

But the leader of the temple didn't care and said calmly: "Since you insist so much, what can I say? It's just that you don't have to care about this matter. You went down the mountain privately and violated the rules of the family. What should I say?"

According to the rules of Chixin Temple, anyone in the temple who wants to go down the mountain must report to the master in charge. When there is an emergency, he must leave a trace of his breath and is not allowed to go down the mountain without any reason.

Therefore, as the master in charge of the rules in the mountain, Zhanglu Zhenren should be like this.

The rules of the mountain are actually not big, but what if Master Zhang Lu went down the mountain to a place that even a foolish observer thought he shouldn't go?

This is hard to say.

The middle-aged Taoist said calmly: "I naturally know the rules of the mountain. I will go to the back mountain and face the wall for three years."

For a big shot like this, even if he violates the so-called sect rules, nothing will happen. It just depends on whether the patron is willing to pursue the matter.

But it is obvious that this viewer now wants to do something about this.

"Junior brother acts with some carelessness. If he continues to be like this, it would be a small thing to lose his life, but it would be a big thing to insult me ​​for being infatuated. I don't think my brother can do this for a long time."

The viewer's voice suddenly became a little cold. When he looked at the Master Zhanglu, his eyes were less emotional and more indifferent.

The middle-aged Taoist frowned but never admitted his mistake.

The fact that he failed to become the master of the temple had already made him angry. Even now, after so many years, he still has not let go. Although he made mistakes and wanted to ask for help from the master, he still can't save his face.

The viewer responded calmly. The infatuated viewer, who had never looked more than middle-aged, looked at the junior brother in front of him who had never regarded him as his senior brother. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Having been brothers for so many years, he didn't know what the junior brother in front of him was thinking. Whether he knew it or not, some things would be even worse if he really explained them clearly word for word.

The middle-aged Taoist was silent for a long time, and then slowly said: "If senior brother feels that junior brother is not suitable for this position, please choose someone else."

The viewer's face was expressionless, as if he had known this answer for a long time. Just as he was about to say something, a voice suddenly sounded in the distance, "Master, there is news from the Shendu City."

A middle-aged Taoist priest stood in the distance, holding a Di newspaper in his hand, looking over here with a worried look in his eyes.

The viewer waved his hand and shook his head, "Junior brother, go and recuperate."

The middle-aged Taoist did not stop, but walked straight ahead. When he passed by the middle-aged Taoist, the Taoist also saluted the master in charge seriously, but the middle-aged Taoist ignored him.

The viewer took the newspaper handed out by the man, looked at it twice, and his expression changed slightly.

"According to the news from our hidden stake in Shendu, the Emperor of Liang has not been in court for several days. He said that he was practicing in seclusion, but in fact no one knows the truth or not. Thinking of it, he had previously expressed his desire to be a charioteer.

The idea of ​​​​conquering it personally, maybe he has reached the northern border by now."

The Taoist priest softly talked about the various aspects of the Shendu today. Chixin Guan, as a major sect outside of Fangwai, naturally has a few more eyes on the Shendu.

The viewer said: "The Liang Dynasty has been dormant for more than two hundred years, and now it is gradually raising its head. From Wanliuhui to Chongming Mountain, can outsiders not see clearly what their thoughts are? Who doesn't know what these warriors are thinking? It's just that

The territory of the operating country is within the territory of the operating country, and now he dares to provoke the north. This Emperor of Liang is indeed very courageous."

The Taoist priest said softly: "If Emperor Liang goes to the north, then the Liang Dynasty will really win in the north. After this battle, it will be a great encouragement to the military morale and the morale of the people of the Liang Dynasty. We

Do you want to do something?”

The viewer did not speak, he just looked at the newspaper in his hand. As his gaze fell, the newspaper started to burn and turned into ashes in an instant.

"If it were in the past, I would naturally have to do something, but forget it now, I will only be such a junior brother in my life. Since I let him go and reciprocated the favor, I shouldn't do anything at this time. Let them do whatever they want.

Go ahead."

The viewer shook his head. For many things in the world, his eyes could tell the result just by looking at it. Although the middle-aged Taoist did not speak from beginning to end, nor did he tell the ins and outs of the matter, how could he not know what happened?


So in this case, he naturally has to speak some truth and do something.

"If the message continues, my Taoist sect's lineage of immortality will not be allowed to enter the divine capital these days."

The viewer glanced into the distance with a calm expression.

The middle-aged Taoist returned to Houshan Cave, but he failed to go in. Under the moonlight, at the entrance of the cave, there was an old Taoist waiting for him.

Seeing the old Taoist priest, the middle-aged Taoist slowly saluted and called him uncle.

As the leader of Chixin Temple, he has a very high seniority and a very high status, but in this Taoist temple with such a profound foundation, there are naturally some people who want him to call him Uncle Master.

The old Taoist priest looked at the middle-aged Taoist and saw the injuries on his body at a glance, and said calmly: "There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Do you understand this truth when you go out?"

The middle-aged Taoist was silent.

The old Taoist priest said coldly: "Li Yin, if you still don't regard your senior brother as your senior brother, then one day, when you cause a huge disaster, there will be no chance that anyone will come to save you!"

Infatuated Guanzhanglu Zhenren, whose Taoist name is Liyin, doesn't know much about the whole world.

Li Yin shook his head and said indifferently: "Uncle, don't say any more."

The old Taoist snorted coldly, with an indifferent expression, "If I don't say anything now, you will really think that your last hope is gone!"

Li Yin thought of the young man holding the broken knife and said nothing.

Senior brothers and junior brothers are no longer the two little Taoist priests they were back then.


The Sword Immortal traveled far and wide, walking with his sword. Although Liu Banbi was born in Yeluzi and was not a disciple of any sword sect, Yeluzi was no problem and walked all the way to the final height. After looking at him, which sword cultivator in the world said,

Don't call him "Senior Sword Immortal".

He was seriously injured, but he traveled all the way to the north, and the sword aura was still strong. However, after setting foot on the Mobei Plain, the sword immortal felt the aura that filled the plain. It was inexplicably powerful, even though it had already been

Having stepped into the realm of Wangyou, you can be said to be a true swordsman, but there is a natural difference between Wangyou and Wangyou. Just like at this moment, Liu Banbi clearly felt that the owner of the aura in front of him was not him.


On the Mobei Plain, the person with this aura is probably the Demon Emperor.

But now the meaning revealed by this aura seems to be telling everyone that the demon emperor is currently fighting with others.

He is the one who has gone deep into the realm of Wangyou in Mobei.

Liu Banbi was even more impressed now. Who was that person? He actually alerted the powerful Demon Emperor.

But before he could think about it for long, two figures appeared side by side on the horizon in the distance.

Liu Banbi stopped, the flying sword holding the cicada under his feet flew toward his palm.

The two people in front of me were clearly two great demons.

One of them, Liu Banbi, knew him, the black-robed demon who he had not chased before he fled back to the north. As for the other one, he was not familiar with him.

The black-robed demon sighed in the distance: "Going deep into Mobei, I really admire you as a swordsman."

The other Sword Immortal beside him was silent and did not speak. He just looked at the green-shirted Sword Immortal who was not too strong.

Liu Banbi looked at the black-robed demon he had fought with before, and said with a smile: "I couldn't kill you before, but now that you're coming together, it seems like you really don't want to live anymore?"

The black-robed demon said calmly: "Now two people are fighting one person, and you are seriously injured. How can you leave alive?"

Liu Banbi shook his head and said, "I don't know if I can leave alive, but you must die before I die."

As he spoke, Liu Banbi held a cicada with a flying sword in his hand, and the cicada chirped again.

He took off the wine gourd from his waist, put it between his lips, and took a sip. Then he remembered that there was no more wine. When he poured the wine, not even a drop came out, only the fragrant aroma, "You two, you

My injury has not healed yet, if I draw my sword with all my strength just to kill you, no matter what, how much effort will this friend of yours give to save you, or will he ignore you just to kill me?"

The killing power of a sword cultivator is invincible, but in fact, apart from the killing power, there is almost nothing worth promoting. But Liu Banbi is different. In addition to being a sword cultivator, he was also a scholar. The characteristics of a scholar

Circling around, he understands that he also has those scheming people.

As expected, after Liu Banbi finished speaking these words, the black-robed demon in front of him looked even more ugly.

The demon clan may be more talented in cultivation, but compared with the scheming and the city government, most demon clan are no match for the human race.

"Why bother? He is already seriously injured. Let's attack together. He will die in our hands soon. If he is afraid of a seriously injured swordsman, he will lose his face!"

The big demon who had been silent until now suddenly spoke with a cold tone.

Liu Banbi ignored him, just raised his head and murmured: "Maybe you are really going to die in Mobei?"

As the words fell, sword energy surged between heaven and earth, and countless sword lights fell from the sky, like a rain of swords.

Standing on the sky, Sword Immortal Liu Banbi smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, then who will die first?"

Onan River.

This river, which is less than a thousand miles away from the Demon Clan's royal city, spreads for tens of thousands of miles and is extremely wide. The Onan River has always been regarded as the Demon Clan's last barrier. If one day, the human army approaches here, then it means that the Demon Clan will also have to

They are facing the catastrophe of genocide, but in fact, over the years, not to mention the human army, very few people from the human race have been able to come to this side of the Onan River.

But as a strong wind blew by, two figures appeared on both sides of the river. The scene was roughly the same as before.

But this time, the two people appeared on both sides of the banks of the Onan River.

At this moment, both of their faces showed a look of fatigue that could not be concealed.

The Demon Emperor raised his head and looked at Emperor Daliang opposite him, wanting to say something, but remembering that this place was already the Onan River, he did not speak.

In the battle in Mobei, it was actually difficult to tell the outcome between the two, but the fact that the Demon Emperor kept retreating to the north could actually mean something.

Emperor Daliang smiled and said: "In the more than two hundred years of Daliang Dynasty, I am the only one who has attacked here."

In fact, it is more exaggerated. Emperor Liang could even say that in the past thousand years, he was the only one who could go deep into Mobei alone, fight the Demon Emperor, and finally reach the Onan River.

The Demon Emperor said indifferently: "That's it."

All the way north, Emperor Liang was already a little tired.

The Demon Emperor might have planned to consume the Liang Emperor first, or even to ambush his troops further north.

Emperor Liang looked ahead, and at the end of his sight, there seemed to be a majestic royal city vaguely visible.

Emperor Liang seemed to know that it would be difficult to cross the Onan River this time, so standing on the river bank, he just smiled and said: "Next time I come, I will lead my army to sweep across Mobei, and arrive at

At that time, thousands of horses were stationed on this river bank, what a magnificent scene it was?"

Emperor Liang's words seemed ordinary, but in fact he was extremely heroic, as if he had countless magnificent rivers and mountains in his heart.

The Demon Emperor was not like that. He just exhaled a breath and said calmly: "There will be no next time."

Emperor Liang looked at him across the river. Hearing these words and the sound of the river flowing by the way, he said: "Whether I want to go or stay, it doesn't matter what you say."

This chapter has been completed!
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