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Chapter 311: Catch the Ghost (2)

Hearing these words, Zhang Xin's expression changed drastically. He never expected that the young man in black in front of him would be so direct and had no intention of covering up at all.

"Commander, please stop joking." Zhang Xinqiang calmed himself down and looked at the young man in black in front of him, not believing what the young man in front of him said at all.

Chen Chao still sat behind the case and said calmly: "This commander doesn't really like to joke."

Looking at the serious young man in front of him, Zhang Xin wanted to see something from the young man's eyes, at least some clues, so that he could believe that the matter was not what he said now, but in fact it was not. The young man in front of him was extremely calm.

No joke meant.

Zhang Xin said solemnly: "I am the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Daliang Dynasty. I am an official of the imperial court personally selected by His Majesty the Emperor. Do you want the commander to kill without questioning or without trial? What is the law of Daliang? The commander should do it

You know, if the Commander had ignored Daliang Law, then I was afraid that the Commander would have died a long time ago!"

He looked at Chen Chao very seriously.

He was talking about that old incident. Chen Chao came to Shendu from Tianqing County, and it was only because of the three words Daliang Lu that he was able to survive in the end. If it were not for the three words Daliang Lu, Chen Chao would have died in Tianqing County long ago.


Since Chen Chao was once a beneficiary of Daliang Law, he should not ignore Daliang Law now.

According to the Daliang Law, if an official of the imperial court violates the Daliang Law, he must be submitted to the Sanfa Division for review and finally reported to His Majesty the Emperor before he can be held accountable. If the Chen Dynasty killed Zhang Xin in front of him now, it would be disrespecting the Daliang Law.

Chen Chao squinted his eyes and said: "It seems that Mr. Zhang has read Daliang Law a lot on weekdays and knows so much clearly. But since there are so many Daliang Laws, don't you know that it is written clearly and clearly in Daliang Law

, if I, an official of Daliang, were to spy on the secrets of Daliang for the demon clan and the monks outside, this would be the act of an insider, and the nine tribes would be exterminated?!"

The word "conspirator" immediately touched Zhang Xin. His face suddenly turned pale, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "What is the commander talking about? I don't know anything. I only know that even if I am guilty, I should not be commanding."

Let the Lord come and judge!"

"Besides, I have always been honest and loyal to the court and His Majesty. I would never do such a thing. Your Majesty, this is a shameless slander!"

Zhang Xin took a deep breath and became more confident as he spoke.

Chen Chao had long expected that this would be the case, and said unhurriedly: "Master Zhang, there is no need to be like this. According to the laws of Daliang, the left guard has the responsibility to defend the divine capital, and also has the responsibility to clean up the ghosts in Daliang. In this regard, Daliang

The law also clearly states that as long as it is proven that Master Zhang is the traitor who is having an affair with a foreign monk, then it is not a problem to kill Master Zhang today."

Chen Chao stood up slowly, looked at Zhang Xin, and said slowly: "But Mr. Zhang is such a thoughtful person, and I don't think he will leave any evidence."

Zhang Xin said coldly: "What is the commander saying? Do you want to listen to it yourself? Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Chen Chao smiled and said nothing, and then he just slapped the ordinary-looking wooden table with his palm.

With a bang, the wooden table that had been accompanying the Minister of Civil Affairs for who knows how many years collapsed and turned into a pile of broken wood. However, his expression changed drastically in an instant, because there were many letters to and from him in the pile of wood.

At this moment they are falling like snowflakes.

Chen Chao didn't read it, but he knew what the contents of those letters were.

He looked at Zhang Xin again and said, "What else does Mr. Zhang want to say now?"

Zhang Xin's face turned pale, and he subconsciously reached into his arms, but he didn't touch what he wanted to touch.

Chen Chao didn't know when a talisman appeared in his hand, and he held it between his fingertips. The seemingly weak talisman swayed slightly, and some aura lingered on it.

Chen Chao said bluntly: "Now there are two ways in front of you. The first is to tell me what you should say. The second is to follow my commander to the left guard. When the time comes, the left guard will naturally have the means to make you

Life is worse than death. I think Mr. Zhang is just a scholar, so his bones should not be hard."

"Oh, actually, I made a mistake. Mr. Zhang cannot be said to be a scholar."

Chen Chao stared at Zhang Xin.

There was already some regret in Zhang Xin's eyes. Different from the previous regret, his regret this time was probably because he felt that it would be better if he had never been a ghost.

Actually it's not very good either.

Zhang Xin recalled that the first time he met the monk from outside the country, he truly felt the terror of death.

"What do you know! If I don't nod, he will kill me. Faced with such a choice, what can you do?!"

Zhang Xin spoke a little crazy.

Chen Chao ignored him and just looked at him quietly.

There was heavy snow, and a group of Zuowei yamen rushed into the residence of the Minister of Civil Affairs. This surprised the nursing staff of the mansion, but before they could react, a group of Zuowei yamen tightly controlled the entire mansion.

Then, they went in and out of various houses and began to search the courtyard.

An old woman came out of the house, holding a dragon-headed cane and looking at the left-back officials who ignored her, and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Do you still have the law of the king and the law of heaven!"

It's just a pity that even though the old woman was shouting at the top of her lungs, no one paid any attention to her.

Chen Chao was sitting in the study, and Zhang Xin in front of him was completely dead.

Although he wanted to kill this ghost, he also knew that his life was more meaningful to them. But unfortunately, he finally bit the poison hidden in his teeth under the watchful eyes of Chen Chao, and that was it.


Sometimes life is harder than death.

Weng Quan walked in, saw the body lying in front of the window, and asked with some confusion: "Sir, did you kill him?"

Chen Chao shook his head.

Weng Quan reacted and said, "What a pity."

Chen Chao sighed with emotion: "There is more than one such ghost. Of course, the same thing will definitely happen again. There is nothing to say."

Weng Quan nodded and said: "That's the same truth, but if we are so grand, will it cause a big trouble?"

Even if nothing big happens, will such a big fanfare alert other ghosts?

He expressed some concern. Zuo Wei's ghost-catching operation this time did not hide it from the beginning. He immediately arrested a minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. This was no small matter.

Chen Chao knew what Weng Quan was thinking and said: "Destroy the evidence? In fact, it is not necessarily that easy."

He was silent for a moment.

Then he rubbed his face and said nonchalantly: "Your Majesty is not here, and the guardian envoy is not here either. Who else in the entire city can take care of Zuo Wei?"

Of course there are many big shots in Shendu, but nowadays in Daliang Lv, there really are no one who can manage Zuo Wei.

Weng Quan frowned, thinking that even though he said this, what is the truth behind it?

Chen Chao looked at him and knew what he was thinking, and said: "I used to think that our left guard would stay still and wait for them to make trouble, but now I think about it, my left guard's duty has always been to protect the city of gods, and the city of gods will be in chaos.

When we get up, we always have to do something, and now we have to take sides. In this case, we do other things. When we get busy, there is a reason not to choose. Besides, catching ghosts is definitely our responsibility.

things inside.”

Weng Quan didn't quite understand what it meant, but he nodded honestly.

Chen Chao waved and said with a smile: "Let's go to the next one."

When the entire city of God was still immersed in the joy of approaching the end of the year, and when those people were still waiting for the final storm, Chen Chao and his left guard had already taken the lead in setting off a storm in the city of God, breaking out of the imperial court in all directions.

The officials were sent to their homes, and then they either took away those officials or left them speechless. This suddenly caused chaos in the city.

His Majesty the Emperor announced that he would be in seclusion, and naturally no more court meetings were held these days. The courtiers, apart from working in their respective yamen, also went to the duty room outside the imperial city to meet the Prime Minister.

Today, there were many people outside the duty room. Officials from various yamen gathered here, all clamoring to see the prime minister.

Facing the menacing Zuo Wei, these scholars who are powerless, have ghosts in their hearts, or are ghosts themselves can no longer wait. They eagerly hope that Zaifu will serve as an auxiliary minister.

Come forward and stop Zuo Wei's behavior.

But everyone was stopped outside the check-in room, and Master Zaifu did not see anyone.

In the check-in room, Mr. Zaifu, who had long gray hair, was sitting on an Eight Immortals chair. Listening to the noise outside, he just quietly put an iron kettle on the stove, and then took out the treasured pot from his arms.

Pour the tea leaves into a relatively expensive porcelain bowl.

Another thin old man sitting next to him also listened to the noise and frowned slightly.

The old man's name was Du Qian, and he was the Taishi Ling of the current dynasty. His official position was not high, but his status was respected. After all, the historians of the Liang Dynasty had always been hard-nosed and recorded according to the facts. They had the most rigorous attitude towards historical records.

Du Qian frowned and said: "That young man is so young that he should not have been entrusted with important responsibilities. Now that the envoy is absent and His Majesty is not available, he has begun to act recklessly. Is he trying to shake the foundation of the Liang Dynasty?"

In his words, there was undisguised disgust for Chen Chao.

Master Zaifu smiled and said: "He brought a lot of glory to our Liang Dynasty when he was in Wanliuhui. He is also a young genius. Naturally, the guardian envoy will take a high look at him. Song Lian was transferred to the north.

He has taken the position of commander on the left guard. Although it is a bit counterproductive, I think the commander-in-chief also has his own ideas."

Du Qian snorted coldly, "The guardian lineage has never had much connection with Daliang Law. This kind of thing shouldn't have been like this when the country was first founded!"

As a historian, Du Qian naturally knew the origin of these historical developments. If he had been here at that time, he would have definitely remonstrated with Emperor Taizu Gao to give up that idea.

Master Zaifu smiled slightly and did not comment on this. He did not have many friends in Daliang Dynasty, but this one in front of him was one.

"What can I do now? Although I am eyeing the title of Prime Minister, I am only Prime Minister and cannot represent the law of Liang Dynasty. The left guard can only be managed by Your Majesty and the Guardian Envoy Yamen, but now both of them are gone."

Master Zaifu looked at Du Qian and said with a smile: "Actually, the reason why they are flustered is because they have something evil in their hearts and don't want anyone to investigate, so they want me to step in and stop it."

Du Qian snorted coldly: "Maybe there are many who have been beaten into submission, but it won't work if they don't follow the Daliang law like this!"

Master Zaifu remained silent. He also knew what his friend's temper was like. In fact, he was notoriously stubborn. Some of his words were too much and meaningless.

At least the other party won't listen.

"How about you write something down and give him a bad name in the annals of history?" Master Zaifu smiled and said with a hint of joking in his voice.

Du Qian said coldly: "Of course I will record it according to the facts. He can't escape."

Master Zaifu hummed and said, "Actually, I am very interested in this young man, but I don't really want to see him in the capital of Gods nowadays."

Du Qian asked: "Why?"

Lord Zaifu did not give an answer, but just said: "You have an upright temperament, so you are very upright as a historian. Even His Majesty can't make you change your mind. In that war, you didn't know what His Majesty meant, but you still

Having written it like this, actually if you think about it from another perspective, if I were Your Majesty, I might not be able to tolerate you. From this point of view, Your Majesty is truly a heroic figure with a broad mind."

Du Qian was silent for a moment and said softly: "Your Majesty is naturally a great leader of the generation, and his ambition is as high as that of the Liang Dynasty for more than two hundred years."

He admitted this.

Master Zaifu said: "In that case, why don't you give His Majesty a good reputation?"

Du Qian shook his head, "I write history for future generations to see. If I falsify it, how will future generations know what happened today? In other words, if my predecessors did the same, then how will we know what happened hundreds of years ago?"


"So no matter what it is, I can only write it down based on the facts."

Master Zaifu sighed and said nothing.

After a while, he suddenly said something.

"Let's meet that boy."


I owe you another chapter today, Amen, I’m sorry everyone

This chapter has been completed!
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