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Chapter 5 Murder

 When she went to buy quilts, she naturally took Xie Nandu with her. She was very cautious and did not want to leave Chen Chao for a moment.

It's just that the two of them didn't see the man opposite them when they went out this time. They only vaguely heard the woman yelling and cursing.

Chen Chao was in a good mood. He couldn't deal with that guy, so naturally someone would deal with him.

The owner of the cotton shop is a lean middle-aged man. He is skinny and looks like a skinny monkey. People in the city call him Mr. Hou. When buying quilts, Mr. Hou's eyes flicked back and forth on Xie Nandu.

After looking at it, he finally asked with some surprise, "Are you lucky? It turns out that the legend is true. Living in Peach Blossom Lane can make you fall into love."

Chen Chao, who took the quilt, had an expressionless face, "If you want to live in it, I'll sell my house to you for a hundred pieces of gold, and you won't be bullied."

"Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Mr. Hou raised his eyebrows, looking more like a monkey.

Chen Chao was too lazy to reply. He turned around to leave with the quilt in his arms, but was stopped by Mr. Hou again. He pulled Chen Chao to one side and said in a low voice, "I have news. I'll charge you a piece of gold. You

Definitely want to know."

Chen Chao glanced at Mr. Hou, nodded and said, "Okay, next time something happens to your family, I will definitely go out half an hour late."

"Bah, bah, bah, why the hell did you say such unlucky words?" Mr. Hou glanced at Chen Chao with some resentment, "You kid can't be ungrateful. When you came here, your first meal wasn't at

What can I eat here?”

Chen Chao nodded and said seriously, "How could I forget? I ate your meal and worked hard for you for half a month."

"...There is some friendship after all, right?" Mr. Hou still didn't give up. This old boy was a famous miser in the small county, and he was as famous as the man opposite Chen Chao.

The reputations of the two are about the same.

"Forget it, I decided to come directly to your house for dinner next time."

Chen Chao was too lazy to tangle with this guy, so he turned around and left while holding the quilt.

Mr. Hou's expression was ugly. He grabbed Chen Chao and stopped hiding him. He lowered his voice and said, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. There's no money for the information. You need to keep your eyes open. What's more?"

Looking at us neighbors, I don’t want to fall asleep and fall into the belly of those naughty monsters.”

After giving Chen Chao a resentful look, Mr. Hou began to tell the so-called news.

It was the murder case that happened yesterday on Changyuan Street. The owner of Wang Ji Rouge Shop and his wife died at home. Tianqing County is so big, so this matter cannot be hidden, but Chen Chao was not in the city yesterday.

, I didn’t go out after I came back today, so naturally I haven’t heard anything yet.

Chen Chao looked at Mr. Hou expressionlessly, his eyes sharp.

With such news, this old boy dared to open

Want a piece of gold?

Besides, if something like a murder occurs, as long as it doesn't involve monsters, it's a matter managed by the Yamen, and Chen Chao, the guardian envoy, has no right to interfere.

Mr. Hou laughed dryly, "If it were an ordinary murder case, it would definitely be worthless, but it seems that this matter is not simple. I heard that shopkeeper Chen and his wife had no wounds on their bodies and died inexplicably."

"Could it be that some monster is here again?"

Mr. Hou looked at Chen Chao and said hopefully, "If there is really a monster, you can't ignore it."

"If it were a monster, how could there be a whole body? It would have to be thrown away, but does the Yamen have any say?"

Chen Chao asked casually. Ever since he came, he had wiped out all the monsters nearby. There had been no monsters in the city for several years. It had been many years of peace before ordinary people like Mr. Hou could see them.

Dare to talk about monsters in general, if it were in the past, who would not talk about monsters?

"Then I don't know. I only know this little information." Mr. Hou felt a little guilty. Such news is not worth a day's money.

For Tian Qianqian's sake, Chen Chao personally changed a set of bedding. After doing all this, the sky had darkened, and it was still snowing heavily outside, making it increasingly cold.

"My family is not a big family, and I don't have the habit of lighting the stove at night. Two quilts should be enough. If it's cold, I can buy you a stove, but you have to pay extra!"

Chen Chaoxu said some words, but when he raised his head, he only found that the girl who looked like a pear blossom was just looking at him quietly in the corridor, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It is true that there are no such things as a stove at home. He himself has already reached a not too low level, and his body is particularly tough. It is a matter of course that he is immune to the cold and heat.

Xie Nandu smiled and thanked him, and then asked, "I won't die at your house, right?"

Chen Chao twitched his lips, this little girl is really afraid of death.

"I can't guarantee it. Most monsters don't dare to trouble me. If it's too powerful, don't worry, I will definitely leave you and run away."

Is this human language?

Xie Nandu didn't care and asked with a smile, "What if it's not a demon?"

After all, there is something else in this sentence.

Chen Chao rubbed his head and said helplessly, "If everyone wants you to die, no matter how capable I am,

, can’t save you.”

Xie Nandu smiled and said nothing.

Dealing with smart people is never too difficult.

"Sleep peacefully, I always think your luck will not be too bad."

Chen Chao waved his hand, turned around, sat down under the eaves over there, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

In the night, the heavy snow continued. A man in soap clothes walked quickly from outside the county government office into the brightly lit county government office. He cupped his hands. A thin middle-aged man in a green official robe sat in the high hall and held his hand.

Wusha Mao waved his hand and motioned to the clerk to present the result in his hand.

This person is Mi Ke, the magistrate of Tianqing County.

He was born as a Jinshi in the second year of Tianjian. .??.

Although he ranked high in the imperial examination that year, because of his ordinary background, Mi Ke has been wasting his time in the position of magistrate of Tianqing County for more than ten years. From the very beginning, he was very ambitious and wanted to do something good, but now he has not been able to do so.

Seeking merit but seeking no fault, Mi Ke can be regarded as a vivid interpretation of the mentality of most low-level officials in the Liang Dynasty.

Originally, as a parent officer in the Daliang Dynasty, the biggest problem I encountered when working as a parent officer in such a remote place was the monsters that would appear from time to time. At first, Mi Ke, the parent officer, was always on tenterhooks, fearing that one day he would be attacked by those monsters.

The monsters ate it up, and it wasn't until Chen Chaolai took over as the previous governor who died suddenly three years ago that his life became easier. With Chen Chaolai around, no monsters dared to appear in Tianqing County anymore. Only a parent official like him could do this.

Much more comfortable.

Mi Ke, who knew that there was no possibility of continuing to climb higher, had no intention of bothering these ordinary people. Under his rule, Tianqing County was a rare peaceful place in the Liang Dynasty, so his reputation in Tianqing County was also quite good.


Just looking at the conclusions drawn after the autopsy on the corpse in his hand, Mi Ke couldn't help but frown.

"Then the Chen family and his wife really don't have any grudge against anyone in daily life?"

Mi Ke turned to look at the chief clerk aside, with a bad expression on his face.

The chief registrar's surname is Zhang. He is not tall, but he has a beard. He does not look like a scholar. The chief registrar is in charge of documents, books and seals. In the Liang Dynasty, he was the second person in a county after the magistrate.

Number one.

Chief Zhang nodded with a wry smile, "Your Majesty, the Zhang family has always had a good reputation and is quite kind. The neighbors around them all praise this couple a lot, and they have never had any enmity with anyone."

Mi Ke nodded, but did not refute anything. This result was already expected.

"County Lord, over there..."

Master Zhang glanced at Mi Ke,

He also wanted to know the cause of death of the couple.

"Nothing came of it. After cutting the body open, nothing was found."

Mi Ke handed the paper with the conclusion written by the widower to Master Zhang and said to himself, "There are no marks on the neck. If he died of suffocation, it shouldn't look like this. Could it be haunted?"

Master Zhang took the paper and looked at it a few times, but didn't get any useful clues. They had visited the scene before. The couple died on their bed, but there was no sign of any struggle. They seemed to be in their sleep.

He died like that.

If it were just one person, it could be said to be a sudden illness, but the fact that both husband and wife died in the same way is really confusing.

Mi Ke was scratching his little hair in distress when suddenly there were rapid footsteps outside. Soon, another clerk ran into the lobby with a look of panic on his face, "Sir, he's dead! He's dead!"

Dead? I’m dead?!

Mi Ke raised his head and cursed angrily, "Nonsense, I am alive and well, who is dead?!"

The clerk came to the front of the hall, panting heavily. Seeing his master getting angry, he immediately said, "Sir, someone has died again, and he died in the same way as the Chen family and his wife!"

Before Mi Ke could speak, Master Zhang took the lead and asked, "Seriously?"

The clerk kept nodding his head like a chicken pecking at rice, and said worriedly, "It's the same Changyuan Street, butcher Zhang from the butcher shop is dead, and we have no meat to eat!"

"Asshole, what are you talking about?"

Mi Ke immediately reprimanded, but then realized that the matter was not simple, and immediately looked at Master Zhang, "Follow me, my lord, to have a look."

Chief Zhang nodded, rolled up his sleeves and picked up the knife placed under the table.

When the four of them walked out of the lobby, Mi Ke suddenly remembered something and ordered the clerk beside him, "Go to Peach Blossom Alley to invite the guard Chen... and ask him to go directly to Changyuan Street!"

As a county magistrate, Mi Ke's ability is quite good. He has keenly realized that these two murder cases are not simple. Maybe there is some kind of monster causing trouble. If a monster is involved, then letting Chen Chao come forward is the most appropriate way.

"It's so late at night, what if Guardsman Chen doesn't want to come?"

The petty official was in a dilemma. Although the magistrate was the head of the county, the official rank of the town envoy was the same as that of the magistrate. The magistrate did not have the right to dispatch. Moreover, there was no conclusive evidence that this murder was caused by a monster. The guard envoy could not

It's a reasonable thing to do.

"Just go and invite me and say you suspect a monster is causing trouble. The guy won't refuse."

Mi Ke was not worried about whether Chen Chao would come.

Because the more monsters there are, the more excited he becomes.

This chapter has been completed!
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