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Chapter 698: Difficult scriptures are everywhere

No matter in terms of age, realm, or importance in this world, there is a huge gap between the two.

There are not many monks in the other side realm in the world who dare to do this to the master of the Sword Sect.

It's not that there are a few, I'm afraid there is only one Chen Chao.

"You want to kill me?"

The leader of the Sword Sect looked at this young man who was now well-known and thought of some interesting stories.

Chen Chao said: "I also know that even if I slash the sect leader a hundred times, I may not be able to kill him."

The Sword Sect leader looked at him expressionlessly.

Chen Chao thought to himself and said, "But I don't know why, but I still want to chop the sect master a few times."

After hearing this, the leader of the Sword Sect suddenly smiled and said, "Whenever you reach the end of Wangyou, I can naturally fight you."

Chen Chao suddenly said: "A person like the sect leader would not want to be held in the hands of others."

The leader of the Sword Sect glanced at Chen Chao, and Chen Chao took a few steps back. The invisible sword energy spread in the air and bloomed in subtle ways.

This is the power of the best swordsman in the world.

The leader of the Sword Sect can allow someone like the old monk Pingdu to say such things, but he may not be able to allow a young man like Chen Chao to do this to him.

Even if such young people may become one of the most remarkable people in the world in the future, that is a story for the future.

This does not mean that Chen Chao is qualified to say these words to him at this moment.

Chen Chao held his sword in front of him, blocking a few traces of sword energy from the master of the Sword Sect, but before he could speak, another residual sword energy came to Chen Chao.

Chen Chao slashed out with his sword and retreated dozens of steps.

Dan Jian Zong

The sect master casually struck the sword, but it was far from over at this moment.

Those sword energy surrounded Chen Chao's side and tore his black shirt in an instant.

There were countless gaps left on it.

A black shirt was in pieces at this moment.

The energy in Chen Chao's body spurted out in an instant, and he fired out several swords in an instant, each of which struck the tiny sword energy on his side.

The gap between the other shore realm and the end of Wangyou is really too big. If it were an ordinary other shore, I'm afraid he would have died in an instant.

Chen Chao had no expression on his face, he just kept swinging his sword, and then kept cutting off the sword energy and tearing it into pieces.

In the end, some sword energy fell on Chen Chao, causing many wounds on his body.

Blood flowed along his body and all the way to the ground.

Fortunately, this kind of thing did not last long and completely dissipated after a while.

The leader of the Sword Sect glanced at Chen Chao and did not take action again. For a person like him, one attack would be enough against a junior like Chen Chao. It would be unreasonable to keep attacking without mercy.

However, Chen Chao's performance was beyond the expectations of the Sword Sect leader.

"Your physical foundation is good enough. No wonder you are the most difficult young man to kill in this generation."

The head of the Sword Sect raised his eyebrows, and he still had some praise for Chen Chao.

Chen Chao said: "As for the sect leader, I'm afraid there is no right to kill him or not."

In the eyes of such a person, there are only two types of people in the world, one type can be killed, and the other type cannot be killed.

If you can kill, kill it; if you can't kill, you can't kill it.

As for those who cannot be killed, I'm afraid there won't be many.

"You want me to kill you?"

The leader of the Sword Sect looked at the young man in front of him strangely. He knew that this young man's identity was not simple, but this did not allow him to talk to him like this.

Chen Chao shook his head and said: "No one in the world wants to die."

The head of the Sword Sect looked at Chen Chao in front of him calmly.

Chen Chao also looked at the Sword Sect leader in front of him.

"Perhaps one day you will be truly qualified for me to strike you with a sword. I hope that day is not too far away."

After the Sword Sect Master finished these words, he just looked at Chen Chao deeply, then turned into a sword light and dissipated on the spot.

Looking at the place where the Sword Sect leader disappeared, Chen Chao had a complicated expression.

I originally wanted to stop the Sword Sect leader, but unexpectedly, it was too late.

If you're a step too late, it's too late.

Chen Chao glanced at the small temple in the distance with some disappointment and remained silent for a long time.

There was no sound in the temple.

Chen Chao turned around in disappointment.

"come over."

An old voice suddenly sounded, carrying the heavy dust of history and time spanning tens of millions of years.

Chen Chao was startled, then turned his head and looked towards the small temple.

An old monk came out of the temple, sat on the threshold, and looked at this side kindly.

At this moment, Chen Chao suddenly understood what it meant to be truly old.

These are the original words of the previous abbot of Luming Temple.

The old monk's two white eyebrows were so long that they dragged to the ground and even spread into the shadows of the small temple.

Chen Chao looked at the man who was said to have lived the longest in the world and didn't know what to say.

The old monk spoke first, "He asked about Buddhism, Swordsmanship, and Taoism. What about you? What do you want to ask?"

Chen Chao said: "The younger generation does not practice Buddhism.

I don’t practice swordsmanship either, so I have nothing to ask.”

There was no expression on the old monk's wrinkled face, "Then what are you doing when you open the door?"

Chen Chao said: "The original intention was to keep senior silent, but senior has already finished speaking."

The old monk said slowly: "I have always spoken very little. Over the years, I have accumulated a lot. However, there are not many people worth talking to, so when I finally meet one, I naturally have to speak more."

Chen Chao said: "That is senior's choice, and I naturally can't change it."

"But since senior has already spoken to me, does it mean that in senior's heart, I am also the one worth talking to?"

Chen Chao looked at the old monk sitting on the threshold. He looked like a statue that had experienced countless years and was covered with dust.

"I... just want to see... what kind of person that little guy chooses, and also want to see what kind of new friend she calls her new friend..."

The old monk's voice was a little weak, but fortunately he spoke very slowly, so Chen Chao could hear him clearly.

Chen Chao vaguely understood that the little guy was referring to the national master in black, but after that, Chen Chao had no idea who the old monk in front of him was talking about.

The old monk said calmly: "You are born with a murderous heart and are not a good person."

He seemed to have never opened his eyes, but the moment he opened them, it seemed as if nothing under the world could be hidden in front of his eyes.

Chen Chao was silent for a moment and said, "Senior may not be able to say whether he is a good person or not."

Chen Chao did not consider himself a good person, but in a sense, he had not done anything bad.

There was a great crisis in the history of Confucianism

A very classic debate is the different views of two saints on human nature.

There is a saint who believes that human nature is inherently evil, so he must be guided to do good things through the day after tomorrow. Another saint believes that human nature is inherently good, and believes that people are born kind. The reason why there are good people and bad people in the world is because

Causes of acquired experiences.

At that time, this debate was very famous in the world. Countless scholars were involved in it. Both sides kept taking sides and arguing. But even later, when these two saints have become famous saints in the history of Confucianism, there is still no answer.


Both claims remain in dispute today.

The old monk said: "If you are cruel enough to kill your own relatives, that is the greatest evil in the world."

Chen Chao asked: "Should right or wrong be placed above family affection?"

The old monk was silent.

"But what is right and what is wrong?"

I don’t know how long it took, but the old monk suddenly said: “Who decides what is right or wrong?”

Hearing this, Chen Chao felt confused in his eyes.

But it soon became clear.

Chen Chao smiled and said, "Senior, right and wrong are in my heart, not in senior's mouth."

After saying this, Chen Chao turned around and did not want to talk to the old monk anymore.

In these long years, no one like Chen Chao has appeared.

Not far away, a monk in black looked at Chen Chao with his hands clasped together.

Chen Chao met the old monk Pingdu again. The abbot of Luming Temple looked at Chen Chao and knew that he had accomplished nothing.

"Nothing in this world is certain to be possible, and of course nothing is impossible to do."

The old monk Pingdu sighed with emotion: "You failed to stop him.

If he can really understand that sword, even if he really understands that thing, things may not be that bad. Everything has its own destiny, so you can't rush it, and you can't be anxious."

Chen Chao didn't know what to say, so he just remained silent.

The old monk Pingdu looked at him with a smile, "The confusion in my heart is all because I think too much, but there is no way in the world to think about so much."

Chen Chao said: "Master's words are deeply Zen."

The old monk Pingdu smiled and said, "It's just ordinary words."

"If there's nothing else to do, you can go back."

The old monk Pingdu said: "It seems that there is nothing useful for you in the temple."

Chen Chao nodded and turned to leave.

It's just that he doesn't plan to return to the divine capital after leaving Luming Temple, but to return to Weizhou.

I want to meet an old friend.

This chapter has been completed!
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