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Chapter 917 Business is in the wine

Most of Yingzhou's territory is close to the sea, so this northeastern capital of Daliang has many seaports and ferries. Most large ships usually sail by sea.

However, although the sea route is convenient, it is actually very risky. If the ship is not big enough, it can easily capsize. However, even if the ship is big enough, in addition to the ordinary big fish, there are actually some sea monsters in the sea, which will often attack fishing boats.

, devouring flesh and blood. Therefore, many merchants who are not rich in wealth will abandon the more convenient sea route and choose to take the ferry in the river. Although it is slower, it is mainly safer.

However, there are not many river crossings in Yingzhou.

The largest ferry is called Fenglingdu. There is an interesting anecdote about this place. It is said that a young girl met a world-famous monk here and fell in love at first sight. From then on, she never had a crush on anyone else.

, after the woman herself became a great monk, she met another young man at the same place. The young man also fell in love with the girl, but the girl remained unmoved. In the end, the young man also became famous all over the world.

, became a great great master in Taoism, but he has never been tempted by any other woman.

It is said that the Taoist master returned to this ferry more than a hundred years later, looked at the place where he met the woman that day, thought of the woman, and finally sighed, suddenly realizing that what happened more than a hundred years ago.

At this moment, a ferry was slowly coming towards Fenglingdu. There were many people on the ferry, and there were more than ten people on the bow alone.

Those people had mixed auras and different levels. They obviously did not come from the same sect.

However, they all seemed very familiar with each other. At this moment, three or two people gathered together, chatting and laughing happily.

In the largest cabin here, two people were sitting in front of a low table, with a chessboard on it, with black and white pieces on it, and they were fighting non-stop.

The man sitting facing the south is wearing a bright red robe, like a sea of ​​blood, with black hair draped casually on his shoulders. Even sitting cross-legged at this moment, you can see that this man has a slender figure, but the most important thing is his appearance. In fact,

He is too handsome to be a human being.

Infatuated View: Now the young master of the view has been called by the world to have the appearance of being relegated to an immortal, but if we look at the appearance alone, he is actually not as good as the person in front of him.

In comparison, the man opposite him had a much more ordinary appearance, looking like an ordinary middle-aged scribe.

Beside them, there are two maids, both tall and beautiful. Each of them is holding a food plate with a white jade porcelain bowl and plum soup in the bowl.

However, even though the man in red robe has an almost extraordinary posture, he is still not as good as the middle-aged scribe opposite him on the chess course, because the white stone he is holding can no longer hide his decline at this moment.

However, the middle-aged scribe who was in charge was not in a hurry to slay the white dragon. Instead, after making a move that had nothing to do with the overall situation, he asked softly, "What is the hope of success in this matter?"

The man in red robe glanced at the chessboard and said casually, "It's 50% now. In fact, it was 50% when he agreed to meet us. As for why it's only 50%, is it because of whether it can be done or because he is

Say one word, or two words."

These words were a bit round and round, and it would be difficult for others to understand, but the middle-aged scribe nodded and said, "I have been waiting for the opportunity for so many years, and I have finally arrived, but in the end I still have to be controlled by others. It is really difficult."

The man in red robe didn't take it seriously, "No major event in the world is simple. It's difficult. If you think about it from another angle, it's not easy to get to this point. But now that we've reached this point, we have to do it.

That’s it.”

The middle-aged scribe asked suspiciously, "Aren't you afraid of him opening his mouth like a lion?"

The man in red robe smiled and said, "The lion opens his mouth? He probably really thought about it. It's reasonable, because no matter what he wants, for us

, it’s all earned, it’s nothing more than earning more and earning less.”

As he spoke, the man in red robe made a bet. Although he knew the outcome was already decided, he still did not throw in the bet and admit defeat. He was just trying hard to find a chance of winning.

Really slim.

"Then where is your bottom line?"

The middle-aged scribe looked curiously at the man in red robe in front of him. Some things must be done, but you can't just ignore everything in order to accomplish this, right?

The man in red robe nodded and said, "Of course there is a bottom line, otherwise why would you put so much effort into doing this? If you are alone and carefree, where can't you go?"

The middle-aged scribe nodded and said, "That's how it should be."

Although I still haven't heard the man in red robe in front of me explain clearly where the so-called bottom line is, but with the other person's words, there is actually no need to worry.

The man in red robe glanced at the chessboard and sighed, "Second minister, how come your chess skills are so high?"

The middle-aged scribe said angrily, "If I can't beat you, why don't you let me put your head on the chessboard and slaughter you? If that doesn't work, then you really have no sense at all."

The man in red robe laughed, held a white stone, and thought for a moment. Before he could make a decision, he heard the middle-aged scribe ask again, "Should I say more or less later?"

When it comes to business matters, it's better for one person to talk about it and be able to decide it with one word than for two people to go into battle together and cover each other.

"But it should be a lot smoother. After all, it's a first-class tour, so there won't be so many twists and turns."

The middle-aged scribe thought about it for a while, but then he smiled bitterly and said, "But it doesn't seem to be a good thing. It is said that this person has a very bad temper and will destroy the sect at every turn. If he disagrees with you later, he will drag the matter to

Some extreme..."

The man in red robe narrowed his eyes and smiled. Before he could speak, someone outside the cabin said, "We're here."

We have arrived at Fengling Ferry.

The man in red robe stood up and said with a smile, "Second minister, let's go."

The middle-aged scribe nodded.

After that, the two people walked out of the cabin and slowly disembarked. Behind them, the monks all stood in silence.

After getting off the boat, the maid still wanted to follow him, but the middle-aged scribe waved his hand to indicate that it was not necessary. Then he asked the maid to wait where he was, and the two of them came to a pavilion not far from the ferry.

The man in red robe stood silently, while the middle-aged scribe looked into the distance, hoping to see the figure he wanted to see.

But the result is naturally disappointing.

Until an hour later.

"I have to say that this Lord Guardian is quite arrogant. We have been waiting at Huangliang County for more than half a month. Now he has informed us to come here for discussion, but he still hasn't shown up yet."

The middle-aged scribe sighed and spoke, but there was some dissatisfaction in his words.

The man in red robe smiled and said, "In today's world, there are only a few people who can really talk the talk, and he is the most effective talker among these few people. He has some airs, which is natural. What are you worried about, my minister?"

"But there are some things that you have to pretend, right?"

The middle-aged scribe complained, but quickly shut up, because not far away, there were already two figures "Lately arrived." But when he saw these two figures, the middle-aged scribe couldn't help but froze, because he

Obviously you can see those two over there

Among the Taoist figures, one of them is a monk in black clothes.

In fact, he wouldn't be surprised no matter who was next to the young man, but when he found out it was a monk, he was a little puzzled.

The man in red robe didn't take it seriously, but when the young man in black robe was about to arrive outside the pavilion, he walked out of the pavilion and said with a smile, "Looking left and right, I finally saw the guardian envoy appearing."

, one look at it, and you can tell that the Lord Guardian is really just like the rumors, he is so heroic and mighty, he is really like a dragon or a phoenix among men."

Hearing this, Chen Chao didn't react at all, but the middle-aged scribe was stunned for a moment. He never thought that his old friend, whom he had known for a long time, would behave in such a way.

Chen Chao came to the pavilion and apologized slightly, "It's really a heavy workload and I kept you Taoist friends waiting for a long time."

The man in red robe waved his hand and said with a smile, "Where is the guard? Your Majesty has a high position and is responsible for everything. Every pillar depends on you. Let alone half a month, even if you wait another half a year, there will be no complaints!"

Chen Chao glanced at the red-robed man in front of him strangely, wondering why the man in front of him was so outstanding, but his words seemed a bit too philistine.

The black-clothed monk on the side smiled slightly, feeling that this world was really interesting.

"Lord Guardian, come and take a seat. I don't know if Lord Guardian prefers wine or tea. If you like wine, I have some hundred-year-old wine here. If you like tea, this friend of mine is also very good at making tea. He is quite a tea sage.

Lu Ji’s legacy.”

The man in red robe smiled and spoke, but he had already started to take out the drinks. According to him, as Chen Chao, he naturally loves wine more than tea. What's more, he has to discuss business today, so he has to drink too much to talk?

"Let's talk about it first. I have an average drinking capacity, but when it comes to drinking, what I want is to be drunk. If the guardian envoy is willing to have a few drinks, I must not let the drunkenness dissipate. Otherwise, it will be completely meaningless."

The middle-aged scribe was silent, but in fact he admired his friend very much. He was famous for his ability to drink a thousand cups, and now he took the initiative to show weakness. It seemed that he was indeed preparing for future bargaining.

It’s hard for him too.

As the highest-level casual cultivator in the world, even that distant traveler back then was ashamed of himself. He still spoke like this and was cautious, which even made people a little sad to see him.

Chen Chao narrowed his eyes and smiled and said, "Don't you know, fellow Taoist, that when discussing business, we only drink tea, and how can we start drinking as soon as we come up?"

The man in red robe slapped his forehead and asked curiously, "Is there such a saying?"

The middle-aged scribe thought for a while and said with some embarrassment, "Yes, of course it is more appropriate to drink tea, but this time I was in such a hurry that I forgot to bring the tea set with me. I'm really... really... I'm sorry, Lord Guard."

The man in red robe glanced at his old friend, his eyes full of admiration, this old guy was on the right track for once.

"Then it looks like the only option is drinking?"

Chen Chao took the seat first, squinting his eyes and smiling, "It's okay to drink, but I have an average drinking capacity, so I hope fellow Taoist people don't try to persuade me to drink."

The man in red robe smiled and said how could it be possible, but he placed the wine bowls very skillfully and poured a bowl for everyone.

There is a square table with seating for all four sides. Chen Chao is sitting in a high position. Opposite is the man in red robe. To the left and right are the middle-aged scribe and the monk in black.

Chen Chao thought for a while and asked a seemingly insignificant question first, "I heard that in the past, my fellow Taoist met the former leader of Chixin Guan, Yinli, and they disagreed.

There was a fight, and as for the outcome, it seems that outsiders still don’t know?”

The man in red robe thought for a moment and became angry for no reason, "That stupid Yinli Lao Niubi, I just met him by chance, he wants to accuse me of being a giant of demons and kill me. Although I have never been in anything in my life,

I have practiced cultivation from a well-known and decent family, but I have never done anything harmful to the world. If I can put such a shit basin on my head, I can bear it, so of course I want to fuck him all at once!"

The middle-aged scribe doesn't even want to count how many "laozi" this guy has in one sentence.

Chen Chao laughed and said, "Naturally, unfounded disasters and groundless slander would make anyone furious."

The man in red robe laughed loudly, "Minister, look, I told you that this Lord Guardian is a sweetheart. He really suits his appetite. He drinks one drink at a time."

The middle-aged scribe had no choice but to pick up the wine bowl and watched the guy drink it all in one gulp. Then he said, "I'll do what you want with me, Lord Commander. You can do whatever you want." Then he just stared at the other person's wine bowl. He didn't even think about that.

Not hiding it, the middle-aged scribe shook his head and looked to one side. The monk in black who had been silent until now also picked up the wine bowl and took a sip.

A fair-weather monk?

Chen Chao picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp. Then, as expected, the man in red robe filled it up again. Chen Chao smiled and asked, "Fellow Taoist, haven't you said the winner yet?"

The man in red robe scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "In the first battle, I am not bragging. In the end, I did beat that bull's nose. But you have to be merciful and merciful. Give him a beating and his anger will subside."

That’s fine, in the end I didn’t talk about it everywhere.”

Chen Chao nodded and said with emotion, "Fellow Taoist Feng Liu, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a 'giant in the devil'."

After all, there are only a few monks in the world who dare to fight Yin Li, the Taoist great master.

The man in red robe, whose Taoist name is Feng Liu, sounds homophonic to "romantic", waved his hands and said, "I can't afford it, I can't afford it."

Chen Chao smiled and said nothing. In fact, before meeting this casual cultivator, someone had already sent him many files. This Taoist Fellow Feng Liu was known as the first genius in the casual cultivator lineage in the past hundred years.

, the first style.

In terms of light theory, as early as ten years ago, he was already invincible among the casual cultivators. At that time, the casual cultivators in the world respectfully called him the Immortal of the Romance. I don’t know how many casual cultivators wanted to invite him to come out of the mountain to become a San cultivator who had been bullied.

Xiu made the decision, but it was difficult to find this person. This time he took the initiative to contact Shendu and wanted to meet him to discuss a business. Although he did not explain it, Chen Chao had already guessed a lot of things, but if he hadn't

Thoughts, I would not accept this matter.

But whether the business can be concluded in the end depends on this meeting.

Feng Liu glanced at the middle-aged scribe over there, suddenly slapped his forehead again, and said with a smile, "Looking at my memory, I forgot to introduce my old friend to the guardian envoy. Xu Fuchen is my old friend for many years."

Chen Chao turned around, raised his wine bowl, and said with a smile, "Young Taoist Xu, you are famous, I have heard about it for a long time. In the early years of Tianjian, there was a big demon in Yanyun County that caused trouble. It was Taoist Xu who got rid of this demon for the people in front of the court."

Yes, I should thank my Taoist friends on behalf of the court and the people."

Xu Fuchen laughed at himself and said, "It's too late to go. Most of the people in that county have been harmed by that big monster. When Xu thinks about it these years, he always feels a little ashamed."

Chen Chao said, "Everything may not always be done perfectly. If you have this kind of heart, Daoist Fellow Xu is already very good."

After drinking the bowl of wine, Chen Chao's face turned slightly red, he exhaled the smell of alcohol, put down the wine bowl, and asked, "Fellow Taoist Feng Liu, when do you plan to start talking about business? If you don't speak up, I will be drunk to death."

This chapter has been completed!
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