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Chapter 960 The smoke is visible

A motorcade left Shendu and headed north.

The convoy is a rare two-horse carriage, and the horses are tall, much better than ordinary pack horses, but even so, when the carriage passes on the official road, it still leaves a large trace on the ground.

And such a carriage, with no end in sight on the official road, made the passing businessmen and people a little curious, but when they saw the guards on the side of the motorcade, they were not so curious.

There was a guard of about thirty people, riding slowly on both sides of the convoy.

The guards all wore black official robes and official boots. They were tall and looked solemn.

Judging from their attire, it is easy to tell that this escort team is a military attaché of the Guarding Envoy lineage.

Today's Daliang has an inexplicable sense of trust in the Guardian Envoy lineage, so when they know that it is the Guardian Envoy lineage escorting this convoy, they have less worries and no need to be curious.

Anyway, as long as the guardian envoy wants to do something, it will always be done.

They have no doubt about this.

At the back of the team, there was a man in a green shirt with a leisurely expression sitting on the back of a splendid white horse. In his arms in front of him, there was a young girl who was looking around, very curious.

The most bizarre thing is that next to the white horse, there is a sweaty young man who is not riding the horse, but is following the horse at a trot.

These three people are naturally Yu Xiyi and Jiang Xiaoan, master and disciple, plus Yu Qingfeng, an unlucky guy who originally didn't want to go out, but was forced to go out.

When he first left the capital, Yu Qingfeng actually got a horse, but he could only ride it for more than twenty miles. The bored Yu Da Sword Immortal began to sigh and looked at Yu Qingfeng with a very regretful look.

Originally, Yu Qingfeng had made up his mind to ignore this nominal uncle no matter what. No matter how he behaved, he planned not to say a word to him.

But after walking for more than ten miles, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I asked Yu Dajianxian what he was sighing about.

Yu Xiyi was waiting for Yu Qingfeng to take the initiative to ask, so he quickly asked, as the eldest disciple of the Chen Dynasty, and as the strongest eldest disciple in the world, do you, Yu Qingfeng, shoulder the glory of this lineage? Everyone in the world mentions

Do you and your master have to say that you, Yu Qingfeng, are the strongest person in this sect if you want to receive the Chen Chaozhen biography?

Yu Qingfeng had never regarded He Liang as his opponent, and naturally felt that he should shoulder the responsibility of his master's martial arts inheritance, so he nodded involuntarily.

As a result, Yu Xiyi clapped his hands and said that this is wrong. You, Yu Qingfeng, should be the most powerful disciple of Chen Chao. But He Liang was obviously taken out by Chen Chao to open a small stove before. Although he may not have taught anything.

I taught you Yu Qingfeng and He Liang's tricks, but the master is partial, so this is a trade-off. Although He Liang is not as good as you at the moment, he might surpass you someday.

Yu Qingfeng frowned at that time and said, I regard Xiao He as a younger brother. Even if Xiao He becomes more powerful than me one day, I will not be sad.

Yu Xiyi said that this is wrong. He did not say that you two must meet each other in life and death, but you Yu Qingfeng should have the aura of no one in front of you, whether it is your junior brother or your master,

You must have the momentum to surpass them and stand at a higher level in martial arts.

What Yu Xiyi said was half true and half false, so Yu Qingfeng felt that it made sense after hearing it.

Later, at Yu Xiyi's suggestion, Yu Qingfeng began to take the initiative to find faults for himself. First, he stopped riding a horse, and then even when he was resting, he gritted his teeth and punched a few times.

Absolutely a bit crazy.

Originally, Jiang Xiaoan was happy to see the result of his master deceiving Yu Qingfeng, but now looking at Yu Qingfeng's crazy appearance, he was also a little worried. He gently tugged on his master's sleeves and asked in a low voice, "

Master, if you do this, if something happens to Senior Brother Yu, will Senior Uncle Chen cause trouble for us?"

Yu Xiyi felt guilty, but in front of his disciples, he still said with a straight face, "I have good intentions and teach my disciples for him, and I do it from the bottom of my heart. Xiao An, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Xiaoan said oh, and was too lazy to worry about this kind of thing anymore. Instead, he asked, "Master, how long do we have until we reach the Great Wall?"

In the hearts of ordinary people in Daliang, there are probably two places that they have only heard of but never seen in this life.

One is the most majestic city in the world, the Divine Capital, and the other is the Great Wall of the North.

If the gods are involved in the previous dynasty, it is not the result of the Daliang Dynasty, then the Great Wall in the North does not rely on any so-called "remaining charm" of the previous dynasty, but the power of the Daliang Dynasty, which lasted more than two hundred years.

During this period, countless civilians came and went, and countless treasury taxes were thrown to the north. In front of the Great Wall of the North, money seemed to be no money, but a number that kept accumulating.

Finally, there was the one that stood between the demon clan and the human race, allowing the human race to be protected from the demon clan's disaster for two hundred years.

Yu Xiyi calculated and said, "According to the current speed, we will arrive in seven or eight days, and by then you will be able to see the Great Wall that is higher than the city wall of the divine capital."

"Taller than the city walls of the divine capital?"

Jiang Xiaoan was startled. She had never thought that the Great Wall would be that high.

Yu Xiyi smiled, "If it weren't so high, the demon clan would have easily climbed onto the city wall, wouldn't it?"

He originally said it casually, but Yu Xiyi thought about it and added, "No matter how high the city wall is, in fact, without those people guarding the city head one after another, the people's lives today would not be so stable."

It should be pretty stable, right?

Yu Xiyi touched the stubble on his chin and said with a smile, "Xiao An, do you know that when I first came to Mobei as a teacher, I happened to see a magnificent battle."

At that time, I first used a Sword Sect Great Talisman to save the Sword Immortal, and then I saw a scene that I would never forget in my life. His Majesty, the Emperor, crossed Mobei alone, from south to north, and from north to south.

Since Yu Xiyi has been practicing swordsmanship, he has no idols. It can be said that in the way of swordsmanship, he has no idols.

In the eyes of Yu Xiyi, the master of the Sword Sect who is regarded as an idol by all the sword cultivators in the world is a high mountain that he will climb over sooner or later. It was not until he met His Majesty the Emperor that he crossed across Mobei. This man who had not yet become a Sword Immortal at that time,

Only then do I truly have an idol in my heart.

Not a swordsman, but a person.

A man with a great courage that almost no one can match.

In the years that followed, he, Yu Xiyi, could look down upon any powerful person in the world.

He would go up and scold him at every turn, but only when facing the Emperor, Yu Xiyi would put away all contempt and show his highest respect.

Yu Xiyi murmured, "What a joy it would be if Your Majesty could cross Mobei again and I would follow behind!"

Jiang Xiaoan didn't know what his master was thinking, he just looked into the distance, thinking about the Great Wall, and also thinking about his father.

A few days later, the convoy arrived at the first checkpoint before the Great Wall in the North. Weng Quan patted his horse and came to the checkpoint, got off his horse, took out the official certificate he carried with him, and handed it to a middle-aged general.

After the latter took it, he looked through it, raised his head, and said with a smile, "Thank you, brother."

Weng Quan chuckled, "No matter how hard you work, you are all doing your best for the country. If you really want to say who works harder, it has to be you."

General Pi glanced at the endless carriage behind him and asked in a low voice, "This batch of ordnance must be unusual, right? In the past, when delivering ordnance, you didn't let your guard envoy escort it?"

Weng Quan shook his head and lowered his voice and said, "I definitely can't talk about this, but there is one thing I can tell my brother."

General Pi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Brother, tell me quickly."

Weng Quan didn't show off, and said bluntly, "Do you know that Yu Dajianxian is in the team at the moment, escorting the ordnance to the north?"

"Yu Da Sword Immortal? Is that the Great Sword Immortal who once went south with His Majesty?"

General Pi took a breath of cold air and quickly stopped asking any more questions. He just looked at the carriages with hot eyes, "I just don't know if I can get it."

Pi kept rubbing his fingers on the handle of the knife at his waist, then handed the official dish back to Weng Quan, and asked someone to move it away.

Afterwards, the carriage passed by slowly. General Pi stood on one side and watched quietly. He clasped his fists heavily when he saw the man wearing a green shirt.

Yu Xiyi lowered his head and smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

After passing this level, there will be similar levels. As the most important northern Great Wall in the Liang Dynasty, its importance is self-evident.

Inspections at all levels are enough to prove the importance of this place.

After passing several checkpoints, everyone finally saw the outline of the Great Wall of the North, which seemed to tower into the clouds in the distance.

Jiang Xiaoan was shocked and said, "Master, you are so tall!"

Although it was not the first time for Yu Xiyi to see it, he still felt a little shocked. He raised his head and sighed, "Yes."

Afterwards, they passed through a checkpoint again and saw several horses galloping towards them in the distance. The leader was Gao Xuan, whose reputation among the young generation in the north was only second to that of Xie Nandu.

The young general clasped his fists on his horse and laughed loudly, "Gao Xuan has seen Yu Da Sword Immortal!"

Yu Xiyi straightened his waist, looked at the young general, and said with a smile, "General Gao's name, Yu is also like thunder!"

Gao Xuan smiled and said, "Really?"

Yu Xiyi's expression remained unchanged, and he nodded and said, "Of course."

Before heading to the Northern Territory this time, this Yu Da Sword Immortal was really smart. He read the military reports of the Northern Territory in advance and memorized many generals by rote.

People like the cavalry commander Li Changling and the famous general Gao Xuan were among them.

Gao Xuan smiled faintly, and his eyes fell on the panting young man beside Yu Xiyi.

Nian said curiously, "I have heard that Yu Dajianxian accepted a girl as a closed disciple. Where is this one?"

Yu Qingfeng said with some disgust, "Gao, don't think of me as his disciple, I am my master's first disciple!"

Gao Xuan let out an ooh and said with a smile, "It turns out to be Yu Shaoxia, the founding disciple of Lord Guardian Envoy. He is indeed very impressive."

Yu Qingfeng didn't have a very good impression of Gao Xuan at first. Who knew this guy had just looked at him in that way? But now after listening to these words, he changed his opinion of this guy.

He smiled and said, "You're not bad, General Gao!"

Gao Xuan laughed it off and turned to Yu Xiyi and said, "Yu Da Sword Immortal, you have a hard time walking and enter the city."

Yu Xiyi nodded slightly, gently clamped the horse's belly, and followed the young general forward.

The northern border army asked Gao Xuan to come here to greet them. Yu Xiyi was very helpful, but he also understood that this was indeed because of his status as a great swordsman. Secondly, more importantly, he brought it with him.

That's five thousand pieces of armor.

The two of them rode side by side, and Gao Xuan took the initiative to ask, "How is it now that the guardian envoy is in Shendu?"

Yu Xiyi smiled and said, "The most powerful official in the world wants to live a good life. Who can make it difficult for him?"

Gao Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't agree with what Sword Immortal Yu said. With a high position, you are destined to walk on thin ice and be careful. In the past few years since General Ning came to the north, his hair has turned a lot whiter. He worries all day and night.

I can’t explain it clearly in just a few words.”

Yu Xiyi glanced at Gao Xuan, but did not agree. He just thought about the fact that Chen Chao had been running around all these years, and he was indeed not idle. Although he never complained in front of him, he was not the only one who knew whether he was suffering or not.

Others can also see it.

"However, with the guardian envoy at the rear, we feel a lot more at ease. How could we have thought in the past that the frontier army's ordnance could be updated so quickly? Who would have thought that there could be so many dragon-blood armors? It's really hard work for you, the guardian envoy.


This is what Gao Xuan said from the bottom of his heart. Nowadays, the generals in the Northern Territory respect Chen Chao more and more day by day. After all, this man not only killed so many monsters in the Northern Territory, but also worked hard for the border troops.

Yu Xiyi joked, "If you really feel sorry for him, you don't need to say this, just send the girl named Xie back and let him watch her day and night. I think he will be very happy."

Gao Xuan laughed dumbly, "It's just that nowadays, the Northern Territory also needs Miss Xie..."

Yu Xiyi suddenly remembered the previous rumors and asked curiously, "Is she really indispensable in the north now?"

Gao Xuan smiled and nodded, "Miss Xie should know the most about the military affairs in the northern border. She is an expert in leading armies and fighting. When it comes to making major decisions, even General Ning will ask her what she means."

The two chatted and soon arrived in front of the Great Wall in the North. After that, the two entered the city. Gao Xuan smiled and said, "Sword Immortal Yu Da is not in a hurry to leave. Let's go to the General's Mansion to have a look?"

Yu Xiyi rubbed his head and said, "I can stay here for a while. I'm not in a hurry to return to the Divine Capital until the second batch of armors from the Ministry of Industry are completed."

Gao Xuan nodded and was about to speak when suddenly, on the distant sky, there was a black smoke rushing towards the sky, and together with the black smoke, there was an extremely sharp sound.

Gao Xuan was startled.

Yu Xiyi also noticed something unusual, "Is this?"

Gao Xuan became solemn and said in a deep voice, "The demon clan... is going south."

This chapter has been completed!
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