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Chapter 966 Confrontation in the sea of clouds

Just as he was told, Yu Xiyi quickly replaced the dean of the academy who was tired after a long battle.

The young great swordsman hovered over the sea of ​​clouds, looked at the demon princess in front of him, and said, "Where did he steal his master's sword skills? How shameless."

Although the words are frivolous, Yu Xiyi's heart is actually in turmoil. Monster monks and human monks have different structures. Therefore, whether it is a human monk who wants to learn demon skills or a demon monk who wants to practice human skills, they are both famous.

The difficulties are endless.

The path of swordsmanship is even more difficult than climbing to heaven. Even human monks who want to become sword cultivators have to be one of the best. It has long been a public opinion that it is easy for ordinary monks to practice swordsmanship, but it is difficult to master swordsmanship.

But even the human monks find it difficult to become a sword cultivator. How come there is only one in the demon clan? Forget it if only one is born, he has to cultivate to the realm of the Great Sword Immortal quietly. This kind of thing, just

If he mentioned it, many people would be shocked, but at this moment, Yu Xiyi really saw a great swordsman from the demon clan in front of his eyes.

Monster race, woman, great swordsman.

These three words should never be brought together.

Xilu narrowed his eyes and looked at the young great swordsman of the human race in front of him. Although Yu Xiyi's name is not as loud as Chen Chao, it is actually quite famous among the demon clan. Among the young generation of strong men of the human race,

This person came from behind and has surpassed Liu Banbi, becoming the out-and-out number one in swordsmanship.

"Well, it doesn't make much sense to kill a scholar."

Xilu spoke calmly, with incomparable confidence in his words.

Yu Xiyi clicked his tongue and said, "Do you really think I'm easy to bully?!"

He is from the Sword Sect. Ever since he took away the hundred-year-old sword weed in Jianqi Mountain, he has become famous all over the world and has never been looked down upon by anyone. Now that he has reached the realm of the Great Sword Immortal and is so young, how can anyone in the world dare to confront him now?

So what he said? This is the demon girl in front of me.

Yu Xiyi picked out his ears and made up his mind not to talk nonsense. The sea of ​​clouds instantly crisscrossed with sword energy, crisscrossing here and there, dividing the sea of ​​clouds into pieces of tofu.

The sword energy spread instantly, turning this sea of ​​clouds into Yu Xiyi's dojo.

Then the great swordsman waved his hand, and the separated floating clouds slowly gathered together to form flying swords. In the blink of an eye, there were countless flying swords arrayed behind Yu Xiyi.

Nowadays, if someone looks up at the sky, they can see countless flying swords displayed on the sky, like swarms of locusts, covering the sky and the sun.

However, after the flying sword took shape, Yu Xiyi did not drive the flying sword towards the Western Continent. Instead, he waved his hand and countless flying swords suddenly fell.

It was like a rain of swords fell from above the nine heavens!

Countless flying swords fell down, and the monsters who were still climbing at the top of the city had no way to hide. They were killed by these flying swords in an instant. If they were lucky, they just passed through their hearts and were killed.


The monsters who were less lucky were not only nailed in the body by one flying sword, but were penetrated by several flying swords at the same time, and were directly hit.

The flying sword tore into pieces and turned into a bloody mist.

In addition, there were also large pieces of minced meat falling from the top of the city.

On the city wall of Songting Pass, patches of blood were flowing from top to bottom.

Large areas of blood stains.

And more flying swords fell into the demon army. A large number of demon soldiers were killed by these flying swords at this moment.

It is roughly estimated that hundreds of demon soldiers will be killed by these flying swords at this moment.

And Liu Xiang could only resist a small part of the flying swords. Most of the time, he could only watch as those flying swords continued to fall and smash into the army.

Regardless of whether two countries are at war or something else, in many cases, as long as one side has a strong enough number, it can often change the direction of a war.

Xi Lu looked at Yu Xiyi, who was not far away, expressionlessly, "Interesting?"

Yu Xiyi narrowed his eyes and nodded seriously, "I really think it's quite interesting."

Killing monsters, killing so many monsters with just a few moves, how could it be boring to talk about?

Xilu didn't say anything. He raised his head and glanced at the sea of ​​clouds filled with sword energy. He turned into a rainbow and left in an instant, intending to face off with Yu Xiyi in his dojo.

As a princess of the demon tribe, she would naturally not tolerate Yu Xiyi's behavior of killing her people.

Yu Xiyi was a little surprised that Xilu dared to step into the sea of ​​clouds so indifferently even though he knew that the sea of ​​clouds was his dojo. However, after a moment, he calmed down, took a deep breath, and planted countless weeds in the sea of ​​clouds.

Reflecting the sky into a blue color.

In response to this, Xilu just extended his sword, and sword auras bloomed from the sea of ​​clouds with demonic aura, and began to gradually fill the entire sea of ​​clouds. Wherever it passed, it was like a strong wind, blowing down the large fields of weeds.

Of all things in the world, weeds are the most common and humble. If they grow in the fields of farmers, they will be picked up and discarded at will. However, in the wild, the weeds that can be seen everywhere will never attract anyone's attention.

When the wind blows, they are like boneless weeds, just following the direction of the wind and burying their heads in the soil.

But it is this kind of weeds. Even if the thunder from the sky stirs up the fire on the ground, and a patch of weeds is burned up by the wildfire, as long as we wait for the next spring rain, in the dark grass ashes, there will be green grass buds that will grow tenaciously again.

Breaking out of the ground.

Again and again, tirelessly.

At this moment, Xilu's sword energy was so powerful that Yu Xiyi seemed to have the upper hand. However, as the young great swordsman took a deep breath solemnly, countless weeds suddenly rose up in the sea of ​​clouds, and gradually stood up in the strong wind.

On the body, sword energy bloomed in the weeds, and then rose up, forming

Countless rays of sword light spread toward the sky.

Now above the sea of ​​clouds, what is visible to the naked eye are strips of bright white light. If you look down from directly above, it looks like little stars.

Xilu, who was in the sea of ​​clouds, looked extremely solemn at this moment.

The sword lights all around were one after another, and each one was filled with extremely terrifying sword energy. Sword formations were built one after another within a few inches to contain the Western Continent.

As the Great Sword Immortal, Yu Xiyi has often shown himself to be playful over the years, but among the younger generation, why can he come from behind and surpass Liu Banbi? Why is he the only one who can defeat the master of the Sword Sect in the Forgetful Realm? Of course it is.

Because of his innate talent in swordsmanship and his hard work in swordsmanship when no one knew about it.

At this moment, he had not yet mastered these methods when he surrounded and killed Master Wu Hao. It has only been a while now. Although Yu Xiyi failed to break through the end of Wangyou and go to the higher reaches of the sword, at the end of Wangyou, he was steady and steady.

He took several steps forward.

This sword can really be called his proud work.

Yu Xiyi is even confident that with this sword, he, Yu Xiyi, can fight against ninety-nine percent of the Forget-End monks in the world without losing. There are only two or three people who are qualified to defeat him in this realm.

After the sword was completed, Yu Xiyi nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time shook his head regretfully, sighing, "If that girl Xiao An sees that her master has this ability, can't she be allowed to study the sword with all her heart?"

laugh it off. .??.

Yu Xiyi's figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the sword light closest to Xilu. Yu Xiyi picked up the weeds and chopped them down with one sword.

The sound of swords suddenly sounded.

The Western Continent lifts the handle outside the building and collides with the weeds.

A large amount of sword energy intertwined with the swing of the two flying swords, and they were fighting here at the same time.

But in terms of sword energy alone, the Xilu in front of him is indeed not as good as Yu Xiyi.

Soon she achieved a devastating defeat.

However, if Xilu is just a demon sword cultivator who is lucky enough to enter the realm of the Great Sword Immortal, then she cannot be a more terrifying existence than Yun Jianyue among the younger generation in Chen Chao's words.

When he drank with Chen Chao several times, the young guard mentioned the strong men in the world, especially the younger generation, and said that only Xilu was the one he was not sure of winning every time he fought against him.

At that time, Yu Xiyi asked with a smile, if it were a life and death battle, couldn't I trade one life with you?

Chen Chao shook his head and said it was impossible. Whether it was Yu Xiyi or Yun Jianyue, if you two were to fight to the death with me now, I would have the ability to kill you with serious injuries, but only Xilu,

Every time they fight, he thinks the outcome between the two is between 50 and 50.

Even though he had completely defeated Xilu in Mobei that time, if Xilu came back again, he still wouldn't be able to defeat him.

Having confidence gives you the certainty of victory.

Yu Xiyi also asked at that time why.

Chen Chao thought for a while and gave his answer.

That means you, Yu Xiyi and Yun Jianyue, are both rare geniuses in the world. Naturally, your talent for cultivation is not weaker than that of Xilu, but the battle of life and death is not cultivation. There are too many fleeting opportunities that need to be grasped.

This ability, Xilu far exceeds the two of you.

Finally, Chen Chao solemnly warned Yu Xiyi that if one day he meets the narrow road of Xilu, don't hesitate and use all your strength to draw the sword from the beginning.

It was precisely because of these conversations that Yu Xiyi handed out this most proud sword from the beginning.

But at this moment, Yu Xiyi was already a little confused. Is the Xilu in front of him really the woman that Chen Chao said was difficult to defeat?

But the next moment, Xilu himself gave the answer. Xilu, who was at a disadvantage in the competition of sword energy, suddenly raised his sword, and the evil energy poured out from the other hole in the body, killing him at an extremely terrifying speed.

Come, the gap between Yu Xiyi and Yu Xiyi was evened in an instant. Not only that, Xilu then started to actively attack Yu Xiyi. He thrust his sword diagonally and the demonic aura was like a broken bamboo, shattering a large piece of Yu Xiyi's sword energy.

Yu Xiyi frowned slightly and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was beside the sword light behind Xilu.

This is the ingenuity of this sword. He, Yu Xiyi, seems to have constructed a huge chessboard in the sea of ​​clouds, and he can appear at a certain node on this huge chessboard with his mind, and the countless

The sword light is the node he planted.

In this way, unless the opponent who breaks into this place can break his sword, he will always be at a disadvantage.

In a short period of time, Yu Xiyi had already handed out hundreds of swords, each sword was extremely terrifying, and several of them almost seriously injured Xilu.

But in the end, under hundreds of swords surrounded by dangers, Xilu was still unscathed.

At this moment, Yu Xiyi's expression became more and more solemn.

If I was still dubious before, now I really don’t dare to underestimate the demon princess in front of me.

Xi Lu had no expression on his face. After seven hundred sword strikes, this talented woman from the demon clan seemed to have figured out the trajectory of Yu Xiyi's sword. After dozens of sword strikes, Yu Xiyi became more and more uncomfortable when he drew the sword, almost losing the feeling of taking the initiative.

After more than a hundred sword fights, Yu Xiyi could no longer get any advantage.

This forced him to lift his sword and retreat. Finally, he hovered next to a distant sword light. He took a deep breath and turned back the sword light that shot straight into the sky, heading towards the Western Continent.

Countless sword lights flooded the Western Continent in an instant.

Yu Xiyi looked up at the sky, let go of the flying sword weed in his hand, and let the century-old sword hover in front of him. Then the young great swordsman murmured softly, "Xiao Chen, this bitch, no

It’s a good fight.”

This chapter has been completed!
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