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Chapter 134 Ruyang has three things he can't mess with!

"Let's go and look ahead and find an inn first."

After regaining consciousness, Li Mo stepped forward.

Looking at the appearance of the county, there should be quite a few inns and none of them are bad.

The layout of the county seat of Ruyang County is very simple. Except for the two main streets running through the east-west and north-south streets, the rest are residential areas for the common people.

In addition, there is no specialized market in the county.

There are shops along the two streets. Although they are small, they are well-equipped and sell everything.

As Li Mo expected,

After half a stick of incense, they found a very nice inn, not much worse than those in Dongdu.

"Boy, are you ready to go to the room? Come to the seventh room."

After entering the door, Li Mo said.

On this trip, plus Li Zhe and ten other attendants, as well as Master Zeng and Dan Qiusheng, there are exactly fourteen people.

"Yes, please invite some guests."

In the store, the waiter was busy working when he saw Li Mo and others hurriedly came forward to greet them. Although Li Mo wanted a lot of rooms, the waiter did not show any surprise, as if he was used to it.

Kick, kick, kick!

After taking the time to go upstairs, the waiter was not idle and said casually,

"Mr. Lang is also in the silk business? Why do you look so cool?"

"No, I'm in the white linen paper business!"

Along the way, Li Mo used this excuse. Without it, he had to find time to write a copy of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so half a cart of white linen paper was pulled behind the carriage to cope with this excuse.

"White linen paper business? This is the first time I've heard of it."

The waiter was stunned.

More than 90% of the merchants who come to Ruyang County are in the silk business, and many are in the grain business. Over time, they have met many regular customers.

This is the first time I have seen someone making white linen paper.

“I’m new here and want to give it a try.”

"If you want to give it a try, please be careful, Mr. Lang. Apart from silk and grain, other businesses in Ruyang are really hard to do."

Seemingly out of novelty, the waiter talked a lot more than usual.

"Thanks for the reminder, brother."

While we were talking, the waiter had already arranged all the guest rooms when we went upstairs.

Just when the waiter turned around to leave, Li Mo suddenly had a thought and took out two taels of silver from his sleeve.

The waiter was so chatty that I just wanted to ask him about the situation.

"Brother, I'm here for the first time. There are many things I don't understand yet. I wonder if I have time to chat?"

"Huh? There is time! There is time!"

The waiter was very happy when he saw the silver.

He hurriedly took it and put it in his arms, and said hurriedly, "What do you want to ask, sir? I can tell you everything."

"Just talk about Ruyang County casually, the more detailed the better."

Li Mo motioned to the waiter to sit down and chat slowly.


The waiter first glanced at Zhou Yurou who had already started packing her things, and then spoke,

"Since this is the first time that Mr. Lang comes to Ruyang County, he must know the rules of Ruyang County. There are three major ones in Ruyang County that cannot be messed with, so be sure to remember them! If you encounter them, it is best to avoid them."

"You can't mess with the three big ones?"

"Well, the number one person you shouldn't mess with is the silk buyer, Boss Ke! He has many thugs under his command, and I heard there are also many martial arts masters."

When mentioning the first person not to be messed with, the waiter deliberately lowered his voice.

"Boss Ke? Silk buyer?"

Li Mo's mind moved.

Thinking of the speculations I had made with Master Zeng and Dan Qiusheng before.

It seems that this person should be paid close attention to in the future.

"What about the second one that you can't mess with?"

"The second person who should not be offended is Hu Luo, the county magistrate of this county. Since the Ruyang county magistrate either died unexpectedly or retired early and returned to his hometown, even the county lieutenant did the same, so Hu Luo was basically the only one in charge of the county government.

Forget it, so he can’t mess with it.”

When the county government was mentioned, the waiter couldn't help but sigh.

Once upon a time, ordinary people like them also hoped that Dongdu could send a capable county magistrate to Ruyang to save the people of Ruyang County.

But every time I wait I am disappointed.

Hu Luo covered the sky with his hands in Ruyang County. The poor people dared not speak out but could only wait.

A few days ago, I finally came to Dongdu. The people naively thought he was the great savior. Many people who were fed up with the bullying wanted to sue Hu Luo.

As a result... they are all the same.

It doesn't matter if the guy doesn't drive.

"Hu Luo? What about the third one who shouldn't be messed with?"

Li Mo nodded slightly.

In fact, he had expected this.

"The third one is Zhang Yuanwai from the city. He owns thousands of acres of land in Ruyang County and runs many shops. He is mainly engaged in the grain business! He has also recruited many martial arts masters under his sect. If he stamps his feet,

The entire Ruyang County may be left without rice.”

The waiter smiled bitterly.

"Is a person in the grain business so powerful?"

Li Mo raised his eyebrows.

No matter where you are, you must have food in your own hands.

"What you don't know, Mr. Lang, is that the relationship between these three families is very good. It can be said that they are both prosperous and destructive."

"So that's it! Then there are other things in Ruyang County..."

"Lang Jun, apart from these three parties, everything else is a trivial matter, but... Lang Jun's white linen paper business may be difficult to do. People in Ruyang County even have trouble eating, let alone other things?

There are even fewer scholars and scholars.

Last year, during the scientific examination, there were only six scholars in the entire Ruyang County, and that's it... they all went to Dongdu to make a living and never returned to Ruyang County."

The waiter couldn't help but curl his lips.

In Ruyang County, it has become an extremely luxury thing for children of common people to go to school.

Therefore, in his opinion, if Li Mo wants to start a white linen paper business in Ruyang County, he is destined to lose all his money.


"Is there anything else you want to know, Mr. Lang?"

"It's gone for the time being. If you need anything, come back to me."

Li Mo shook his head.

The news I heard from the waiter is certainly useful, but I need to go around the city tomorrow to listen to the voices of the people and see if what the waiter said is true or false.

"Okay! Mr. Lang has a rest first, and I will bring him some hot water later."

With the money, the waiter's attitude is much better than before.

"Thank you!"


Night falls, Dongdu,

In Changshi's Mansion, after Xu Ning read the secret letter in his hand, he seemed to have lost his soul and had already sat down half a stick of incense.


Across the way, Zhou Yuqing looked very worried and wanted to comfort Xu Ning but didn't know how.

They have received a letter from Zhou Mansion.

Knowing that the position of governor of Dongdu was given to Zhao Hai, Xu Ning was still the governor of Dongdu, neither promoted nor demoted. All the previous efforts were in vain.

"It must be Shen Jin who is behind the scenes! Zhao Hai soon took his troops to Ruyang County for a tour and didn't even capture a single bandit. How come he is so loved by the people?"

After a while,

Xu Ning clenched her fists tightly and said angrily with red eyes.

"Husband, this is a coincidence for Zhao Hai! But having said that... Chang Shi's responsibilities are different from those of others. It is really difficult to do things for the people."

Zhou Yurou breathed a long sigh of relief when she saw her husband speaking.

It's better to say it than to hold it in.

This chapter has been completed!
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