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Chapter 225 Bank prototype

"Brother Li, let me wait and see this object. Why are you so anxious?"

Seeing the merchant put away the porcelain bowl, other merchants looked reluctant to leave.

They had never seen such exquisite porcelain. Ever since they saw this porcelain bowl, they felt that all the tributes in the palace were extremely ordinary things.

It would be unlucky to take one back.

"Everyone, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that this thing is too scarce! If you really want it... maybe you can go to Ruyang and give it a try. You may be able to buy such porcelain there."

The merchant named Li first looked around cautiously, then lowered his voice and said.

"Going to Ruyang?"

"Well, I bought this thing from a merchant in Ruyang. According to the merchant, this thing was made in Ruyang!"

"Fired in Ruyang?"

The other people's eyes lit up when they heard this.

They certainly know the name of Ruyang. Although a large Yan has been established in Anlu Mountain, it does not prevent them from traveling back and forth between the two places.

If I go to Ruyang and buy more porcelain like this and transport it to Chang'an, wouldn't I be able to make a lot of money?

As long as you buy this kind of porcelain, you will make money.

"But you have to think clearly. I heard that Ruyang only recognizes silver but not Dayan Tongbao. You must bring more silver with you when you go there."

The merchant surnamed Li said again.

"This is natural. It must be recognized as silver between countries. Everyone knows these principles. Not to mention Ruyang, even in the Great Yan Kingdom, there are still not many people and merchants who recognize the Great Yan Tongbao."

One of the merchants curled his lips.

His business still uses trivial silver for transactions.

It's not that they don't want to, but they also have their own worries. If the Tang Dynasty can be destroyed overnight, the Kaiyuan Tongbao in their hands will become useless. What if this matter will be done to Dayan again?

In fact, it’s not just Dayan,

Merchants doing business everywhere now only recognize the coins of Tubo, Turks and Khitan in addition to silver. As for the various princes of the Tang Dynasty, they will never recognize them easily.

"Just understand! Okay, that's it for today!"

"Oh...Brother Li, how about you let me wait and take another look?"




As everyone knows, just when these merchants from Dayan mentioned that they wanted to bring enough money to Ruyang to buy porcelain,

Ruyang, lobby,

Li Mo and a group of subordinates were standing in front of the desk, looking at the topographic map of Ruyang.

"My lord, the size of this inner city is similar to that of the imperial palace. When the inner palace is completed, it will be the day when I, Ruyang, will establish my country!"

After a pause, Dan Qiusheng said.

After hearing that other princes were establishing kingdoms, Li Mo's subordinates also secretly began to organize.

But they all know in their hearts,

No matter how well prepared it is in the early stage, Ruyang definitely needs an inner palace, because it is a symbol of imperial power and cannot be filled with a county government office.

The day before yesterday, the outer city wall and the arrow tower on the city wall were completed, and the construction of the inner palace officially kicked off.

That’s why Dan Qiusheng had this theory.

"Mr. Dan is right. According to Mr. Gongshu, it will only take more than two months to build the inner palace as shown on the drawings. That means that in two months, I will establish the country of Ruyang."

Beside, the god of wine Zhang Xu spoke.

He and Gongshu Ban were still in charge of the construction of the inner palace.

This time, the stones and bricks used in the inner palace are of the highest quality, and the roof of the inner palace is even planned to be made of golden glazed tiles. If it is built, it will definitely not be inferior to the inner city in Chang'an.

"Then there's Senior Dionysus!"

Li Mo nodded.

There is no rush to establish a country, and there is no need to be late for a good meal, as long as Ruyang can maintain the current pace.

"My lord, please don't do this. This is a subordinate's duty."

'However, although the country will not be established until two months later, the name of the country still needs to be agreed upon by the lord in advance, and the coins of Ruyang also need to be minted in advance!'

At this time, Dan Qiusheng bowed again and spoke.

"National title?"

Everyone looked at Li Mo.

Yes, the country's name is also a top priority. Everyone usually calls it Ruyang, but it can't really be called Ruyang in the end.

"We, Ruyang, are located in the Central Plains, and the land of the Central Plains has the dragon as its totem. How about Ruyang's country name be dragon?"

Seeing this, Li Mo expressed his thoughts.

In fact, he has been thinking about the name of the country since he made the plan to found the country.

After much deliberation, I still think it would be more comfortable to call it Dragon Country.

"Dragon Kingdom? How wonderful! How wonderful! My lord is a great talent, and my subordinates admire him!"

Beside the table, Dan Qiusheng and others were stunned for a moment when they heard the word "龙国", and then they all gave a thumbs up.

There is absolutely nothing to fault about this country name.

"Then let's use Dragon Kingdom. As for the coin... let's just call it Dragon Kingdom Tongbao!"

After deciding on the name of the country, Li Mo said again.

He has already considered the matter of coins, and the best exchange ratio is still one thousand Wenlong Guotong Bao for one tael of silver.

Moreover, Li Mo also plans to add some modern metallurgical methods when minting coins.

By then, the coins minted by Ruyang will be identifiable at a glance, and other princely states will be unable to forge them.

"My lord, it is not difficult to mint coins. The difficulty lies in how to promote them. If a new coin is issued, ordinary people will not recognize it! Especially there are many foreign merchants in Ruyang. If they do not recognize it, I am afraid that the new coin will encounter dissatisfaction.

less obstacles,

It is said that Dayan in Anlu Mountain, Nanguo in Yang Guozhong and even Li Xuan in Daliang are all trying to do nothing about this matter."

For a moment, Master Zeng, who had not spoken for a long time, said in a deep voice.

After the news came back from the autocoupling, he, Dan Qiusheng and others had been thinking of a way to crack it, but after much deliberation they still couldn't come up with a good solution.

If there is really no solution, then we can only leave it to time, but it will definitely be a long process.


Li Mo's expression changed,

"Two gentlemen, I wonder how our ceramic business in Ruyang is doing these days?"

He turned around and asked.

"My lord, since the birth of Ruyang porcelain, it has been deeply loved by merchants from all walks of life. It has become hard to find. Many merchants have even approached Mr. Wang Weiwang, hoping that Ruyang County Government can supply more porcelain.


When it comes to the ceramic business, both Dan Qiusheng and Master Zeng looked full of admiration.

They really didn't expect that their lord had such magical powers.

As expected, as long as Ruyang's porcelain-making skills are not spread to outsiders, this will still be Ruyang's core business even in a few decades.

"Well, when the time comes, merchants can use Longguo Tongbao to purchase porcelain, double-sided embroidery, etc. In short, all our Ruyang Industrial Longguo Tongbao can be used, and what we have to do is to build another large bank in the outer city.

This money can be used to exchange coins and silver according to a certain proportion to the common people and merchants."

Seeing that his two subordinates were worried about this matter, Li Mo calmly waved his hand.

What should I do if the new currency cannot be issued?

It's actually very simple, just refer to the experience of later generations.

Just find a state-owned unit that endorses it and exchange it, and then use the corresponding hard currency to measure it.

This chapter has been completed!
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