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Chapter 229 Ruyang has enough soldiers, what should everyone do?

This scene was not only staged at the south entrance of Ruyang. Cheng Ruobing from the north entrance, Qin Fang and Xue Song from the west entrance also rushed to Ruyang City as soon as possible after receiving the order.

Especially after hearing the figure of 70,000 troops,

There was no trace of fear in their eyes, but more excitement and bloodlust.

However, after the news spread, some people panicked!

The next day, at noon, Ruyang, a restaurant,

After hearing this, several businessmen who were having a drink suddenly stood up.

"What? King Xiangyang's 70,000-strong army has arrived in Nanyang? This..."

"Is this serious?"

After coming back to his senses, a merchant hurriedly asked again.

"Of course it is true. It is said that the King of Xiangyang sent an envoy to make Ruyang attach itself to Xiangyang, but the envoy has been imprisoned by the Lord of Ruyang!"

The insider clicked his tongue twice,

Obviously, he did not expect that the Lord of Ruyang would be so powerful.

By the way, how many troops does Ruyang have in total? It is estimated that the number is 30,000.

With the envoy detained at this time, there is no possibility of mediation between the two sides, and war is inevitable!

"Stupid, really stupid! In fact, as long as the Lord of Ruyang talks carefully, he might be able to keep Ruyang. Isn't it just dependence? It is reported that the Lord of Xiangyang is a member of the Li family, and the Lord of Ruyang is also a descendant of the Li family.

There’s nothing wrong with being attached!”

After hearing this, a merchant was so angry that he banged the wine table several times.

It was said that he finally got in line and expected to be able to buy porcelain from Ruyang in a few days. How could he buy it now with all the fuss?

But if Li Mo attached himself to Xiangyang, the ceramics business might still be able to continue.

"Who says it's not... But now that the matter is here, I should wait and think about what to do? Should I continue to wait or..."

The insider spread his hands.

Why didn't he think so, but the Lord of Ruyang was a tough guy and wouldn't give in at all.

"Wait? Wait a damn! If you keep waiting, are you going to have to wait for Xiangyang's army to besiege the city?"

The merchant gave the insider a sharp look.

"But...it's not easy to come here!"

"Why is it not easy? What is more important, making money or life? We will pack our things and go back to Chang'an in a while!"

"Then...Okay! I will pack my luggage later and return to Chang'an as soon as possible while Ruyang can still leave the customs."



The foreign merchants in the restaurant reacted this way, but the people of Ruyang and the local merchants reacted differently after hearing the news.

"It's a good lock! Why? Why do we, Ruyang, depend on them if they say a word from Xiangyang?"

At the corner of the restaurant, several vendors were chatting with each other.

"That's right! It's not easy for us in Ruyang to go from poverty to where we are now. We must not give in easily!"

"Just fight! By the way, do you know if our Ruyang Army is still recruiting soldiers?"

A vendor selling crispy pears said this.

Before, they didn't know what a sense of belonging was. They felt that who would be the county magistrate and who would be the emperor had nothing to do with them as ordinary people, but this time... that feeling was particularly strong.

They really don’t want anyone else to take charge of Ruyang. There is only one person in charge of Ruyang.

That is the current lord, Li Mo!

If they were really annexed by Xiangyang, they would rather die than let them succeed.

"Yes, I will go too! What happened to the 70,000-strong army? We, the people of Ruyang, are not vegetarians either."

"Don't worry, everyone. After the news came out, many people in Ruyang have gone to the government office. The reply they got is that Ruyang's soldiers are enough. What should everyone do?"

A vendor shook his head.

In fact, he also went to the government office early.

The prefect Wang Wei told everyone that the lord has received everyone's wishes, but there is really no need for so many soldiers this time.

If you are interested, you can join the Ruyang army when Ruyang recruits soldiers later.

"Ah? We have enough soldiers in Ruyang? I heard that there are 70,000 troops in Xiangyang? Is it possible that we in Ruyang also have 70,000 troops?"

The vendor selling crispy pears was immediately stunned.

"Probably not, but that's the reply from the government office. Mr. Wang Weiwang is also a good official who loves the people like his own son. He will definitely not lie to me about this kind of thing."


Just when several vendors were about to continue saying something, a voice suddenly came from the street,

"Big news, big news... Our Ruyang army has left the border?"

"What? Out of seclusion?"

All the people were extremely concerned about this matter, and upon hearing these words, they all gathered around.

"What's going on? Come and tell me!"

"Just an hour ago, our Ruyang army had left Ruyang Pass and headed straight for Nanyang!"

The person who delivered the news was out of breath. He had just returned from Ruyang Pass on a fast horse.

"Then how many troops have our Ruyang army dispatched in total? Are they all dispatched? In addition, are there any reinforcements from Luoyang and Pingyang?"

Some people couldn't help but ask again.

"We in Ruyang seem to have dispatched a total of ten thousand cavalry, and the leader is Nankou guard Luo Yun! Except for Nankou guard Luo Yun, the other guards have not left the city."

After taking a moment to breathe, the person who reported the news spoke.

However, as soon as these words came out, all the people were stunned on the spot.

"Ah? Ten thousand troops? Don't we have nearly forty thousand troops in Ruyang? Why did we dispatch ten thousand troops?"

"Yes, there are generals! I heard that in addition to General Luo Yun at the south entrance of Ruyang, we also have General Cheng Ruobing at the north entrance, General Qin Fang at the west entrance, and a general who commands the three armies. Not to mention this

Who is the mysterious commander? General Cheng Ruobing and General Qin Fang are both queens of the generals. Their ability to command troops can be imagined!

In this case, how could General Luo Yun be allowed to lead the troops alone?

There are 70,000 troops in Xiangyang!"

When I came back to my senses, all the people were really confused.

"I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, it is the 10,000 troops led by General Luo Yun who came out!"



In fact, it is not only the people in Ruyang City who are confused, but also other princes who have received the news.

Jiannan County, Royal Palace,

Yang Guozhong sat on the throne and listened to the scout's report, his brows instantly furrowed.

"Ten thousand troops? Are you sure the news is correct?"

It is said that King Li Feng of Xiangyang's territory borders his southern kingdom in the south, so he has been paying attention to the movements in Xiangyang, especially after learning that Li Feng had transferred all his 70,000 troops to the border of Nanyang.

He knew that Li Feng might want to take action against Ruyang.

I thought there might be peace talks with Ruyang. After all, in terms of military strength, Ruyang is not inferior to Xiangyang by a single factor.

However, now... only 10,000 troops have been sent out, I'm afraid it's not a joke.

"Your Majesty, the news is true, but there are only 10,000 troops out of Ruyang Pass!"

The scout bowed and reported again.

"Who is leading the army? But Cheng Ruobing, the former king of Guangping County?"

Touching his beard, Yang Guozhong couldn't help but ask again.

This chapter has been completed!
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