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Chapter 236 Miniature Forbidden City

"What can I do?"

Yeluqi asked hurriedly.

Now his mind is full of how to replace the entire palace with such porcelain and embroidery.

"Your Majesty, it is reported that Ruyang has not yet established a country, but it should not take long after Xiangyang is captured this time. As long as the king sends a delegation to attend the founding ceremony of Ruyang, the ruler of Ruyang will definitely show favor to the king by then!"

The minister bowed.

His idea was simple. Since it was difficult to buy Ruyang porcelain from merchants, it was better to go directly to the owner of Ruyang.

Only the owner of Ruyang could sell a large amount of Ruyang porcelain.

"Send a congratulatory mission?"

Yeluqi was startled.

It is said that the Khitan did not take any action when the other princes established their country. If they only sent a mission to Ruyang, wouldn't it mean that the relationship between the Khitan and Ruyang was extraordinary?

"Your Majesty, if you want to get a large amount of porcelain, this is the only way."

The minister said again.


After hesitating for a moment, Yeluqi stared at the porcelain bowls for a long time and finally nodded.

Although Ruyang is weak and not worthy of equal diplomatic relations with Khitan, who makes Ruyang's porcelain so attractive?

"Your Majesty, are you going to prepare now?"

"Well! Since it's a celebration of the mission, let's prepare another congratulatory gift in case the Lord of Ruyang has other ideas."



The Khitan plans this way, to the west, Tubo,

In the meeting hall, after hearing the report from Minister Korhan, Dezan's face was gloomy. It was not until a long time later that he spoke,

"Hmph, if the Lord of Ruyang hadn't accidentally acquired 30,000 sets of sophisticated battle armor from Tibet, how could their Ruyang army be able to defeat 10,000 against 70,000?"

Tubo boasted that its cavalry was invincible, but it was still shocked after hearing Ruyang's achievements.

In the end, the leader of the country, Dezan, forcefully took the credit for the Tubo armor. Only in this way could he feel more balanced.

"What the king said is true!"

Khan quickly agreed.

"By the way, I heard that Yibo Tower has reappeared in Ruyang?"

Turning around, Dezan narrowed his eyes.

If Yibolou hadn't interfered with it in the first place, how could the 30,000 sets of battle armor that Tubo secretly transported have been able to benefit the Lord of Ruyang?

Even though Tibet has already captured Longxi County and expanded its territory eastward, this is far from enough.

Therefore, the more I think about it, the more I feel that the debt with Yi Bo Lou cannot be settled so easily.

"Your Majesty, according to reports from spies, there is indeed a Yibo Tower in Ruyang City. However, it is not known whether this Yibo Tower is the original Yibo Tower. We can only know it if we go to Ruyang in person."

When mentioning the secret agent, Khan couldn't help but show bitterness on his face.

Since Ruyang Pass was built, Ruyang has been very strictly inspected, and foreigners like them can no longer enter Ruyang.

All this information was obtained from other princely states.

"Go to Ruyang in person?"

Dezan touched his chin, feeling a little moved.

"Your Majesty, now that Ruyang is about to be founded, your Majesty can send a congratulatory delegation to Ruyang in good faith."

Korhan's mind moved and he said hurriedly.

"Sending a congratulatory mission? Yes, this is a good idea..."

Dezan was worried about how to go to Ruyang to investigate the situation, and nodded immediately after hearing this.

The congratulatory mission is justified and can bring at least a hundred people into Ruyang. By then, they will definitely be able to find out what happened at Yibo Tower and how the 30,000 sets of armor got into the hands of the Lord of Ruyang.

"Your Majesty, are you going to get ready now? If you want to go to Ruyang this time, you still need to pass through the land of Dayan."

Korhan bowed and said.

"Hmph, it's just a big Yan. Just give the Anlushan branch a shout. If he dares to make things difficult, my king's Tubo cavalry will crush Chang'an City."

When An Lushan was mentioned, a trace of contempt flashed across Dezan's face.

What he is now afraid of is Li Xuan, the king of Liang in Liangzhou Prefecture. Li Xuan has Gao Xianzhi and Li Guangbi under his command, a total of 400,000 troops.

If it were not for the fear of Li Xuan, the Tubo army would have marched eastward long ago!

An Lushan really didn't pay much attention to the 200,000 Heshuo army stationed in Qinzhou.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Wait a minute, since we are sending a congratulatory mission, prepare some congratulatory gifts to avoid being troubled by Ruyang Pass."

Just when Korhan was about to leave the hall, Dezan warned him again.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


At the same time, Ruyang,

Li Mo didn't know that the two foreign countries, Khitan and Tubo, were going to send missions. He and Master Zeng, Dan Qiusheng, had just returned from Ruyang Academy.

Today, Ruyang Academy officially recruits scribes from all over the world.

The effect was much better than expected. In just half an hour, more than 200 scribes signed up to become a member of Ruyang Academy.

Most of these two hundred scribes came from Luoyang and Xiangyang.

After a while, there will definitely be scribes from other capitals coming to vote.

"Mr. Zeng, how effective is the implementation of the household registration system?"

Back in the meeting hall, Li Mo asked.

In the past few days, people and merchants from Xiangyang have arrived in Ruyang one after another.

"My lord, this household registration system is very effective. At present, Ruyang has a population of 450,000. If it is less than 50,000, Ruyang will be full. By that time... the people who come to Ruyang will not get Ruyang."

Yang Hukou, and they won’t have any excuses. The only blame is that they came late or haven’t made up their minds.”

When the household registration was mentioned, Mrs. Zeng looked impressed.

I really don’t know how my lord came up with the idea, it’s not too perfect.

"That's good!"

Li Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, Xiangyang has taken over perfectly, and there will be no difference between the people of Xiangyang and Luoyang from now on.

"My lord, late yesterday the Dionysus sent word that the inner city will be completed in one month. Do you think... will the founding day of our Dragon Kingdom be chosen on an auspicious day in January?"

After talking about business,

Dan Qiusheng said again.

"It will be completed in another month? So soon?"

Li Mo was stunned.

It is said that since the construction of the inner palace started, he has also provided many suggestions and drawings to the public transportation team.

The drawings are based on the simplified version of the Forbidden City in later generations. Except for the six east and west palaces, there are not so many, except for the three main halls, Wenyuan Pavilion, and Military Aircraft Department.

Even the glazed tiles in the Forbidden City were fired according to the standards of later generations.

I thought this kind of project would take a long time, but it turned out to be progressing very quickly.

"Lord, when the inner palace was being built, in addition to the thousands of laborers mobilized, there were also many ordinary people who came to help. The daily labor input was about seven to eight thousand, so the progress was rapid."

Dan Qiusheng replied with emotion.

As the saying goes, when the people are united, Mount Tai will move!

It can be seen how much the people of Ruyang support their lord now. It seems that they hope that their lord can ascend the throne as soon as possible and establish a country of his own than these subordinates.

"So many people? The people who come to work will be subsidized..."

Li Mo was shocked.

Nowadays, most of the affairs are done in the outer city, and the meeting place is borrowed from the rear office of Ruyang Mansion. He really doesn't know what is going on in the inner palace.

"Don't worry, my lord, we have made arrangements! All people who come to help will not lose a penny of their wages."

This chapter has been completed!
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