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Chapter 262: The End of Death


Li Mo stood up and looked at Zhou Yurou,

"Don't you know it yourself?"

He still can't figure out why Zhou Yurou did that. It was just that she was kicked out of the house by the Zhou family... The last time the Zhou family came to Ruyang to cause trouble, what's more important was that Xu Ning had come to him once.


With all these actions...why are the Zhou family members now in the embroidery workshop and still beating people in the street during Daqing?

And the one he was fighting was the candidate concubine!


Looking at Li Mo with a gloomy face, Zhou Yurou felt guilty for no reason but quickly straightened up again.

She has been very protective of the Zhou family since they arrived at Xiufang, so there should be no problem. Could it be that Li Mo has a new love and is deliberately looking for trouble?

Ruyang embroidery workshop has always been very stable in all aspects of its operation and production, and has made no mistakes.

"What... do you mean? Just say it clearly. As long as you make it clear... it's not impossible to make others your queen."

After a pause, Zhou Yurou asked again.

"Okay! Then let me ask you... Zhou Yuan, what happened to Zhou Yuqing? Why did the Ruyang embroidery workshop appear? If you remember correctly, they were kicked out of Ruyang and were not allowed to enter Ruyang again.


Seeing Zhou Yurou like this, Li Mo's voice suddenly turned cold.

At this point, are you still playing tricks on him? Are you really treating him like a fool?

The last trace of affection for Zhou Yurou in my heart completely disappeared with these words.

He can usually tolerate Zhou Yurou making some small mistakes, but he will never let the mistakes in principle go unnoticed.

"Ah? You...you know...who...who told you!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Yurou was shocked and could no longer calm down.

"Who told me? Ruyang is very big?"

Li Mo glanced at Zhou Yurou.

Doesn’t she know who the Lord of Ruyang is?

Many ministers were embarrassed to mention this matter, firstly because Ruyang Daqing was trying to save themselves face, and it was definitely not because they were afraid of Zhou Yurou.

"This... that... that... they are my parents after all, and they have all come to Ruyang... I can't just watch them starve to death on the streets, let alone you

When I am a husband and wife, no matter how big their faults are...it won't be...even my concubines..."

Zhou Yurou bit her lip and said bravely.

She was at fault for this matter.

But isn't it a bit too much to take away her position as queen because of this incident? Even if she doesn't give her the position of queen, at least give her a concubine, right?

"Okay, even if I can forgive this matter, what about Zhou Yuqing beating someone in the street?"

Li Mo stared at Zhou Yurou,

"Moreover, the concubine candidates are being beaten. How do you explain this? A queen is beating up the concubines, how do you want me to explain it to the ministers?"


Zhou Yurou's face turned pale again, and there was nothing but disbelief in her eyes.

No one knew about this matter except Wang Wei from the government office, and Wang Wei probably didn't know Liu Yun's identity. How did Li Mo know it in such detail.


When questioned, Zhou Yurou was completely speechless.

Originally, she planned to explain this matter to Li Mo slowly after she became queen, but she didn't expect that Li Mo already knew about it before becoming queen.

"Did Wang Wei... tell you? Why is he plotting against me at this critical moment!"

After a long time, Zhou Yurou turned pale and said.

Now that she knew the reason, she had nothing to say anymore...she just wanted to figure out where she failed to do what she wanted.

"Huh! I'm plotting against you? I'll tell you the truth...The night before, I went out in disguise. When I walked to the embroidery workshop, I happened to meet your eldest sister who was a gentleman on the street, so I slapped her! So I went into your house with her.

Yang Dalao!"

Li Mo turned around and stopped looking at Zhou Yurou.

"You...it turns out you...you are that scholar..."

Zhou Yurou was completely stunned.

If this answer hadn't come from Li Mo's mouth, she wouldn't have believed that there could be such a coincidence in the world, so...


night falls,

Zhou Yurou walked out of the palace in despair. The last words Li Mo said to her kept echoing in her mind.

"You and the Zhou family are not allowed to step into the Dragon Kingdom again! If you dare again...then don't blame me for not remembering our previous friendship!"

It’s over! It’s all over!

From now on, not only will the embroidery workshop have nothing to do with the Zhou family, even the Dragon Kingdom will have nothing to do with the Zhou family.

Half an hour later, Zhou Yurou didn't even know how she entered the embroidery workshop.

"Yurou, how are you...have you found out the result?"

As soon as they entered the door, Zhou Yuan, Xu Ning, and Zhou Yuqing all surrounded them.

They wanted to know more than anyone else the outcome of the interrogation in the palace.

After all, it is related to the future life of the Zhou family.

"Li Mo is the scholar who beat the eldest sister. He changed his appearance!"

As if her soul had been sucked out, Zhou Yurou pushed Zhou Yuan and others away with her hands, and slowly walked towards the cabinet with a shuffle.

When she left the palace, she had already been informed that there would be special guards to send them away from Ruyang tomorrow, and they had to pack everything tonight.

"Ah? Li Mo is that scholar?"


Zhou Yuqing sat directly on the ground.

Things that I had never thought about before suddenly became clear at this moment, namely why the scholar was able to get out of prison early after taking out the jade pendant. He also mentioned it many times that the embroidery workshop did not see how scared he was. It turned out... that he was

Li Mo, the Lord of Ruyang!

Think again about how ridiculous and ignorant your words are!

There are thousands of nails in the world, but I chose the hardest one.

"Then...then the queen is gone...and the concubines are gone too?"

At this time, Zhou Yuan's face was full of loss, and it was not until a long time later that he murmured to himself and chased after him.


The atmosphere in the embroidery workshop was dead silent, and the situation in Guanyi was not much better either.

Where the Tibetan mission is located,

Cookie looked at a list in his hand and kept rubbing his eyebrows.

"The painting sage Wu Daozi was only awarded a second-grade Bachelor of Lingxiao Pavilion, and he was still taking orders under the Sword Master Pei Min. How confident is Li Mo? Doesn't he know how powerful the painting sage Wu Daozi is?"

The list was compiled from various news that came out after the Ruyang Edict was sealed today.

After seeing the list and the official positions they had been banned from, I was not only shocked but also incomprehensible.

"That Xue Song was actually named the third minister of Ruyang, which is extremely unreasonable!"

After Cookie said this, Khan on the side also followed suit.

In his eyes, Xue Song was just a martial arts master in Yibo Tower, nothing more... As a result, his status was higher than that of the masters of the four pavilions in the same palace.

"I have asked someone to check this Xue Song. It is not surprising that he can be the number three person in Ruyang. This is Wu Daozi..."

Cookie shook his head, still immersed in the matter of painting the saint.

When he thought about it, the painting sage Wu Daozi had to be granted the title of Imperial Master or something like that to be considered worthy of his status. The result was that he was a second-grade Lingxiao Pavilion bachelor, which he felt was not as good as eight ministers.

This chapter has been completed!
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