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Chapter 401

"What's the big news?"

The people sitting in the restaurant were all ordinary warriors from various vassal states and the Dragon Kingdom. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to go to the famous Dragon Kingdom Yibo Tower.

But I don’t have the courage to go there at all!

In the current Yibo Building, no one with eight or nine levels of strength would be embarrassed to enter.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty took several elders from our Dragon Kingdom to Taiyi Mountain!"

The warrior who went upstairs grabbed a wine bottle on the table and drank a few gulps, and said.

"What? Your Majesty also went to Taiyi Mountain?"


Upon hearing this, many drinkers stood up immediately.

Everyone knows about Taiyi Mountain. In their eyes, this is a high-end game that cannot be any more high-end. Although the Dragon Kingdom has strength, there is really no need to go, because if you go there, you may not be able to control the situation.

"Well, His Majesty not only went there but also took action himself..."

The warriors of the martial arts talk again.

"Your Majesty takes action?"

The huge restaurant suddenly became quiet. The warriors looked at me and I looked at you, but they couldn't react for a long time.

Until finally a martial artist at the next table couldn't help but ask,

"Brother, are you not mistaken? Everyone knows that His Majesty Long Guo is a scribe. How could he take action in that situation? If you say it was Lord Sun who took action, I would believe it, but if you say it was His Majesty...


As soon as he opened his mouth, other drinkers also started talking.

"That's right, did you hear it wrong?"

"Your Majesty is a man of letters..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The Jianghu warrior who reported the news seemed to have anticipated everyone's reaction, and immediately said,

"This is absolutely true! According to the news from the warriors who went to Taiyi Mountain to watch the excitement, His Majesty is not only not a scribe, but also a top expert. With one move, he suppressed Qin Lu, the headmaster of Yunmeng Mountain opposite!

The two fought against each other for dozens of rounds, evenly matched, and finally ended up in a draw.”

"Top master? A tie?"

The noisy scene instantly became extremely quiet again.

Without it,

The warrior who sent the message looked serious and did not look like he was making nonsense at all.

Furthermore, who is Qin Lu? He is one of the top masters in the world. His Majesty can actually tie with Qin Lu. How can he not be frightened!

This simply broke their cognition.

"What happened next?"

After another moment, the warrior slowly came back to his senses.

In any case, it is a good thing that His Majesty is a top expert. Let’s see who dares to provoke the Dragon Kingdom again in the future!

The Dragon Kingdom no longer has to fear any hidden sects.

Even the disciples of various hidden sects have to put down their posture and act according to the rules of the Dragon Kingdom when they arrive in the Dragon Kingdom.

It is also a great good thing for the warriors of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Later, His Majesty took Gu Xixue, the genius of the Hidden Sect, and a group of elders down the mountain. As expected, he should be able to return to Ruyang tomorrow."

"What? Did you bring Gu Xixue back? Why did you bring her?"

If the warrior's previous sentence was a bombshell, then the following sentence is no less powerful than the previous one.

"Are you sure you heard correctly?"

With the same words and the same tone, a warrior asked for the second time.

no way,

The story between Gu Xixue and Mu Han has become a story in the world, and many book writers have even compiled transcripts based on the rumors. Now everyone knows that Gu Xixue is pregnant with Mu Han's child.

However, His Majesty is the ninth emperor of the Dragon Kingdom, why would he bring Gu Xixue back?

Even though Gu Xixue is a genius from the Hidden Sect, she is no longer worthy of His Majesty.

"How do I know this... Your Majesty has his own reasons for doing things."

The messenger warrior spread his hands.

"No...no...there must be something wrong."

Some warriors still cannot accept it.

"Don't believe it? You will know when His Majesty returns to the city tomorrow! Anyway, there are rumors that His Majesty seems to be bringing Gu Xixue into the palace..."

"Bring it into the palace? This..."


Whenever there is a disturbance in the world, it will spread quickly, especially if it concerns the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

An hour later,

The streets and alleys of Ruyang City are all talking about Gu Xixue.

Both the bun sellers and the silk merchants couldn't understand. They really couldn't figure out why His Majesty would bring back a woman who was pregnant with someone else's child.

Although His Majesty does not have a harem yet, the draft has entered the final stage.

The Ministry of Rites has selected five beautiful and well-educated beautiful women. As expected, one of these five beautiful women will become the queen of the Dragon Kingdom and the other four will become concubines.

In this case, it is even more unnecessary.

Little did they know that while the people were talking a lot, the five beautiful ladies selected in the post house outside the palace also learned the news.

The status of these five show girls is completely different from those of the show girls who just entered the city before.

Not only do they have the right to be served by maids, they even have guards from the Imperial Guard guarding their safety. It can be said that they are only one step away from finally entering the palace.

The east wing of the post house,

A slim woman sitting in front of the bronze mirror, dressing up, was stunned for a moment when she heard the news from her personal maid.

The wooden comb in his hand fell to the ground without even noticing.

It wasn't until a long time passed that she slowly spoke,

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Miss, this matter has been widely circulated outside, so it must be true!"

The maid hurriedly replied.

"What...what should I do?"

The woman's beautiful eyebrows suddenly frowned.

Her name is Liu Hanyan, from Dazhou, and she was born into a family of officials in Dazhou.

In order to curry favor with the Dragon Kingdom, Emperor Shi Siming of the Great Zhou Dynasty specially selected this draft from among the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He thought that due to identity issues, he could only make an ordinary promise or stay there, but he did not expect that it would be a step-by-step process.

Got to the end.

Now you can get a position as a concubine with a minimum guarantee.

Maybe it's because people's ambitions expand when they reach a certain point, or maybe it's just human nature.

At this point, Liu Hanyan naturally wanted to compete for the Queen of the Dragon Kingdom.

Especially after the news of her selection as the royal concubine spread back to Dazhou, Dazhou was extremely supportive and even sent a secret message, saying that they would support whatever Liu Hanyan wanted.

In short, you cannot give up your position as queen.

But now that Liu Hanyan heard the news, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Gu Xixue's appearance, talents and martial arts skills are well known to everyone. Compared with Gu Xixue, she is far behind.

"Miss, people outside are spreading rumors that... Gu Xixue is very likely to be admitted to the palace by His Majesty."

The maid hurriedly said again.

"Connect to the palace? Isn't this Gu Xixue pregnant with someone else's child? It shouldn't be possible. How could the mighty Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom do it... Those ministers of the Dragon Kingdom probably wouldn't agree to it for the sake of the Dragon Kingdom's face!"

get up,

Liu Hanyan shook his head slightly.

"Who knows? Some people in the world say that His Majesty's attitude towards Gu Xixue is very subtle. In order to save Gu Xixue, he did not hesitate to reveal his hidden strength for many years. This shows that His Majesty really may have taken a fancy to Gu Xixue!"

The maid sighed.

This chapter has been completed!
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