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Chapter 1052 Can't sell it all?

This commotion came out of nowhere, and Wang Jing and others were stunned again.

And then...

They knew that there was no need to go out anymore, because another servant came. When they met, they knelt down and raised their heads with a sad face and said, "Masters, it's not that I'm not doing my job well, Butler Liu has to come in..."


The boy's face was full of bitterness and fear. He was obviously very afraid of disturbing a group of gentlemen and being punished. But then he realized that he was probably overthinking, because Wang Jing and others didn't look at him at all, but looked up directly at him.


Then, as expected, several men carried a wooden frame and sent a weak middle-aged man over.

As soon as the stretcher was put down, Wang Jing and others saw... it turned out to be Butler Liu.

When Butler Liu saw Wang Jing, his face suddenly showed a look of despair and collapse.

"Master, the candy, the wine... are all gone and can't be sold!"

This time...

Wang Jing and others clearly heard what Butler Liu said and saw his expression clearly.

Candy and wine...

Can’t sell it all?


Everyone's brains went blank. At this moment, everyone was petrified and completely lost their ability to think.

Candy and wine...these are extremely popular things.

How could these things not be sold?

And soon...

Then, Wang Jing, Pei Ji, Li Tiancheng, Cui Baihe, Zheng Taishan, Lu Changgeng...

For the first time in history, everyone heard the terms "cane sugar" and "cane wine" from Butler Liu's mouth...

While Hangzhou's commerce is developed, it has also created the characteristics of extremely frequent "changes" and "accidents" in this city.

Not to mention anything else, among the countless ships that go to sea and return, as long as they are floating on the sea, how many of them will be killed in the sea on a certain day, and how many of the merchants who gather here to seek wealth and wealth will not lose all their money?

Correspondingly, some are happy and some are sad. In the historical rhythm of the entire maritime trade boom, which is further prosperous step by step, more often than not, a ship of goods is brought in, and then a certain maritime merchant is originally in debt.

There are countless stories of people who became rich overnight because of a business deal and spent a lot of money in the best restaurants in Hangzhou.

Even in today's Hangzhou, even the operation of the restaurant industry has become full of uncertainty. Businessmen who have the ability to get the latest exotic ingredients and turn them into special dishes can attract more maritime merchants to patronize them in the blink of an eye.

A small restaurant expands into a large restaurant, but if you stick to the old ways and fail to make a living, no matter how rich and powerful your family is, you will still face the cruel consequences of the rapid decline of your own property as you pass by your doorstep.

There is so much news like this that now...

Li Sheng traveled around the Hangzhou Industrial Zone, doing research and development or inspecting factory processes, but he didn't really care about the pace of sea trade.

Even the large industrial area in the west of the city was suddenly sold at a ridiculous price for two restaurants. Li Sheng was not interested in asking about such a big deal.

Because compared to these... these days at the end of the seventh year of Zhenguan, he has more important things to do. This matter is also the only major thing that Li Sheng cares about now.

The reason is simple, because...

"If this thing is completed, I will be able to experience the fun of self-driving travel again...hehe."

A slight cold sweat broke out on Li Sheng's forehead, and he put down a charcoal pen. Then he picked up a thick pile of manuscripts on the table with both hands.

Looking at the illustrations, word marks, etc. written on these manuscripts, there is no doubt that this is a set of design drawings.

And the thing of design is...


Li Sheng straightened the design draft and just stretched when he heard a clear bird-like voice coming from outside the door.

This made Li Sheng a little dumbfounded. Wu Meiniang was too punctual... However, because Wu Meiniang's voice was full of aura, she felt like a royal sister, and at the same time her tone and attitude were extremely respectful... This contrast is so cute and admirable.

, Li Sheng forgave himself for his slight displeasure at being interrupted when he tried to take a break for ten minutes, and said, "Come in!"

This place is not an office in a shipbuilding industrial zone.

But on the edge of the industrial zone, Wu Meiniang built a four-story "villa" specifically for Li Sheng. This building only has four floors, which is ordinary compared to other buildings in the industrial zone, because today's industrial zone has long

A large number of more five- and six-story buildings have been built, and even now, Danqing is still in charge of the construction of a seven-story high-rise here.

Although Li Sheng took out cement, he did not study the craftsmanship of concrete or the various techniques of civil construction. It must be clear that civil construction workers are an unquestionable technical type of work. In later generations, they will tie steel bars while

There are quite a few migrant workers here who learn a craft and finally get a job with Gaoxin.

But without teaching those many processes, Li Sheng found that the ancients worked hard to think of solutions, and their "ability to think of solutions" was really no joke. Just like the problem of the lack of steel bars, this was undoubtedly a major factor that limited the construction of ancient buildings to high-rise buildings, but

Without any reference materials, the ancient craftsmen here came up with a way to replace the steel bars with old bamboo with extraordinary strength. After repeatedly trying numerous bamboo varieties, they gradually fixed the range of material selection, and achieved good results.

Compared with the increasingly taller and more beautiful buildings built by these ancient craftsmen with their accumulated efforts, Li Sheng's four-story courtyard seems very mediocre. But... that's just from the outside.

The interior is completely different from other buildings in the industrial area. Although there is no reference material, this building makes Li Sheng feel the understanding of Wu Meiniang... It is indeed extremely terrifying. He just talked about it accidentally.

Some concepts such as "design", "design language", and "style" can be regarded as the intersection of industry and art. But after such a casual chat, Wu Meiniang actually... really decorated this courtyard with a sense of style.

The Nordic "IKEA" flavor that Li Sheng is familiar with. There is no rhetorical carvings or deliberately noble gold and silver plating, but anyone who has been to this other courtyard can feel an obvious sense of aesthetic pride.

...Even Li Sheng had to admire it. Even...because of the extensive use of expensive plate glass, the interior not only smelled like IKEA, but even smelled like an Apple store...

Once inside, it looks like a modern house.

Outside the spacious study room is a sea view of waves, half a busy port, half a pure beach, a true sea view mansion.

Wu Meiniang walked into the study with a folder in her arms, bowed to Li Sheng Yingying, and then said, "Master, Hei Te Changzhi has arrived in the hall on the first floor. Do you want to see me now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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