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Chapter 1079 Expansion

The decrease in gold and silver... what this means to the country, Dai Qisi cannot say.

After all, without experience, she couldn't even tell whether this was a good thing or a bad thing...

In other words, gold and silver are things that cannot be eaten or drunk after all. As the regent of the royal family, since she wants to start working hard to govern, obviously food is more important...

The production of food obviously has nothing to do with gold and silver.

In addition, although the price of food in Persia seems to have dropped, the lives of farmers seem to be getting better and better day by day. At least there are more fun and variety in life, and the people are much happier...

In addition to this, due to the tide of sea trade, the Persian army also obtained many new, easy-to-use, and powerful weapons, such as the divine arm bow from the Tang Empire!

That was a weapon that left a deep impression on Dai Qisi...

This strange bow, which is strung with the feet, can shoot arrows more than three times that of ordinary bows!

Since good things are constantly happening... then the issue of gold and silver reduction, which does not seem to have any adverse consequences, seems to be a bit insignificant... Anyway, even if you don't solve it, Persia is undoubtedly doing well at the moment, right?

Of course, Dai Qisi could still vaguely feel that the decrease in gold and silver seemed to have something to do with sea trade... But she couldn't tell what the specific relationship was. In short, since there was no fatal bad impact, the country was

If we continue to get better, we will of course let these last minute things go unchecked.

Compared with this, Dai Qisi needs to be more concerned about the things next door recently.

Next door, the Arab Empire!

The boundaries between empires and countries are often not clear. In later generations, the great scholar Huntington said: The rise of the West stems from the uniqueness of civilization, not the universality of civilization. The more universal the civilization, the wider the scope of mobilization, but at the same time the intensity of mobilization also varies.

The lower the value; conversely, the more unique the civilization, the smaller the scope of mobilization, but the stronger the mobilization force. See many cases of clan fighting.

This law is so solid that many philosophers in later generations lamented it... because it indicates that a supreme empire that transcends all races and thoughts is mathematically impossible to build. Specifically, when it comes to Persia, this is it...

Although Arabia and Persia believe in the same religion, under the surface rituals and etiquette, things are actually completely different deep down. Persia's teachings are more tolerant and the scope of mobilization is much larger, but...

Correspondingly, the intensity of mobilization in Persia is destined to be inferior to that of Arabia. To put it bluntly... the Arabs are extreme enough and refuse to accept anyone, so they are particularly good at fighting, a group of fierce ones.

In many cases, they can even fight better than the Han people.

But on the other hand, the price of Arabia's ability to fight is that the entire country is relatively crazy. Although it can often win, it cannot establish a long-term stable order... A similar situation is that of Ran Min in China.

This guy started out with the Jie tribe, and was even the godson of Shi Hu, the leader of the Jie tribe. Starting from the very beginning, Shi Le's Jie tribe invaded the Central Plains and eliminated the reactionary Yiguan group in Nandu. If

If this group of people can continue to act for heaven in such a consistent manner, then it is possible for them to be a leader in the long run.

But... As the saying goes, everyone has historical limitations. In the end, the Jie rebels still committed suicide as expected, so there was a plot where Ran Min rebelled overnight and started killing Qiang Jie.

This matter, from Ran Min's personal perspective, is a tragic and heroic story with twists and turns, but looking at the overall situation, there are deep-seated logical problems and contradictions between civilization and civilization.

Just like what is written in fantasy novels, extraordinary people cannot easily mix extraordinary abilities from other channels, because many things are actually difficult to be compatible with each other on a deep level, or in other words... a culture with strong mobilization power is often less compatible.


Ran Min's out-of-control rampage and the destruction of the Jie clan are exactly the product of this iron law.

When the perspective is lowered and returned to the central intersection area of ​​the World Island, the problem in Arabia is the same.

Although Persia was divided by Arabs... to be precise, it was the "Arabists" in Persia who carved out a large territory, and then this group of "Arabists" conquered a large amount of territory.

But the real elites in Persia never worried about what would happen if Arabia really became a thing, because they understood...Arab dominance cannot grow and progress, and is destined to be conservative.

Arabists are all poor people in the former Persian order. It is very simple for poor people to change their destiny, which is nothing more than self-improvement. But self-improvement requires not only fighting bravely and resolutely, but also diligent thinking. The Arabs lack the latter.

...So, of course they are also extremely good at the former one.

Little Hannibal got a cheap prime minister to serve as "Zhuge Liang" for him - he now knows the "Story of Three Kingdoms", and admires the old man named Zhuge Liang and the young man named Jiang Wei very much - that is

We worked hard and worked hard all the way.

If you don’t expand if you have the conditions, you will be expanded by others sooner or later!

But since he wants to expand, of course little Hannibal also needs to collect intelligence.

As this intelligence collection started, little Hannibal gradually felt that... he was a middle-aged man. Although he was already in his thirties when he raised troops from Eastern Europe, little Hannibal at that time did not feel that he was not enough.

Although he was young, for him, that period could be said to be the best period of his life.

But now... the situation is different.

Completely different!

If we look at the period when the army was first launched, although the farming war was difficult, it was never a desperate situation in nature. The enemies at that time were just the rebels and bandits in the area, and the bastard nobles in Rome who had already been destroyed.

That's all.

But now the situation is much more complicated.

Whether it is the Tang Empire or the Arab Empire, it is definitely not comparable to the bandit groups in Eastern Europe and the gangsters within Rome. These two groups... no matter which one of them they are, after little Hannibal's investigation,

They are all powerful figures comparable to Julius Caesar back in the day.

What rank was Caesar the Great? He was the most powerful emperor in the entire history of Rome, and this is clearly how the Tang Empire and Arabia feel about him.



During the recent period, both Arabia and the Tang Empire have been vigilant about the movements of the Roman legions, but little Hannibal knew clearly in his heart that he was actually not sure what to do next...

This chapter has been completed!
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