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Chapter 1123 Does the saint have an opinion?

This means that Goguryeo may not be able to make incendiary grenades... but it does not mean that they cannot use the resources of the oil field to carry out fire attacks. If that is the case, the matter will be difficult to say, which means that when evaluating Goguryeo's combat power, additional

Calculate a new combat power.

Then things are more complicated.

Changsun Wuji was silent, thinking that all this could not be done with something that could be carried by ten carriages.

Now Goguryeo still has cement, which can build solid fortresses. This thing... Changsun Wuji can vaguely feel that cement is eliminating the heavy armored knights that began to rise in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Knights in armor began in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, starting from the legend of Guan and Zhang's martial arts, and set off a magnificent and chaotic world for hundreds of years. How many legendary warriors were produced during this period?

After the Guanzhang period, Ran Min, Chen An... were all heavy-armored war gods. The most terrifying time was even during a severe famine where people could eat each other. An old man relied on his physical strength to wear the thickest super-standard heavy armor.

Murong Ke's army was still severely damaged, and one man killed thousands of troops. In the end, he was captured not even because he had no strength, but because his horse had no strength.

But now... even if Ran Min comes back to life, what can he do with the cement building? That thing is stronger than any building that has ever appeared in the world.

Buildings you build purely with big stones may not be as good as cement, because the big stones will slide between each other, and it is difficult to have any means to truly tightly bond the stones. Cement is different.

A fort built with cement is a large, regular-shaped stone with a natural hardness similar to that of stone. Since it is not as difficult to connect as stone, thick bamboo bars or even scarier steel bars can be used to connect the cement.

The thing is stronger than stone.

Is it possible that the weapons Li Sheng brought...can break through a city wall at a time? There is no such thing in the world.

Of course, it is not impossible. As long as an army can be safely sent to the opponent's city wall, a large number of grenades can still destroy a city wall at once. But the difficulty of doing so is no joke. First, this kind of order is basically asking the soldiers to commit suicide.

No matter how loyal the imperial guards of the Tang Dynasty were, how far could they go to commit suicide? And how many times could a general give such an order? It's unreliable.

Besides, even if the soldiers are as loyal and fearless as Jiang Wei, the other party will still stop him. This is back to the way armies compete with each other...


Changsun Wuji and Li Xiaogong were very excited about Li Sheng's carriages at first.

But after thinking about it slowly, it's still not reliable enough, so I can only shake my head and pretend it's not a thing. But compared to this...

"Well, as for this title...does the Holy Marquis have any opinion?"

Changsun Wuji and Li Er rarely went to see Li Sheng.

Learning to avoid suspicion is the most important skill you must learn in politics.

But this doesn’t mean that Changsun Wuji doesn’t know anything about Li Sheng. How many of Li Er’s decisions were directly stolen from Li Sheng?

Changsun Wuji knew everything.

My nephew is definitely not a fool.

When he asked this question, Chang Le beside him couldn't help but take a breath.

She knew her brother must have a way.

Because this is his brother.

Of course, this part is not important and should be crossed out immediately. What is important is that my brother's knowledge is truly extensive. Whether it is the wonder of creation or the way of military administration, he can always impress his father.

Li Xiaogong didn't expect much, and was still thinking hard on his own.

This does not mean that he is not familiar with Li Sheng's abilities, but he feels that Li Sheng may not know much about this matter either.

The main thing is that this time is a new situation. Although Li Sheng is very knowledgeable, he can't come up with any good ideas right away, so obviously he still has to work together. No one can be lazy and everyone has to work hard to use their brains.

The military value of names is no joke. Using a good name can directly destroy the unity of the Goguryeo system, and you can get twice the result with half the effort when you go on an expedition.

However, what Li Xiaogong didn't expect was that the next moment, Li Sheng said without thinking at all, "It's not simple in name. Science is not developed anyway, so let's look at it from religion... Buddhism and Taoism are not just people."


Buddhism and Taoism are currently the two most popular ideologies in China. Of course, the underlying ideology is more pure and concise, but generally speaking, they are both very popular. People will take the time to worship if they have something to do.

Worship the gods, bodhisattvas and so on. Sometimes if there are outstanding people in the land, they will also worship some ancient celebrities. The most famous ones are Wuhou Temple and Guandi Temple.

However, when Li Sheng said this, everyone was a little confused.

What's the use of asking Buddhist monks and Taoists to do this? Although there were casualties on the battlefield, everyone was so busy that there was no time to do anything.

However, Changsun Wuji and Li Xiaogong were different from ordinary people after all. When they heard this, they both looked at each other and narrowed their eyes. Changle and Cen Wenwen also looked thoughtful.

This idea seems to work...

Li Sheng shrugged and continued casually, "This...isn't it because scientific rationality has not yet disappeared? That person must believe in some god. Of course, we all know that there are no gods in the world, so there are heroes to take care of the world.

If it’s not good, let’s start with everyone, the gods are just one kind of…”

"But since everyone is following this trick, let's promote that the Tang Dynasty is the orthodoxy of Buddhism and Taoism. Those who do not accept the teachings of the Tang Dynasty are the enemies of the Buddha and the Taoist ancestors. They will fight one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight... Anyway, I don't know how many levels.

Hell, isn’t this enough?”

When Li Sheng said this, Li Xiaogong and Changsun Wuji wanted to punch themselves in the forehead.

Isn’t this so special the prophecy school of the Han Dynasty?

In fact, after the Western Zhou Dynasty, gods and other things have basically been completely disenchanted, and people still believe in them. But intellectuals all know that "ghosts and gods" are actually just tools for governing the country and the people.

But after all, people still follow this method. Sometimes it is beneficial, and sometimes harmful things like cults emerge.

So how can religion, something that cannot be eliminated for the time being, play a positive role, eliminate its harmfulness, and become a public welfare undertaking like river embankments and dams?

Therefore, scholars in the Han Dynasty invented the prophecy theory, which put politics into metaphors to appease the people and warn lawbreakers.

However, due to hundreds of years of chaos, this relatively primitive set of things was gradually eliminated, and now the politics of the Tang Dynasty have progressed from the word "Tiandao" to "righteousness", so gradually, the relevant knowledge has been forgotten by people.


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