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Chapter 114 What is Li Er's way of breaking the game?

Xu Jingzong smiled, not for anything else.

But although he is shameless, his brain is still very good.

The bottom line of this matter is that the family wants to raise prices to compete with Li Er's imperial examination edict.

If you want to mobilize the poor scholars to strengthen yourself and weaken our vassal, then you have to see who owns this world.

These Guizhou thieves are even more ridiculous. Do you really think that you are qualified to enter the court just by issuing the imperial examination edict?

Don’t take a dip and take a photo of yourself!

Don’t farm the land honestly and work honestly.

Still want to study and join the court?

If you don’t figure out the tolls today, everyone will forget about it!


It is not without reason that the aristocratic family dares to think so.

It sounds nice to say that all things in the world are kings and lands, but in fact, they do not all have their own owners.

The aristocratic family has much more resources than Li Er, it can even be said that it is far more than Li Er.

Today you, Li Er, want to change the world and dream!

The output is in the hands of various aristocratic families, especially the Fan Yanglu family.

You Li Er issued a hundred edicts, and they sent them to you for any reason.

I said no, what can you do?

This is the reason why Xu Jingzong spoke like that. He expected that Li Er would not be able to do anything today!

At this moment, after Wei Zheng and other people from Tiance Mansion angrily reprimanded Xu Jingzong,

Then, a faint worry appeared on his face.

Speaking of which, it is easy to scold Xu Jingzong, but how to solve the problem?

Without Fan Yanglu, we would not be able to create pen and ink out of thin air.

Maybe... In the end, Li Er was afraid that he would have to bow his head and swallow his anger to "reward" Fan Yanglu.

Although this kind of reward is almost like tribute, it is a great loss to Li Er's imperial power. After this time, there may be a situation where the government orders cannot leave the Ganlu Palace.

In the entire Ganlu Palace, the officials of the Tiance Mansion and the officials of the aristocratic family reached a strange consensus at this moment.

Everyone was paying attention to this matter, but no eyes were looking at Li Er.

Because everyone knows that Li Er can only compromise today!

Only Pei Ji and others, who were of extremely high level and were members of a well-hidden family, looked at Li Er calmly like clay dolls who knew nothing.

In fact, what Xu Jingzong had in mind was only realized recently.

But for an expert like Pei Ji, that is something that needs to be understood since childhood, and it is indeed common sense that has been understood since childhood.

They already knew the options that Li Er could make and would not be excited at all.

Besides bowing your head and admitting defeat, what else can you, Li Er, do?

However, at this moment, Pei Ji suddenly realized that something was wrong.

At this moment when the officials were "admonishing", Li Er actually... was laughing.

He is still laughing.

And it's not an angry smile, but a lazy smile, like a joke.

It is almost the same as the fun-loving expressions on the faces of the bored people who gather from time to time in Chang'an City.

The next moment, nothing came to Pei Ji's mind.


Li Er placed the tea cup on the table beside him.

Then he tilted his head and looked at the officials in the audience with a smile.

"Then what if I refuse the reward?"

"Your Majesty's kindness will definitely be praised...wait, Your Majesty?"

Xu Jingzong had expected that Li Er would agree. He could even imagine Li Er waving his hands with an autistic look on his face and saying let's do it this way.

I was also preparing to disgust Li Er with a lot of compliments, so as to gain some impression points in front of Mr. Pei.

As a result, mid-sentence, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Li Er... refused to reward Lu?


How dare Li Er refuse?!

Xu Jingzong was dumbfounded. Isn't Li Er afraid that the price of pen and ink will continue to rise?

Not only Xu Jingzong, but also Pei Ji.

In the entire Manlu Palace, countless officials from aristocratic families were stunned and looked up at Li Er in disbelief.

Face full of disbelief!

Li Er saw everyone's reactions one by one.

At this point, Li Er finally understood.

Ever since he broke into the Xuanwu Sect, he has always offended this group of aristocratic families.

At that time, his father Li Yuan dictated more than 2,000 official titles, and Li Yuanji and Li Jiancheng fought fiercely with "all kinds of heroes".

If you come up now, how can this group of people support you?

In this case……

Then you can all die for me!

Seeing Li Er's refusal, Xu Jingzong didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this time, another official came out, but it was Zheng Xuannian, the minister of Dali Temple.

"Your Majesty, a few days ago, there was actually a lot of resentment among the people about Cui Zhengde's case. If you don't take the opportunity to sell your favor, it's okay..."

"Zheng Xuannian, are you selling favors or am I selling favors?"

Li Er directly interrupted Zheng Xuannian and asked tepidly.

This sentence pointed directly at the thoughts in Zheng Xuannian's mind, and he was suddenly too frightened to speak.

Zheng Xuannian could vaguely guess that Li Erbacheng had found some way to...

But other ministers from all walks of life do not have the IQ of Zheng Xuannian, the minister of Dali Temple.

Once they came back to their senses, they all commented!

"Your Majesty, this matter should not be taken lightly!"

"Your Majesty, wouldn't it be hurtful to refuse like this?"

"Your Majesty, governing the world is about rewarding good and punishing evil. Now, in order to save the world's scholars from the fire and water, how can your Majesty not treat her favorably?"

"His Majesty……"

The public sentiment was fierce, and they all expressed their "loyal words and direct advice"!

Li Er didn't say anything, and just watched everyone's performance indifferently.

At this time, Wei Zheng and others also realized that something was wrong. His Majesty really seemed to be under no pressure.

What's going on?

This matter of ink may seem like a small matter, but it is not something that can be ignored.

For a moment, if these officials from aristocratic families were not so rampant, even Wei Zheng would have wanted to persuade Li Er to think again.

Du Ruhui, Fang Xuanling and others also looked confused and their brains were spinning.

However, he just couldn't figure out what method Li Er had to break the situation.

After all, now...if we don't have resources, we can't make ink by ourselves, not to mention that even if we have resources, the national treasury won't have money.

Seeing how tough Li Er was, Xu Jingzong suddenly couldn't hold himself back.

He just thought about it and came to the conclusion that,

Li Er, you must be talking harshly!

Since you are so stubborn, I have to make you bend down today!

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, where did the pen and ink used by the gentleman that day come from?!"

Xu Jingzong stood out from the crowd, his voice and appearance were fierce!

What Xu Jingzong said, the logical chain is actually more complicated.

should be,

If His Majesty insists on not awarding the Lu family to Fan Yang, then the pen and ink production destroyed by the "fire" will not be able to be restored, and the price will continue to remain high.

In this case, how can you, Li Er, explain to the scholars?

In fact, it is a hint to Li Er, stop struggling, you have no choice!

But he chose not to go into detail, but to put pressure on Li Er directly!


The next moment, Li Er burst out laughing.

"You guys, a small fire scared you?"

"If there is no butcher Zhang, we have to eat pigs with hair on them?"

"Here comes the pen!"

This chapter has been completed!
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