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Chapter 1156 Anshi City

The angry death order was led by the trembling Xianbei soldiers out of the hall, and they quickly ran around to deliver it. The riders took the king's oral instructions to the front line...

That city is called Anshi City.

Anshi City was not the front line originally. Going to Anshi City was not going to the front line. But the front line... now came to Anshi City.

After receiving the king's order... Yang Wanchun just smiled slightly and told the rider to go back and sue the king. There is no need to worry.

Of course, Yang Wanchun didn't really think that Anshi City didn't need to worry. What he meant was...

I have already made preparations for it, and there is no need for the king to remind me.

As long as there is a chance, I will definitely fight to the death with Tang Jun!


At the same time that Goguryeo was busy adjusting its layout, predicting weather changes, and solving defense problems.

The Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty was also intensively organizing military resources, predicting weather changes, and planning military operations.

For more than a dozen cities in a row, Li Sheng barely bothered him. He just seemed to be watching the scenery, smiling at the overwhelming force of the army.

Of course, Li Sheng is not a fool, he simply knows that it is impossible for the Tang army to overturn under these conditions...

But after arriving in front of Anshi City.

Although Li Sheng is still observing this famous Mobei Fortress,...

Li Xiaogong, Li Ji, Yuchi Laomo, Li Daozong...this group of famous generals have already felt that things are not simple.

First of all, this city is much larger and more powerful than the dozen or so cities that everyone has pushed down so far. And...

At this stage of the city-breaking attack, the rules of the game have undergone some new changes.

The imperial army of the Tang Dynasty was still strong, and the various new magical weapons were still very effective, but... when they arrived at the two cities behind, Momi and Xincheng, the generals of the Tang Dynasty, Li Xiaogong, Li Ji... and others, had discovered that Goguryeo

The city began to water the land with cement.

Not only did they use cement to reinforce the city walls, this measure was used in previous cities, but Momi and Xincheng used cement to irrigate the ground, and this... also means that it is obviously more difficult to blow up the city walls.

It was high before.


This is not the most serious situation. The most serious situation is that the cement-reinforced wall outside Anshi is no longer a square "wall", but has become a slope similar to a river embankment. The entire circle

If you cut a cement-reinforced wall and look at the cross section, it will be a regular trapezoid.

And this situation...

Even Li Sheng couldn't help but be surprised, because if the walls are built into a trapezoid shape and cement is poured into the mud below, it will be even more difficult to break through the city, because the trapezoidal section walls are not much more advanced than the square section version, or use much more cement.

The strength is much higher, but this structure will undoubtedly greatly reduce the destructive ability of the grenade.

...In this case, it is obviously impossible for Anshi City to be like before. As long as you make good use of the airship's reconnaissance, you can find the weak points and quickly attack and blow open the city wall, and the army can swarm in and take it down.

And another key point is that in Anshi City, even if five airships come out together, it will be difficult to find the weak points of the defenders. Because...

After arriving at the city, the Imperial Guards of the Tang Dynasty discovered that the city guard standing on top of the city was none other than the Goguryeo general who had come to the Tang military camp before.

Yang Wanchun!

This guy was definitely a very powerful person in Goguryeo, and Li Xiaogong, Li Ji and others had all heard of him.

Such a person is here... Let's not ask what he wants to do. First of all, this person's status in Goguryeo is determined. This city of Anshi is definitely the center of defense and is an absolutely heavily guarded place.

In other words, Anshi City's military strength... determined that most of the four walls, no matter which end, or even the corners, were heavily manned.

...and in this case, the previous strategy must be adjusted.

At this time, even if an airship obtains an intelligence advantage and finds a "relatively weak" link in the four walls to launch a surprise attack, it will be difficult to achieve any results.

The changes in the shape of the city wall greatly reduced the effectiveness of the attack, while the immense abundance of troops greatly increased the cost of the attack.

At this time... to be honest, there is no "relative weakness" at all, but every city wall will most likely be extremely difficult to break through.


Li Xiaogong, Li Ji... This group of people thought about it and decided to hold a meeting to discuss it, and...

Considering that Li Shengcai is now the initiator of the weapons update of the Forbidden Army and the changes in the form of warfare.

Although Li Sheng had been leisurely enjoying the snow and making soy sauce along the way, and eating all kinds of meat hunted by the Forbidden Army soldiers in the wild... Li Xiaogong and others still decided to find Li Sheng. After all, the current situation was

The situation is indeed a problem.

If Li Sheng doesn't have any suggestions for everyone, then he will have to attack the city by force.

Forcibly attacking a city is often very costly. It can even be said that... the word "forced" itself means failure to a certain extent.

Since we are going on an expedition, of course no one wants to fail.

Although Li Sheng seemed to have no reaction to the changes in the city... Li Xiaogong still had some expectations in his heart. What if? It would be great if Li Sheng had some clever way to break the city.


They can't do anything about Li Sheng's soy sauce attitude. After all... no matter what the coach does or says, he is still the coach. They can't force him to take charge of the overall situation. Besides, Li Sheng is his highness after all...

Moreover, he is still a very special "kind of His Highness", and no one can really push Li Sheng's behavior into question.


Except for Zhang Liang, who sailed a sea ship to fight on the flank, everyone arrived and discussed for a while.

But we talked about how to attack the city for a long time, and everyone came up with several plans.

After all, no matter how you say it, Li Ji and Yuchi Laomo are all their own generals, and they have accumulated a lot of experience in the cases they know. To be honest, in the past few hundred years of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, except for heavy armored knights like Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, all over China

, it is the Wubao Castle used to defend against heavily armored knights, and there is absolutely no shortage of experience.


No one has figured out a proper way to attack Anshi City.

It's not that there is no way, but no matter how everyone designs this method, it will always face the problem that the cost is too high and the casualties required are too heavy.

Ultimately, this wall is too difficult to break through.

Finally, after much thought...

Li Xiaogong secretly couldn't help but fuss, Li Sheng was too calm, even though everyone was so distressed, he still looked carefree.

How can he lead Dabao like this in the future? It’s really...

This chapter has been completed!
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