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Chapter 1226 Smokeless Gunpowder

This situation was of course unacceptable to the nobles of Tibet.

Especially Songtsen Gampo, he still wanted to march eastward and conquer the world one day, but he was already like this before he even started?

Of course, after the sudden victory, the Tang State decided not to engage in military activities and became more and more prosperous. Not only did it become like a big piece of fat in the eyes of Tuyuhun, but of course in the eyes of Tubo...

Although Songtsen Gampo's mentality did not change as quickly or as directly as Murong Shun's, the slow changes in the darkness of his soul were also happening all the time.

So this time the Tang Dynasty suddenly gathered 300,000 troops in the border city, which was extremely difficult for Songtsen Gampo to accept.

Of course, Songtsen Gampo's confidant and the first Tibetan warrior Ludongtsen was even more shocked, horrified and angry.

Songtsen Gampo gritted his teeth, "It is precisely because the Tang country is so wealthy that the young men of Tibet would sneak out!"


But although Songtsen Gampo had some great talents and strategies, he was helpless against this situation.

The blood of the Tubo people is connected with the Han people, and when a Tubo person runs down the mountain... he has already become a Han person, and it is not even naturalized. This is the most helpless thing.

Of course, since Songtsen Gampo had mastered the Tibetan beliefs, there were only a few people who fled down the mountain. The rest of the Tubo people still obeyed him, but this situation is really disturbing...

Just to crack down on this kind of thing forcefully and punish it is difficult to do, because after people run into the territory of the Tang Kingdom,...

At this time, Lu Dongzan's face was full of anger, and he suddenly said, "How about your Majesty, I will lead an army to punish these runaways!"


Although Songtsen Gampo's face was not good-looking, he knew very well that this kind of matter could not be solved directly. The army marched down to fight the Tang army... What would be the result? It was unclear.

He shook his head and said, "We Tubo people are no different from the Han people once we reach the plateau. Their armor is extremely sophisticated, and it is difficult for us to defeat them."


Lu Dongzan paused after hearing the words, and then his face turned gloomy again, his eyes still filled with anger, "The Tang country is so powerful, do we, Tubo, have to sit back and wait for death?"

The moment Lu Dongzan said these words, Songtsen Gampo showed a smile.

"Then...it doesn't matter. After all, we in Tubo are on the plateau!"

"It is true that the Han army is not what it used to be and has become extremely powerful, but this is still a plateau after all. No matter how many magical weapons the Han people have, when they reach the plateau, their troops cannot stand firmly. How can they resist us?"

When Songtsen Gampo said this, Lu Dong couldn't help but be stunned.

If you think about it more carefully...this makes sense.

It is true that Han people cannot go to the plateau!

Lu Dongzan had also seen the situation of Han people going to the plateau. It was mainly some "scholars" and the scattered Han regimes before the establishment of the Tang Dynasty. They were defeated and fled up.

No matter how brave these Han people are, they often start to feel dizzy as soon as they climb high mountains.

Thinking about it this way...

The situation in Tubo should indeed be safer than I thought. After all, the king is right, magic weapons always need people to use them. What's the use of good weapons if people can't stand still.

But then Lu Dongzan suddenly remembered another question.

The Tang State was still too strong. Tubo could not be afraid of the plateau for a while, but... if one day the Tang State's army wiped out all the countries in the Western Region, only Tubo would be left. By then...

Can the plateau really protect Tibet forever? It’s hard to say!

So after thinking about it, Lu Dongzan couldn't help but said, "But Your Majesty, if Tuyuhun, Gaochang, Qiuci... they send people to ask for help, or want to form an alliance, what should we do?"

Even though Lu Dongzan's knowledge and wisdom were far inferior to Songtsen Gampo's, he still thought about this question.

Songtsan Gambo waved his hand, "If the army cannot move forward, what can we do if they ask for help? You have to understand that no matter how strong the Tang state is, they may be able to defeat Tibet, but they can never defeat the plateau...and remember this point


When Lu Dongzan heard this, his expression relaxed and he finally smiled.


After all, the Han people left the plateau thousands of years ago. Now if they want to come back, what can they do if the plateau does not take them back?

But having said that, Songtsan Gampo continued, "But just because we are not suitable for a head-on confrontation with the Tang army, it does not mean that we should do nothing."

"Since the Tang Dynasty's city is extremely wealthy and is destroying the hearts of our Tubo people, we, the Tubo people, can't just watch. We can use small forces to mobilize flexibly to destroy their prosperity and interfere with their army's plans."

"Well... this can be considered as saving those tribes in disguise."

Songtsen Gampo said in a daze.

When Lu Dongzan heard this, his face suddenly became overjoyed. As the first warrior of Tubo, of course he took fighting as his vocation. Who would have thought that now that the Tang State was so powerful, he could not lead troops to fight with it. But now that the king has said so, then

Prove that you still have a chance to play a role.

Moreover...it can disrupt and destroy the wealth and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, and it can indeed unite the hearts of the Tubo people and avoid the problem of runaway slaves again.

"What kind of gunpowder is smokeless gunpowder?"

Yu Shinan looked at his fingertips curiously - to be precise, it was a small piece of yellow-black substance that he picked up with his fingertips.

It looks ordinary, no different from a small piece of soil, but there is a faint smell of saltpeter in the nose.

When asked, Wei Ziyu said, "This is the latest achievement of Lingzhou College... Its explosive power is more powerful than black powder made from sulfur and charcoal, and after the explosion, there is no smoke to obscure the sight, making it easier to use."


Yu Shinan nodded.

This place is of course Lingzhou.

After college.

As for Yu Shinan, who was recruited by Li Er to come to Lingzhou to cause trouble, of course he would also travel around Lingzhou when the army was assembled but had not yet received the decree... And in this case, to Lingzhou College

It is of course only natural to check in and see how the daughter of an old colleague is doing in her current career.

In this western expedition, the marshal of the ruling army was Yu Shinan, and the accompanying generals were Duan Zhixuan and Li Ji.

Originally, Li Ji had made meritorious service in the conquest of Goryeo, so he should have been rewarded.

Of course, Li Ji would no longer foolishly want to be rewarded - why would he want to be granted a reward now that he is hereditary? What do you want to do?

So after the war, when it was time to reward merits, Li Ji of course begged Tian and the dormitory manager Li Er for a house and a beautiful woman, so that he could protect himself on the one hand and enjoy the victory on the other. But...

This chapter has been completed!
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