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Chapter 1246 Commander

However, these two roads were too heavy after all, so I escaped with Fu Yun's child, and Tuyuhun came under the rule of the Tang Dynasty...

And this is definitely not what I want to see.

At that time, the Xianbei people in Tuyuhun might have been doing pretty well, but...

In the end, Murong Shun shook his head violently.

No, we definitely cannot surrender to the Tang Dynasty. My ancestor, the Murong clan, became famous from the great ancestor Murong Ke. He has always been the king among the Xianbei people.

My ancestors respected the nobles so much, how could I escape... No, that couldn't happen.

Seeing his father suddenly shaking his head, Fu Yun's face turned gloomy, "Father, how could we, the Xianbei people, flee when we see the Tang army? You must know that no matter how strong the Tang country is, it is just a replica of the Sui Dynasty. How strong can it be..."

When Fu Yun said this, Murong Shun was stunned for a moment, then shook his head again and said with a smile, "Fu Yun, my child, what are you thinking about?"

"Since my father is the great king of Tuyuhun, he will definitely not flee when he sees the enemy!"

"We Xianbei people ruled the Han people in their ancestors, and we must rule the Han people today! Not only must we defeat the Tang army's plot once, but we must also counterattack and go south to seize the world!"

Murong Shun shouted loudly!

Fu Yun couldn't help but be stunned by his father's loud shout, "Father, this..."

One thing is that although Fu Yun made up his mind to fight with Tang Jun, he never expected that his father would be so heroic and confident!

And Murong Shun roared like this, and he felt a lot more confident.

The Tang army has made great progress now and is difficult to defeat. If it fails, it will be over... This is not a problem. I, the Xianbei man, am the strongest warrior, and Tuyuhun is invincible in the world!

But he said that the army finally set out to fight.

This time the leading commander was Yu Shinan.

Although the army was waiting to assemble and wait for a period of time, the army made a lot of preparations, including intelligence, and collecting necessary medicinal materials... Generally speaking, it could be said that it was fully armed, but Yu Shinan was still a little nervous.

Before you knew it, it was finally time to start.

Before leaving, Li Sheng also sent the painting that was lying in his inn back to Lingzhou College to let her get busy with work. Then he received a private chat invitation from Yu Shinan and went to the big tent for the last chat before leaving.

Discussion -

This simply made Li Sheng feel a sense of sadness. There was really no end to all these meetings, but at least it was the last one. He left immediately after the meeting, so Li Sheng went anyway.

Standing on the watchtower of the camp, Yu Shinan looked at the vast desert and sighed softly.

"Your Majesty has the ability to control the inner world, and now he has the ambition to reach out to all nations. It is said that he has even sent ships to many directions overseas..."

Saying this, Yu Shinan turned his head and looked at Li Sheng.

This expression was familiar to Li Sheng. It was the kind of expression that an old man would have when inquiring about young people. It was both caring and a little nervous. After all, the generation gap was indeed huge.

However, when Li Sheng heard this, he just smiled faintly and said, "Dong Yongxing is talking about the ship to the Americas. It is true. His Majesty already sent a fleet to the Americas almost two years ago..."


When Yu Shinan heard this, he couldn't help but sigh again, "I'm really old. The Tang Dynasty is so vibrant now, but it has nothing to do with me."

"Well..." Li Sheng pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "No, Mr. Yongxing, it's not what you think."

"Oh? Then the fleet sent by His Majesty is..."

Yu Shinan was a little confused. By sending a fleet to America whose name was only heard but whose country was unknown, wasn't it to open up territory?

As if he guessed what Yu Shinan was thinking, Li Sheng smiled.

"Of course these fleets are not pioneering fleets, they are just exploring the situation."

"Ah?!" Yu Shinan was immediately stunned, "Exploring the situation... It's been two years. I remember that there were quite a few fleets there..."

In addition to the fleet sent by His Majesty and led by Li Junxian, it is said that there are several large merchants in Hangzhou, and even elite young people under Li Sheng's command also participated.

As a result, in the past two years, no news has been sent back.

This makes people shudder. Is this thing reliable?

Could these people...

Thinking of that possibility, Yu Shinan couldn't help but turn pale, "Holy Marquis, couldn't all of them..."

"This is not something I can confirm."

Li Sheng's face was expressionless, "However, Duke Yongxing should also know that... opening up territory and expanding territory is never an easy task."

"There are attempts, there are mistakes, there are risks and sacrifices. Quite a few of them will most likely die without achieving anything... The sea is not a gentle place, it has always been a dangerous place.


As soon as Li Sheng finished speaking, there was not much expression on his face.

How America was discovered, Li Sheng remembers very clearly... The Mayflower was hit by a storm that year, and almost everyone on the ship was fed fish. In the end, a stroke of luck fell on a nearby island, and finally...

…No, it was not the discovery of the American continent, but the survival of it.

Of course, shopping malls are like battlefields, and sailing out to sea for development is also a type of business. Li Sheng has never thought that these things can be costless.

But to Yu Shinan, this was very shocking...

I invited Li Sheng to chat this time, in addition to discussing the military situation and confirming whether there was anything I had overlooked - Li Sheng was still a military advisor after all.

By the way... mentioning this sea trade is also to express the feelings of the older generation. The world of young people is gradually becoming less clear to them.

But when Li Sheng said this, Yu Shinan suddenly realized...

The reason why I wanted to talk to Li Sheng about sea trade was because I thought sea trade was an easy and profitable job. Don't young people understand the hardships of my generation? As a result, I realized after talking about it.

After a while, Yu Shinan finally gave a wry smile, "It seems that someone underestimated the value of Wei Huo's work..."

Li Sheng smiled slightly and didn't say much.

This is a natural thing. In any case, the maritime trade of this era is completely different from that of later generations. In later generations, Europe and the United States were in civil strife, which caused the industry to flow into China for nothing. You can just pick up the corpses quickly if you react quickly.

But things are different now. This is a real expansion of territory. Going overseas to the Americas is almost the same as the aerospace industry.

When Yu Shinan finally realized this, his feelings changed in an instant. If at the beginning, he thought that the young people of this generation were too relaxed, now he really knows what is so powerful.

But when talking about this, Li Sheng showed an inexplicable expression.

The fleet heading to America should almost be...

This chapter has been completed!
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