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Chapter 1257 This thing can build ships?

As for the shipyard's completion of assembly, this news... according to the rules and regulations of the West Lake Industrial Zone, of course, it must be reported to Li Sheng first.

Or according to common rules, it should be reported to the immediate leadership first. However, this era is not the cyber era after all, and it is more difficult to report to Li Sheng. After all, Li Sheng is in the Western Regions... and although telephone communications are developed, it still has to be done.

It is a level-by-level transmission, and information must be transferred from one place to another. In an era without automation, this thing...

Although it is advanced, it is equivalent to the advancement that allows the messenger to obtain the ability to teleport through space.

But this kind of transmission also has costs and requires a process, so of course it was reported to His Majesty Li Shuizhuang first.

And Li Er, who got the information, couldn't sit still almost instantly...

Although Li Er currently cares about the Western Region for many reasons, after all, it is the poorest place in China, and it is also close to the Guanlong Zone, which is his own land of Longxing.

But compared to this corner of China, the whole world - the real world is too big. Even if China is not a small area, it is not that big.

To conquer the real world, conquering the sea is the inevitable path.

And to conquer the sea...

Currently, Datang already has steam engine ships, which can double the speed and stability of Datang's sea ships. At the same time, it also has internal combustion engine ships, which can allow Datang's maritime power to easily defeat all the heroes on the sea.

Although the internal combustion engine warships were powerful, treacherous, and as fast as lightning, they still conquered the heroic toubos of all walks of life on the sea, pirates, and foreign nations who used pirate-like methods to bring displeasure to the Tang Dynasty.

——The sea itself has never been truly conquered.

This is why Li Er, like Shang Yang and Shihuang back then, believes that to rejuvenate a country we must focus on the roots and ignore the weak, he still has an attitude of appreciating and appreciating today's maritime merchants.

The terrain in China is too complex. Li Er knows this very well. Because the terrain is extremely complex, no one can tell what kind of people these completely different water, soil and scenery will produce. This is uncertain, but certain.

Yes... Since it is possible to raise all kinds of people, of course it is also possible to raise individuals with extremely strong desires and perseverance. This is true everywhere.

According to a large number of... no, all historical records, dragons are inseparable from water, and China alone does not have that much water available.

Then, to have as much water as possible, the people of China can only go out and look for opportunities...

Unfortunately, China itself is a large Japanese and Sichuan-Sichuan area. The north is frozen soil and cannot be cultivated, the west is a plateau, and the southeast is more interesting. It is directly connected to the vast sea, and there is not that much at all.

"Water" is used by dragons everywhere to swim. So...

For monarchs, governing China has been a problem since ancient times: how to find water...

Now, the management of the west is of course extremely important. After all, the World Island is the largest landmass in the world, and the strongest competitor is located on the other side of this giant island.

But looking back and thinking about it, the biggest task is still to find water, and to go to sea from the southeast...

The rich land of the Americas and the best farmland in the South China Sea are just assets, but the great cause of finding these assets is actually good water!

...The current situation is water. The project in the South China Sea has become a high-quality water source, which is very good.

But, it's not enough!

There are not many birds in China, but there are many dragons and snakes, so more are needed. And the great cause of running through the Americas can accommodate even more dragons, so you can use "too many" to express it.


Therefore, how can Li Erqi not worry about shipbuilding?

The moment he received the news, Li Er almost didn't spit the ginseng tea in his mouth into Empress Changsun's face... because Li Er never imagined that there were actually steel ships in the world!

When it comes to things like steel, let alone throwing it into water, even if it is thrown into salt water, it will sink at the speed of light.

Something that floats in water and can be used to build a ship? It’s all wood no matter how you think about it.


The ancients said: A stone sinks into the sea.

What do these four words express? It means that stones will sink in the sea. The reason why stones are chosen to express is because stones sink relatively quickly.

Then here comes the problem.

Iron sinks faster than stone.

Can this thing build a ship?

When Li Er first heard the news, he was so puzzled that he couldn't eat for three days and three nights. His head was almost broken and he couldn't figure out how something as heavy as iron could be made into a ship!

After thinking about it, Li Er felt that he should be calm and calm.

After all, no matter how you say this ship, it was your son Li Sheng who built it. If someone else was in charge of this matter, you might laugh it off, but because it was funded by the court or even fully funded, you might have to "do it"


But this kid Li Sheng...Li Er has to weigh it up. Who knows if this is true?...

It's just that, although he "just let it go", but what he said is that if Li Er really wants to pretend that nothing happened, he can't do it. After all, he uses steel to build ships... No matter how you hear this, it all reveals a feeling of alchemy.

The smell of immortality... No matter how Li Er thought about it, it felt too bizarre. Is it real or fake?... It feels like this.

But as time came to the late autumn of the ninth year.

Just when Li Er was being complained by Empress Changsun, when will you remember to take a look at your child?

It was also the time when the imperial army of the Tang Dynasty gathered in Lingzhou, captured Tubo, and were about to continue their march north to conquer Tuyu and bring peace to the world.

At this juncture, Li Er suddenly received the news.

The news was so shocking that Li Er was so shocked that Tian Linggai trembled. He called the internal officials overnight to contact Li Sheng immediately.

So... then there was an incident where Li Sheng received a somewhat strange summons from His Majesty. Yu Shinan and others were very worried. What's going on with our Holy Marquis? His Majesty is not allowed to tolerate it. Something is going to happen in a minute. Hold it back.

, there are many people in Chang'an...

But when Li Sheng arrived in Chang'an, he was also shocked, but not by "why steel can build ships", but by how ships made of steel can leave the factory so quickly... Don't be fooled.

What a crappy project...

With this wonderful mood, Li Sheng then marched towards Hangzhou.

But this time, Li Sheng rushed to Hangzhou and had just reached the outskirts of Hangzhou - because he arrived at night, and there was no shortage of hotels in Hangzhou both in the city and in the suburbs, he booked a room in the hotel first.

This must have made Li Sheng laugh and cry. He didn't expect that even if he wasn't careful, this would still happen to ordinary civil servants in their daily lives...

This chapter has been completed!
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