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Chapter 1260 The Land of Prosperity

As for the iron ship, even after Li Sheng explained it and Li Er and others knew that this thing might really exist, they still...

It is still unimaginable that such an incredible thing can be bought and sold - this is simply outrageous. In Li Er's view, something as powerful as an iron ship can be bought and sold, just like the throne can be bought and sold...

Isn’t this a premature death?

It’s simply outrageous…

Li Er became even more frightened, "Then... Master, this iron boat is also a sharp weapon. How can this thing be bought and sold? If it were stolen by thieves, wouldn't the people of the Tang Dynasty... wouldn't it be a big deal?"

Isn’t it good?”

At this time, the iron ship thing had begun to frighten Li Er.

And don’t Fang Xuanling and others feel the same way? It is said that China has always banned people from possessing armor. Because if this kind of thing spreads into the hands of thieves, the difficulty and cost of law enforcement will be too ridiculous, and iron ships...

No matter how you think about it, this thing should be considered something similar.

Li Sheng shrugged when he heard this, "What's there to be afraid of? Since you guys are from Chang'an, you should also know that the Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty has recently added a new toy...it's called artillery, do you know that?"

"...Don't ask me where the artillery comes from. I don't know anyway, but I know for sure...Although iron ships are powerful, they cannot withstand the power of artillery. As long as the technology of artillery is in the hands of the Tang Dynasty

, Hehe... Be it pirates or an enemy country, even if they have ships, what's the use? They can't do anything, so just relax and be done with it."

Li Sheng said this.

Li Er and others couldn't help but be startled.

Damn...it seems to make sense.

The people have always been allowed to hold bows, arrows and swords, and even encouraged people to practice, thinking that "sports" is also a standard configuration among the six Confucian arts. What is the reason? First of all, the young people in the empire cannot be incompetent, otherwise they will fight

How can this be done if all the soldiers are scholars?

As a scholar, if you don’t carry a sword, how can you solve the problem of appearance and temperament?

But on the other hand, it is also because swords and bows and arrows are powerful, but they are not decisive. If you want to cause trouble and "stir up the situation", you also need armor, otherwise it means that there is no battery life and you will be killed easily...

Fighting with people without wearing armor is like a Souls-based game. You will die countless times against any monster, but wearing armor will return you to an ordinary RPG game.

Now... an iron ship looks like a big piece of iron, but on the other hand, an iron ship is also another kind of armor. Think about a big ship made entirely of iron. How many pairs of irons are needed to make it?


If iron ships are really flowing out in large quantities, then the matter does seem to be serious. But if the factor of artillery is added...

Li Er couldn't help but fall into deep thought...

Wei Zheng and others couldn't help but look dull, and their brains paused for a moment.

According to everyone's past experience, it is true that civilians cannot hold armor, but they can hold bows and arrows. But now when it comes to ships...it has become that maritime merchants are not allowed to have artillery, but they can have ships. This is different from the past.

The situation would be exactly the opposite.

Such an important matter naturally aroused the thinking of Li Er and others, but such a paradoxical situation makes people unpredictable...

It's so mysterious.

Li Er thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out why things at sea were completely opposite to those on land. However, seeing Li Er and others thinking so hard, they still couldn't figure it out. Li Sheng also sighed slightly and looked at everyone with some sympathy.

At a glance, "You guys... your knowledge is still too shallow, and your structure is still too small."

"Armor is more powerful than swords, bows and crossbows. That's because papermaking was invented during the Eastern Han Dynasty. You can use blueprints to make things... The original armor has become a newer and more sophisticated pierced armor, and there are also portable stairs for wearing

Armor mounted..."

Armor is very heavy. Before the Eastern Han Dynasty, soldiers always wore "military uniforms" in battle, that is, leather armor was mostly worn. Iron armor and bronze armor were only worn by a handful of the most elite troops, and it was very troublesome and difficult to wear.

However, with the promotion of papermaking and handicraft industry, many new things that were not available in the Western Han Dynasty were developed. In the eyes of later generations, they may be cold weapons. At that time, they were also cold weapons, but the level of progress was almost from Nokia to Apple.

The difference of 4 is no joke to improve the combat power of individual soldiers. This is also a big reason why the warriors worshiped by young people in later generations are mainly concentrated in the Three Kingdoms period.

"But the highest technological achievements at that time were precision armor and portable stairs for mounting armored horses. But now? The technical content of artillery completely exceeds that of ships. How can this be the same? So it must be different."

Li Sheng shook his head and didn't explain any more.

Li Sheng thinks that such a simple thing needs to be explained repeatedly, which is nonsense. The key point is the "most cutting-edge" weapon. In fact, there is nothing to say. The focus is not on offense or defense. Just like in later generations.

...The Cuban Missile Crisis is a missile crisis, but THAAD can still cause disputes.

But after Li Sheng explained it like this, Li Er and others were stunned for a while but they also understood.

Thinking about it this way...it seems that the weapons that are allowed to be held and those that are not allowed to be held are mainly formulated for the social eldest brother of the court to control the place - this is different from the wealthy families like Wang Jing. The wealthy families with five surnames and Qiwang,

The main family resources and personnel have been concentrated in prosperous and prosperous places, but they only hold the local farmland property rights in vain.

Compared with these guys, local social people are a quite progressive force in this era - everything depends on the background of the era. "Social people" will be a reactionary force in later generations, but the bandits and rangers of this period are

This kind of population, on the contrary, because the main members are landless peasants who were harmed by the wealthy families, or marginalized people among the wealthy families, they are the targets of the imperial court's Huairou United Front, as the so-called enemy of the enemy... Of course, with Huairou United Front, that is

There will be thunderous means of restraint, after all, most bandits are not that high-minded, and they will rob the common people after robbing the rich.

The whole logic of things at sea is similar. Although Huairou cannot do without moderation, but if you think about it carefully, moderation cannot do without Huairou...

Since the imperial court had artillery in hand and could level the iron ships, it seemed that there was nothing impossible about putting the iron ships in the hands of maritime merchants.

"...This makes sense." Li Er murmured to himself, "Given the maritime merchants and iron ships, Datang's ability to expand overseas was..."

This chapter has been completed!
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