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Chapter 1283 God-given opportunity!

If this happens, any knowledgeable person will immediately frown.

The Hulu are strong and ruthless, and have caused trouble throughout the ages.

The warnings of Jiang Tong, a low-ranking official in the Western Jin Dynasty, were repeatedly ignored at that time. Later, he was very lucky and extremely unfortunate to realize himself in the hundreds of years of history in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, causing catastrophe.

But this is not the case in Hangzhou today. Today's Tang Dynasty Forbidden Army and the grassroots state of the people are completely different from those in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. They are not afraid of a few barbarians gathering to cause trouble.

But we are not afraid of the Hu people making trouble. This is the general situation of the entire Tang Dynasty. It is because everyone knows that although a lot of the Hu people have been moved south, they will not really form a big enough force to cause the internal affairs of the Tang Dynasty.


And at the port of Hangzhou, the number of Xianbei people... can pose a huge threat to the market in Hangzhou.

Yeon Gaesomun was not an idiot, he was a famous general of Goguryeo, and he would not make hasty and easy decisions.

And since Yeon Gaesumun is tempted to take action, it means that after Yeon Gaesumun's observation and conclusion, the number of people in this area and the strength that can be gathered are definitely not enough to compete with his giant whale gang.

With this cognitive existence…

Under such a premise, the city of Hangzhou suddenly seemed in danger.

And Yeon Gae So-moon's gaze as he looked at the waves outside the port undoubtedly confirmed this.

Just waiting for an opportunity, he can suddenly lead his troops in a sudden attack, seize the Tang army's warship and run away!

At this moment, Yeon Gaesumun was not only thinking about the possibility of seizing the ship and running away, but he was also repeatedly thinking and analyzing the strength of the Tang army. Of course...

Yeon Gaesumun is quite confident that the Tang army as a whole is indeed powerful, the emperor Li Er has indeed recruited a group of powerful characters, and there is also the help of the big monster Li Sheng.


Just look at the quality of the army.

Just talking about the bravery of soldiers...

Yuan Gaisuwen is confident that the Xianbei people will never lose to anyone.

This is an obvious fact.

If you think about it, you will know that if the Xianbei people cannot fight... then how did the ten surnames of Xianbei develop into the two major forces of Tuyuhun and Goguryeo? Everything depends not on strength, but on who has strong martial virtues.

The martial ethics of the Han people, you say Li Er, Li Sheng, and that group of generals are indeed remarkable, but these ordinary soldiers...

At this moment, Yeon Gaesumun was only wary of one thing, or in other words, only one person.

Chai Shao!

This guy is also a Duke-level general under Li Ershu.

He had guarded the Zhongzuo Suo for many years and wiped out all the heroes in the South Seas. Those pirates were not easy to deal with... Yuan Gaisuwen had a clear impression of this, not to mention that this impression also included himself... He had also been in this Southern Dynasty.

The southeast coast has suffered a lot.

Of course, this is due to the strange fish Li Sheng making waves in the water, but other than these, you have to admit that the Tang army is really watched by the general himself, and its combat power is no joke.

Therefore, Yeon Gaesumun's eyes flew around, scanning back and forth like a hawk, constantly searching for any unusual movements among the people near the harbor and whether there were any unusual ships approaching at sea.


Something strange really happened.

The crowd roared for a while, and then there was a large ship on the sea in front of him, like a moving city, slowly approaching from an invisible place and appearing in front of him.

Yeon Gaesumun's pupils shrank, isn't this the magical steel artillery ship that was recently rumored in Hangzhou?

Such a powerful warship that was not afraid of traditional fire attack tactics came in front of him. Yeon Gaesumun was so excited that he couldn't help but take a deep breath...

If we can get this ship, the great cause of Goguryeo's restoration will be stable, but at the very least, it will be absolutely no problem to stand firm in stages! The only problem is that this ship can't carry a man named

Chai Shao's old guy.

If it were an ordinary Tang army general, Yuengai Suwen thought to himself, he would be at least 90% sure of capturing this ship.

But if a general like Chai Shao, who has great military exploits and is at the level of a prince, leads the army, things will inevitably be a little troublesome, because a great general can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of an army.

Because of this, Yuan Gaisuwen remained motionless. The Xianbei troops beside him kept looking here nervously. Yuan Gaesuwen was also unmoved, and only used his eyes to signal the group not to move rashly.

Following Yeon Gaesumun’s observation…

As the noise of the common people gathered on the pier became louder and louder, the huge black iron ship got closer and closer, and even several large wooden ships behind the black iron ship gradually appeared in sight.

, filed in one after another.

Yeon Gaesumun also became more and more nervous. If Chai Shao really came, he would really have no chance.

But at this moment...

He suddenly heard that the people on the side seemed to be talking about something, vaguely related. This immediately aroused Yeon Gaesowun's interest, and he listened attentively...

As soon as I heard it, I immediately felt something was wrong.

Wait a moment...

"Duke Qiao is not coming? Why is he not coming again?"

"What are you talking about? A few young generals from Chang'an consciously read a few military books and wanted to challenge the elites of Duke Qiao... Tell me about this young man today, aren't you asking for trouble! What kind of person is Duke Qiao?

How can a person come to compete with a few descendants?"

"The young general who came from Chang'an...is really asking for trouble! How many military exploits did Duke Qiao have, even if he is a lieutenant under his command, how can he be defeated by several Zhao Kuo!"

"That's not true...but our Majesty didn't just open Enke, but also went to a martial arts academy for the imperial army. Several young people passed the military examination and became martial arts examiners. This is a bit arrogant but reasonable."

"Hmm... That makes sense, that makes sense!"

As everyone was chatting.

Yeon Gaesumun’s mouth gradually opened wide.

He was not at all interested in the fact that the young generals from Chang'an wanted to challenge the authority of the veteran generals - this kind of thing was too common in Goguryeo. How could he not teach a hundred Xianbei young people who did not believe in evil?

This kind of thing is not important to you.

But Chai Shao won't come today. This news... is very important to me!

The key point is that according to what these onlookers said, not only Chai Shao is not coming, but also a young general from Chang'an is coming this time... According to what they mean, he is a young man who learned martial arts in Chang'an and wants to challenge the veteran... carefully

Thinking about this matter, although it is not important, Yeon Gaesomun can only say that I really can't stand it anymore. If you can fight with a few military books, your Han Dynasty will not be destroyed even in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.


But since the person leading the troops this time is a young man with no eyesight...

Doesn’t that mean that I have a chance?

A four-character phrase commonly used by Han people slowly emerged in my mind...

God-given opportunity.

What a God-given opportunity!

The corners of Yeon Gaesumun's mouth slowly curved into a cruel arc.

This chapter has been completed!
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