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Chapter 1307 Line up the battle

As for when to send troops, when to land in Japan, when to start a war, and what rules to follow when encountering various situations...

Of course, there are military principles in this. For example, first of all, you can't die indiscriminately, and you can't let your opponents steal towers in vain - the transportation of food and grass was a top priority in ancient wars, and the supply line was almost equivalent to the pipe of the ICU.

If the army is gone, it will be gone. Of course... modern warfare requires even more fierce logistics.

So generally speaking.

Modern warfare, ranging from rocket forces and highly equipped air force swarm operations to as small as a bullet or even a gunshot warning, all require soldiers to strictly obey orders, in other words, strictly obey the overall strategy, and obedience... is actually a lot

At that time, military training did not have such a great impact on obedience. What really improved obedience was always logistics...

Just because logistics is so important, obeying orders is also extremely important.


As we all know, the Anglos are a nation that advocates liberalism. This nation's admiration for liberalism has led to countless experts and scholars in later generations to examine countless classics, historical and cultural origins, and analyze cultural clues...

But in fact, there is also a view that the Anglos made their fortune as pirates, and driving ships on the sea is naturally insensitive to logistics. Ships at sea are no better than military bases on land, and it is naturally extremely difficult to supply them. Therefore,

...the reliance on logistics is not high, and naturally, the mentality of the Anglos is gradually derived.

Whether this mentality is good or bad, it is none of the Chinese people's business whether the Anglos during the pirate period or the later LGBT Anglos are more civilized, but in short... because it is a maritime operation, Li Er also knows that the order cannot be given

It was too detailed. If it was too detailed, it would be meaningless and it would be easy to break the rules, so Xu Chaishao acted expediently.

Of course, Chai Shao is different from the Anglo pirates back then. The Anglo pirates went to sea to sell slaves in exchange for gold and become rich overnight. However, Chai Shao was facing a serious military operation. If he couldn't win, he would take the blame.

Moreover, it also undermines His Majesty's strategic plan, which is a huge responsibility.

Therefore, the timing and route of sending troops cannot be taken hastily. Although the Holy King revealed to himself some tips for fighting the Japanese while drinking in private, he still had to be careful when it came to sailing and landing at sea.

The preparations were very thorough, and half a month later...

Time gradually came to November of the ninth year, and the army was finally dispatched.

First, King Luo Bin led twenty large ships through Liaozhou. With the cooperation of Zhang Liang, the governor of Liaozhou, they set off from the port of Baekje.

There was also an unexpected gain in this process. Zhang Liang accompanied King Luo Bin to survey the terrain of Baekje, looking for high-quality ports to be opened. This was not only for the purpose of using troops, but also for the establishment of a commercial port in Baekje in the future. He actually discovered

A good port of good quality.

Because the area was famous for Sichuan, Zhang Liang and King Luo Bin agreed to name it Incheon Port after Chinese culture. Then... they set off from the north of the sea and headed for Japan.

Chai Shao took the initiative to take on the most difficult part, personally commanding thirty-five large steam ships and five steel artillery ships and setting off for the remote areas of the East China Sea!

The remote land of the East China Sea is extremely difficult to navigate because of the vastness of the sea.

But it is very neat, with a total of forty large ships, one of which is even dedicated to storing food and medicine.

A fleet of forty ships sailed and formed a formation on the sea.

Not to mention the majesty and majesty, but seeing each other head to tail, no matter how far away the place is, there seems to be a boat driven by one's own comrades, this feeling actually makes people feel peaceful.

Chai Shao was originally quite worried about the fearful atmosphere of traveling across the sea in the East China Sea. Even though he was not afraid of traveling outside the sea, his subordinates... the large scale of the fleet actually relieved this tension, which made Chai Shao inexplicably happy.

At least you don't have to worry about morale.

And in early December of this year, the army finally arrived in Japan...

After all, it is a big ship going to sea, and...

Nowadays, the large ships built by the Tang Dynasty have objectively made it possible to explore the Americas. To sail to the Americas, a sailing ship must carry at least three to five months' worth of wine and food - in other words, Chai Shao's army

The supplies carried are quite abundant.

When we arrived at the shore of Japan, we were not in a hurry to march quickly, but just waited on the shore.

It was not until it was confirmed that King Luo Bin had received the specific action plan given by him that Chai Shao ordered the entire fleet and all the forbidden troops to prepare for landing.

But when preparing to land, naturally...

Then we encountered an attack from the Japanese.

This will not be a surprise to anyone with some military knowledge. After all, when the enemy attacks, they must take advantage of the opponent's unstable foothold to defeat it with a heavy attack. But what surprises Chai Shao is...

The Forbidden Army landed one after another, and the small group of Forbidden Army that landed first went to the forest to cut down trees and prepare to set up camp...

The Japanese army suddenly came to attack before the camp was established and there were no walls to keep out horses and other fortifications, and unexpectedly...

There were only about a hundred people...

Chai Shao was immediately amused by this scale. Only a hundred people came to attack my central army? Although a group of people were sent out to chop wood, there were still a few hundred people left. This kind of thing... is simply looking down on people.

All right.

What's more, among the hundred or so Japanese, only a few are wearing shoes - the other Japanese don't even have leather armor. Compared with the hundreds of Forbidden Army soldiers here who all wear heavy black armor, it's simply a world of difference.


Of course, this is not important, what is important is... the other party actually came up and fought.

Chai Shao could only say that he was confused.

Even when he followed Li Er to conquer the world, and even when he fought with the Xianbei people, all those Xianbei people were not afraid of death, but they did not say that a hundred people came to plunder any of the Imperial Guards of the Tang Dynasty.

This is not pure...

But just when Chai Shao looked at the dozens of dead bodies here and thought to himself, how could the other party suffer a sudden illness and die?, he suddenly realized something.


I have hundreds of well-armored, wolf-like Forbidden Army soldiers here who are really hard to mess with, and there is nothing wrong with that. But... because I have sent hundreds of people out to cut down trees and camp, the current scale of these hundreds of people is

...Indeed, it can be regarded as a "fighter" in a certain sense.

After all, if I hadn't condemned these hundreds of people to go out to cut down trees, the size of the team here to receive other forbidden troops from disembarking would be hundreds plus hundreds, which would be thousands of people. And the size of thousands of people compared to hundreds...

This chapter has been completed!
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