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Chapter 1314 This is too amazing

Chai Shao originally thought that Li Sheng would nod this time. After all, Wei and Jin...

Although I am disgusted with the Wei and Jin dynasties, I still understand the urine properties of the Wei and Jin dynasties.

As a result... I still guessed wrong?

Li Sheng thought for a while and said this time, "Although people from the Japanese country tend to escape, they...occasionally have a sudden attack, and all the troops in the country pounce on it. At that time, it will be the old man's opportunity."

"Will this be like this?" Chai Shao was even more confused now. Being described by Li Sheng like this...

I always feel that the character of Japanese people seems to be very simple at the core, but inexplicably confusing on the outside...

However, it would be too long to talk about this aspect. Li Sheng did not say more and just said, "Old man, just be ready. If they suddenly attack in a large scale, they will definitely not be like the Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty or the barbarians."

He is cunning and cruel, but charges directly towards him. When the time comes...it's easy to ambush, just do it."

Chai Shao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this...

I only said that I killed a wave of Japanese when I first landed in Japan, but I didn’t say how I killed them!

But... at this time, Li Sheng's prediction of "what the Japanese will do in the future" turned out to be exactly the same as his own experience that he had not mentioned...

This is so amazing...

Chai Shao couldn't help but sweat broke out on his back. He suddenly thought of Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui... these old foxes spoke highly of Li Sheng.

No wonder...no wonder His Highness the First Prince was able to impress even those old foxes.

Even the Japanese who are far away in the horizon can see clearly. This is almost a superpower, isn't it?

But now...

The future actions of the Japanese can be considered truly predicted.

Chai Shao had a very clear premonition, and this time Li Sheng's prediction of the Japanese was spot on.

However, Chai Shao was also a little curious, "Since this Japanese dared to attack with an entire army, it is different from the decadent Wei and Jin dynasties... How can it be said that they are just trying to escape?"

"Well..." Li Sheng chuckled nonchalantly, "The Japanese... are not Han people after all. They have their own unique ways of escaping, so I don't have to worry too much about it. Anyway, we just want this piece of land.


"How the Japanese are feeling is their own personal matter. It doesn't concern me... We brought the army here, but we didn't just serve as wet nurses for them, right?"

Chai Shao laughed when he heard this, and he exchanged cups with Li Sheng, and for a while they drank and drank each other without saying anything...

Once you have an idea, this matter suddenly becomes clear.

Even... Chai Shao had a strange feeling.

This Japanese country is such a big place, why is this matter so complicated? But...

Although the affairs of the Japanese state were simple, Chai Shao had a vague feeling that when Li Sheng was talking about the matter of the Japanese state, he was not actually talking about the Japanese state, but... However, Shenzhou did not seem to have such a nature.

Xia Chai Shaoyou couldn't help but feel confused.

Of course, doubts are doubts. After all, I am just here to conquer the Japanese. Since the people of China do not have the problems of the Japanese, then we might as well just... let it go, it doesn't matter.

But just when Chai Shao had finished thinking about all these trivial things and was about to get serious about packing up and preparing for the war, he suddenly received new information.

This information did not come from prying eyes, but was sent by Japanese envoys along the way!

Chai Shao was also alert when he saw the Japanese envoy.

Since ancient times, envoys have been sent out to openly bargain with you, under various names. Sometimes there is no name at all, just to exchange views. But in fact...

That's not the case. There are often many so-called messengers who are simply here to spy on information.

Spying on intelligence has been a side mission of all "envoys" since ancient times, just like a swift scout... It may not have much combat effectiveness, but it is a moving field of vision. In the past, Emperor Wu of Wei realized that the Huns' envoy had extraordinary temperament and vision.

, worried that the goods would have greater consequences after reaching the Xiongnu, so they killed them.

Of course, the appearance of the Japanese envoy immediately aroused Chai Shao's vigilance!


After actually receiving the Japanese envoy, Chai Shao was confused when he asked about his purpose.

This Japanese envoy was not here to spy on the military situation - although the envoy himself would not say such things explicitly, Chai Shao immediately realized it. Because this envoy was here to seek peace!

As soon as they came up... perhaps because there were relatively few books in Japan, the envoy didn't have any clichés to say. After a while... he directly revealed his purpose of coming, which was to seek peace. And this matter of seeking peace...

What can make Chai Shao confused is of course not an ordinary peace request... but that the messenger conveys the wishes of the Japanese leader and proposes an agreement on behalf of the Japanese leader - this agreement is that the Japanese country submits to the Tang Dynasty every year.

tribute, and asked the Tang Dynasty not to continue to march... As for the seaport currently occupied by the Tang Dynasty, it was also directly "given" to the Tang Dynasty, in order to ask the Tang Dynasty to accept the magical power and not to march further.

When this happened, Chai Shao was a little dumbfounded, because...

This messenger not only came to deliver a message on behalf of the Japanese leader, but also brought a letter written by the Japanese leader himself. The whole letter was written in neat Wei stele regular Chinese characters, and the diction throughout was quite good... but the most important thing was the content.

This Japanese country actually retained the golden seal of canonization given to the Japanese country by the Han Dynasty!

This is...

This made Chai Shao a little embarrassed.

This Japanese country can play any tricks, but when it lifts a big man out... this is troublesome, because...

It's very simple. Who were the people who founded the Tang Dynasty?

It was established by a group of people who are fans of Mr. Guan, and what they say is that they value promises over life and death.

As fans of Guan Erye, of course these people are also spiritual Han Dynasty people - there was no such concept of "nation-state" in that era. This was a product of the Westphalian world order of later generations.

, but why was there such a thing as "Han people" at that time? To put it bluntly, at that time when there was no concept of nation, people called themselves Han people out of memory of the great Han people.

Even many Xianbei people who quietly naturalized in the Central Plains began to consider themselves "Han" after becoming fans of Guan Erye. Even after the Wei and Jin Dynasties repeatedly usurped power and played power politics to make the people miserable, the Huns rebelled against the Jin Dynasty.

Liu Yuan also used the banner of "Han".

And Chai Shao... although he doesn't have that much historical baggage, after all he is an experienced driver at such an old age. But the big man's status in China is too special. Although he has no personal baggage, he has to consider the burden of the masses and the influence of the masses.

This time something went wrong, Chai Shao also became a Muggle... Of course, Chai Shao still entertained the Japanese envoy first, but then he turned around...

This chapter has been completed!
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