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Chapter 1339 Money and Banking

After all, if you think about it, you will know, what are the living conditions in the Tang Dynasty and what are the living conditions in Siam? These conditions are like...

For example, the eldest daughter from Wang Jing's family fell in love with a poor boy and moved to the countryside... There will always be many problems in life in the future, and there will even be many serious thoughts arising from it.

What's more... what's more.

What's more, Wang Jing and others are not just a eldest lady and a poor boy falling in love. At least they are happy with it - I will marry whoever I want, and it will not work for anyone. With this psychological quality.

But for Wang Jing... his fate is much more hateful and annoying.

This is simply disappointing!

At that time, in various places in China... although they were not in the golden land of Chang'an, they could be regarded as: there were thousands of hectares of fertile land outside and countless slaves inside!

As you can imagine, the quality of life is not a guarantee, and the whole thing is comparable to the palace... But what is the situation now?

Arriving at Southeast Bay...this place used to be a perfect place of miasma!

If it weren't for the fact that this place was still warm, as Wang Jing and others expected, countless people at home would have committed suicide on the spot in a matter of minutes.

So... In short, during such a window period, the King of Siam saw an opportunity, knew about the existence of such a person, recruited this birdman under his command, and gave him a big house and four beautiful Siamese girls in a matter of minutes.

His subordinates came specifically to listen to the conversation between Wang Jing and others.

This move...if it comes out, the impact can be imagined...

After all, eavesdropping was common in ancient times, and the palace was always cruel.

But now... now that it has been proven that these Tang people are not malicious, the King of Siam can rest assured. As for what to do if the spy at hand is exposed... In this regard, the King of Siam is not worried.


Mu De, after all, he is the king of a country, and he still has an army in his hands, so he is afraid of being a bird... Then again, as long as he doesn't get sick and blow himself up, even these Tang country guys can't find out about this. This... is too...

It's impossible to find out, but it's me. Maybe I can use this boy to do more things...

But after thinking for a moment, the King of Siam still shook his head. Although he said he wanted to do something more, there was no good opportunity at the moment. Speaking of which... the most pressing issue of interest was the matter of Red Rock Island.

If Li Tang can be dealt with clearly in this scene, what will happen next... This is a very heavy realization that only real adults can accept. But then again, no matter what, this matter can be regarded as

Everything is guaranteed, there is nothing to worry about.

After sending the boy away, the King of Siam stood up and walked to the balcony, looking at the roaring sea with a smile...

But he said that Li Er was in a terrible state in Chang'an.

Whether it is the problem of the maritime merchant being robbed, which led to the kidnapping of a group of scholars, or the problem of the maritime merchant being robbed itself...

They are all perfect materials for people to be worried about. In addition to this part, there are the bank problems in Hangzhou and the derivative problems of the series of problems just now...

For example, the simplest thing is that because of the looting of maritime merchants, prices in Hangzhou have begun to rise slowly recently...

Although it has only increased by less than 20%, the people are currently just shocked.

But a price increase is a price increase. Generally speaking... when prices increase by 20%, people will be dissatisfied, but most of them are just surprised. But when prices increase by 20%, people will start to think about what will happen next.

Prices will not continue to rise...will I still be able to afford food at that time?

For Li Er, even a 20% price increase is dangerous, because a 20% price increase... For most people in the Jiangdong area, they are just a little short of money, but for Li Er,

But we know that there must be a considerable number of people who really don't have enough to eat.

This situation is no joke. Once things go wrong, no one knows what will happen... If there are disarmed Imperial Guards inside, I'm afraid it will turn into various gangs in minutes - and then again

Come back, gangs now exist on a large scale...and if there are forbidden troops inside, these gangs will definitely be deeply affected.

Of course, Li Er doesn't care what kind of impact the street gangs in Hangzhou have, but what Li Er has to care about is that one day these gangs will in turn affect the Forbidden Army... who knows what will happen then.

Of course, this kind of thing is too subtle. Although people's hearts are in danger, it is impossible to take care of them everywhere.

But then again, even if he can't be considerate everywhere, Li Er, as the king, has no choice but to be as responsible as possible.

In short... the current situation, since I am the king, I still have to find a way to solve it no matter what.

But soon after that...

Li Er still took action.

The emperor and ministers of Tiance Mansion finally got Li Sheng's "Money and Banking"!

Wang Jing, Pei Ji and others have great eyes and hands. Although it is true that their family property is now located in Southeast Asia, it does not mean that... their existence in China has really ended and completely disappeared.

As for where, it's pretty simple...

Su Dashou, the head of the Su family, the most famous family in Hangzhou, did not take the family business away from China.

Of course, this happened before... when Wang Jing, Pei Ji and others just moved out, it caused some unpleasantness... Although it was just unpleasant, Su Dashou knew that this problem was quite big.

——Five surnames and Qiwang, headed by Wang Jing, moved the family business away from China. Of course, there was no such big thing as poor hospitality, but Su Dashou did not respond enthusiastically to Wang Jing and others... This is not to say that Su

Da Shou didn't respond, but after all, he didn't plan to move away, so naturally he didn't respond very enthusiastically.

And you, Su Dashou, as a member of the Quasi-Five Surnames and Seven Hopes Circle, everyone has decided to move away, how can you not move out?

You kid is so unsociable!

Simply... simply, simply, simply!

However, although Su Dashou was accompanied by countless smiling faces in those days, his heart was really unwavering. Don't you, an old boy, don't want to be in the industry anymore? Of course Wang Jing and others did not say this directly, but there is no doubt that

I have said it all with my eyes.

But when it comes to speaking with the eyes, Su Dashou goes in with one ear and out with the other.

No matter how awesome the circle of Five Surnames and Seven Hopes in China was, it was only in the past... No, it is still very awesome now.

But you are so awesome that you have gone to Southeast Asia, this... is this still the "top circle in China"?

No more...that's nonsense.

As for Su Dashou himself, this idea is quite strange. Although his lifelong goal is to become a master in China... Although he is a master at present, he still hopes that his descendants can all become masters.

However, this hope has a prerequisite, and that is in China.

This chapter has been completed!
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