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Chapter 1351 This kind of thing is too exaggerated!

As for how these gold and silver are used, the answer is of course the military merit system of the Qin and Han dynasties in the past, but——

Today's world is not as simple as it was in the past. If you want to reverse history, that is the right pill... However, not reversing history means that you cannot simply imitate it - losers are all over the history of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

China has already left enough bloodstains, there is no need to try again, Li Er clearly knows this.

The reason is simple. The connotation of the concept of "land" has changed.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, land was the only means of production, and land as the only means of production triggered countless wars in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. And the essence of these wars, to put it bluntly, was the lack of land. Compared with the imperialist wars of later generations,

There has been no change in its core. And the reason why the Qin State was able to succeed... in the final analysis, the key is the military merit system and the Book of Shang Jun in order to ensure the stable and effective operation of the military merit system.

The core of the military merit system is that only when the fruits of victory truly belong to those who fight bravely can the country truly have combat effectiveness. In order to further double the effective operation of this military merit system, Shang Yang also added a lever to it -

—That is, all the land in the country will be nationalized, all old money and new money will be abolished, and all the land will be used to encourage young people to farm and fight.

The effect of this is self-evident. The speed of Qin's rise shocked the other six countries every minute.

But in the end... Youdao went too far, and quickly drained all the "awareness" or insight in the country, turning it into combat effectiveness, and finally... finally turned into Guo Qin Lun.

This lesson was learned by Liu Bang, the later Emperor Gaozu. He adopted a peaceful strategy, which not only distributed benefits to reward brave young people, but also did not act lightly like Shang Jun. It maintained considerable stability, so... then there was

Later became the "Han people".

But now, land is no longer the only factor of production, and farming and fighting itself is no longer limited to farming and fighting.

Instead, there has been new development and industry has emerged. Of course... China is not that simple.

Although later historians generally say that China has a history of 5,000 years, in fact, China already had large cities 5,000 years ago, and the main population in the cities were craftsmen. Such a large city would be at the level of a holy city in the West.

In China, it is just one of many super ancient cities.

The key to the change in the problem lies in the fact that today's Shenzhou Industry is no longer the handicraft industry it used to be...

The ancient industrial cities mentioned in similar examples are nothing today. The annual output of industrial products in an ancient handicraft city might not even be able to keep up with the three-month output of today's factories.

And if given time, the wisdom and hard work of the children of China can further exert their divine power, then in the future...

It is entirely possible that a factory could produce as much as those cities in a year in one day.

Such a developed ability to make things cannot be taken lightly. The key point is that while the thing itself is different from ancient times, its positioning is also completely different from ancient times. In ancient times, agriculture was agriculture, and industry was industry. There were clear distinctions, but today's industry is because of

Things like chemical fertilizers and cement can feed back agriculture...

The changes are mysterious and difficult to understand, but one thing is clear... the development of industry has indeed greatly improved the quality of life of the people of the Tang Dynasty, and it has also greatly improved the strength of the Forbidden Army - even the farming war has benefited a lot from it.

With such background factors, we have to consider the essential issue under etiquette: the allocation of production factors.

Land is no longer the only factor of production, now there is also knowledge and various conditions required to build factories. Geographic location is more important than land in the past, and knowledge...the meaning of scholars today is completely different from that in the past.


How to allocate these extra "new lands", that is, new factors of production, is the main problem today.

As for the knowledge part, Datang has now done all the key work, and the effect... Generally speaking, it is not bad. The new young scholars who have expanded the scale have effectively set off a new wave of production, and more and more

Many factories produced better products than the original factories run by the Tang government.

As for the equipment, raw materials, etc. produced by the factory, as well as sales...the answer to these problems is naturally currency.

In China in the past, currency was not a particularly necessary existence.

Qin Shihuang also made monetary changes in his policy of writing in the same text and moving in the same track, but the reason why this change was not mentioned is that the summary in the history books only summarized the part of the book and the text in the same track. It is not because the historian did not understand the economy.

, I don’t understand the importance of currency, but because currency really didn’t have much importance in ancient times.

——In pre-modern society, "spending money to buy things" was a purely unimaginable thing for most ordinary people, and there was no such concept as a commodity economy.

But things are different now...

Therefore, in order to adapt to the changes in the economy, the currency must of course change, and of course all changes originate from the current situation problem, and the current situation problem of currency can be said in two words, insufficient. Therefore, the chapter on credit currency in monetary banking is naturally

It made Li Erru suddenly understand after listening to the fairy music.

However, this matter was undoubtedly not easy, so he appeared at this place. Li Er explained everything to Asmin from beginning to end.

As she listened... Asmin gradually opened her mouth wide and fell into shock...

This kind of thing is too exaggerated.

I only know that the Tang Empire is powerful, perhaps more powerful than all the countries I know, but now...

The Tang Empire was so wealthy that it needed to create coins out of thin air to maintain its operations...

Then how rich the material civilization nurtured by this empire must be...

Asmin racked her brains and couldn't imagine what kind of...spectacle this was.

Yes, a spectacle.

The wealth and strength of the Tang Empire, Asmin could only think of this word at the moment.


And His Majesty the Emperor's purpose in coming to find him...

Although she was still a little confused, Asmin had some awareness in her heart. It seemed that His Majesty the Emperor's visit was indeed related to currency... and it must be a big event.

Otherwise, how could the majestic Supreme Emperor of the Empire be so verbose with me? I don’t know what the specific matter is... but I think it must be big, and it is probably difficult to handle.

However, Asmin felt a little more relieved inexplicably. Since she had a hard job entrusted to her, she probably didn't mean to throw everything away...

This chapter has been completed!
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