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Chapter 1361 Island

But he said that this war...

Asmin did not expect to be able to rescue the people at first. After all...if it were her, these hostages would be ready to be killed at any time. Of course...negotiating with the "opposite party" on the boat, and then going off the boat.

Detonate the grenade, this will take a while.


The pirates are not the imperial army. It is impossible for one, two, or three pirates to perform tasks on the islands outside the big ship. This is impossible among the pirates - this gangster who acts alone or a small group of gangsters.

, being incited by the hostages to rebel and then running away... the probability is too high.

If the empire were dealing with those terrifying enemy countries...such as powerful countries like Goguryeo, Asmin estimated that the empire's soldiers would definitely not be in such a situation.

The rank of the Empire is still much higher than that of the pirates, and there is still a huge gap in popularity.

In other words...

It is difficult for the pirates to kill the pirates on the island on the ship. But...

That being said, Asmin is confident that if she organizes it herself, she can still get rid of the hostages the moment the "opposite party" turns against them - the method is very simple, arrange a large number of grenades around the hostages.

And this is only the first step. The second step is to sprinkle gunpowder to create a path between the many grenades, or to build a long lead, and finally connect it to any open space, and pile gunpowder on the open space. As long as necessary

With one rocket fired, all the hostages can be executed immediately!

Of course, this method also has certain risks. For example, the tunnel created by the gunpowder is managed to be wiped out by the hostages, or the lead bursts and breaks on its own... It is possible. But in general, there is always a way to ensure that the hostages are killed on the ship.


Even so, Asmin still felt a little heavy.


I am a Persian, and these young scholars are all Han Chinese from China, and there are not many foreigners among them. Speaking of which...

They are not related by blood, compatriots, or even...

Although he graduated from Lingzhou College in the empire, he was not of the same age as these young scholars... In the final analysis, his mission on this trip meant that he did not have to be responsible for the lives of these foreign peers.


Many Chinese sentences that she happened to read when she was learning Chinese flashed through Asmin's mind from time to time.

Those sentences are like birds, always circling in my mind from time to time.

It's hard to say what kind of psychology it was out of, but Asmin still decided to take care of the court and ask for more troops to try to save people... If nothing else, the encirclement should be as fast as possible, at least to force the other side to react as soon as possible.

If the opponent runs decisively enough, then there might be a chance...

However, Asmin did not expect that things would turn out like this. The opponent did not run very fast, and the hostage actually... did not move at all...

Asmin was a little speechless, but since there was such a good thing, she could only reluctantly accept it all...

But this time the encirclement was not successful, because although the opponent was not decisive enough, they still abandoned the ship. Apart from seizing the ship, taking away the prisoners and some hostages, Asmin did not gain anything more. Although she wanted to

Catch some bigger fish...

Asmin looked at the direction where the pirates were fleeing from a distance and shook her head.

Anyway, the power of the pirates has been neutralized, so it should be no harm to the enemy... But there is no guarantee of this.

Who knows if there will be more later...

But at this point, the incident of pirates in the Empire's South China Sea - the part that I was responsible for has come to an end.

Asmin looked far into the distance. She didn't know whether it was a mirage or real land on the sea level, with a thoughtful look on her face... These should be handled by the Imperial Guards of the Tang Dynasty themselves...

But apart from the pirate problem, he obviously still had something else to deal with.


Thinking of this, Asmin couldn't help but frown.

I'm afraid it's not easy to promote this thing... If we do it rashly, I'm afraid this banknote hasn't been popularized yet, but all the countries in the world will think that the empire wants to do something. This banknote... may be regarded as an empire.

robbery plan.

No, this is not a strategy, this is an open robbery...

Having said that, Asmin also knew that whether she could climb up the empire's path depended on this matter of paper money. Once it was done, she would be the pillar of the empire in the future, ascending to a high position and holding power.

, then you can fulfill your lifelong wish. On the contrary, if it fails... then no one can blame you.

But this banknote...

Asmin took out a piece of paper from her small bag and looked at it carefully, revealing an inexplicable expression.

This is something the teacher made...it must be.

The patterns on it, as well as the "watermarks" that are only visible when reflected in the sunlight... all prove that this thing is definitely not something that ordinary craftsmen can create.

But to promote it... he turned his head and looked at the Imperial Army behind him.

Asmin had some ideas in her mind.

Perhaps this matter requires the cooperation of the Forbidden Army...and if this is the case, we must first contact Senior Chai from the Zhongzuo Institute and ask for his help, just like using troops to save people.

As for how to do it, this was undecided in Asmin's mind, and she didn't have any good ideas at the moment.

But he said that the other side of the ocean...

Southeast Bay.

On an island to the west.

This island is not alone here, but is part of an archipelago.

After the economy developed in later generations, this island lost its reputation. After all, the most important trading center was not here. But...

When the European powers were competing for the colonial rule of the Indochina Peninsula, this archipelago was famous all over the world. On the desk of the head of state of every power, the archipelago was one of the main drawing objects. It can be said that it was the "network" of that era.

"Red Islands". Its name is exactly the Andaman Islands.

But for now...

These islands are just an archipelago.

Desolate, deserted...

Because the territory is too small and some distance away from the Indo-China Peninsula and the subcontinent, this subtle location also unabashedly shows that this archipelago is not a recent product of continental plate movement, but has a long history. In other words...

There are not even humans on the island.

But at this moment, they are the latest group of visitors to the islands.

The previous batches of visitors were all maritime merchants from the Tang Empire. Although they were sailing with the "sextant" made by the Holy King,... for commercial voyages, the merchants would still look for islands as much as possible and map out the islands connected with the coastline.

Create a "needle path" to achieve higher navigation safety.

But at this moment, this special group of guests in the archipelago are not here for safety.

the reason is simple.

They are from Rome.

This is a group of special people with black hair and blue eyes, and they are also the main population of the Roman Empire.

This chapter has been completed!
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