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Chapter 1365 Water Conservancy Project

Only when thought and practice complement each other can they play a role and lay the foundation for the establishment of strategic vision. Systematic philosophical understanding and supporting practical experience are often highly scarce. In other words...

Well, in short, the countries in the southeast are very excited now that they have received diplomatic invitations from the Roman Empire and large sums of aid.

After all, pie in the sky is so exciting...

What can be happier than having sex for free? It doesn’t exist.

So in short, in the years after the Roman Empire quietly took action, the surrounding countries quietly celebrated. This is what the saying goes, people are not rich without windfall, and horses... well, there are no horses in Japan and the South China Sea countries, no, or rather, these gangs

Diao Mao has no horses at all.

However, it is said that there are indeed no horses, but there are deer. Not only are there, but there are many!

Originally, there were no deer, but... because of the secret friendship of the Roman Empire, the countries in the South China Sea that were gathering in the ocean also had a lot of deer. And deer... in the prophecy of the Han Dynasty, to put it bluntly, it meant culture and wealth.

Of course, culture is not the most important thing. At the current stage, the wealth of the Southeast Asian countries is mainly based on native agriculture. Compared with China's farming technology, it is far behind, just because there are many native wild rice in the country.

Because of the planting, it is somewhat wealthy... This is a warm place to begin with, and it has always been rich in products.


Since the Romans came to establish diplomatic relations, Southeast Asia not only has many local specialty rice varieties, but also something even more exciting, that is, chemical fertilizers!

And water conservancy projects. And this time...

The Romans' assistance to Southeast Asia was greater, deeper, more trustworthy, and unreserved than the previous assistance to the countries in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty. The reason... is actually simple.

The countries in the northern part of the Tang Dynasty, first of all, compared to the Han people in the Tang Dynasty... to the Romans, they were all about the same.

Although the Prime Minister Tatar claimed that the Han and Tatars were enemies from generation to generation,... in the eyes of ordinary nobles in Rome, they were indeed enemies of the times.

However, Hannibal Jr., the top and truly hard-core strategist in Rome...and many think tanks who did not show their names in front of others, but played a decisive role in Rome. In the eyes of these people, the Tatars and the Tang Empire

It's basically one.

When the core areas of the Tang Empire were in trouble, these Tatars had no financial support and would fall out with the Tang Empire. But on the other hand, when they received financial support... these guys immediately said nothing and suddenly

He also worshiped the Tang Empire and was more loyal than anyone else - to bribe this guy, he had to compete with the Tang Empire for pure financial resources, and the transportation conditions in ancient times...

Transporting fertilizers to countries like Goguryeo and Tuyuhun has already cost a huge amount of money. As for setting up factories to produce fertilizers directly for these guys? This...

——Who can guarantee that these Tatar countries will not suddenly go berserk after gaining this most special vitality, and then directly take down the Tang Empire... and then become the next Tang Empire, and then fight with Rome even more ferociously?

The line-up!

Of course, it is not easy for these northern countries in the east to win over the Tang Empire, not to mention that in the process, the European forces actually have the opportunity to seize chestnuts from the fire... But unfortunately, barriers such as the Pamir Plateau or the Alps are not

One-way, but two-way.

It was also not easy for the Roman army to come and take the chestnuts from the fire, or rather, it was extremely difficult.

And if it is just to maintain a stalemate between the northern countries of China and the Tang Empire... it should be said that even if the northern countries of China are provided with the production technology to remove chemical fertilizers, it is still impossible for these guys to eat up the Tang Empire in a short time. This is not to mention

The long list of names that describe the birth of the Tang Empire in the Unification War are all military geniuses...

Just because of the name Li Sheng, no one dared to believe that such an empire would suddenly be eaten by the northern countries.

... From this point of view, there seems to be no problem in transporting it to the fertilizer industry, and it will be at a lower cost, causing higher military pressure on the Tang Empire. But this idea is obviously not mature enough.

The Tatars are different from the Tang Empire. The Tang Empire is located in the south of the east of the world island, while the Tatars are located in the north of the Tang Empire. After these guys get the fertilizer industry, will they really take action against the Tang Empire? Maybe they will

How about directly forming an alliance with the Tang Empire and marching westward together to defeat the Roman Empire in our old continent? This is something that is completely difficult to say.

In the final analysis, the biggest difference between the Tatars and the people of the Tang Empire is... In fact, "What is the difference between the two groups of people?" This question itself is not important at all. What is important is that the geographical location of the two groups of people is different, and the different geographical locations determine

The Tang Empire's army could only go to the north to pour out violence, while the Tatars had two directions: south and west.

...Then again, the relationship between China itself and the European continent is still too subtle.

One is in the northwest and the other is in the southeast. It is difficult not to think of the scene of a chess game. However, such a place is completely different from the cultural customs of Europe, especially the ancestors and the culture passed down by the ancestors.

To people from mainland Europe, people from China are almost like aliens.

This understanding, which comes from the deepest essence of life, makes Europa's strategists instinctively choose a more conservative option.


Today, the conservative option has proven to be a serious strategic decision-making mistake. The countries in northern China have been operating for several years while receiving a large amount of economic and military assistance from Rome. During these years, the agriculture of these countries has been affected by the use of chemical fertilizers.

The introduction had made great progress, and then was crushed by the Tang Empire, leaving no trace behind.

With such a situation, you can imagine how unbearable the people in the northern part of the Tang Empire were. However...

These unbearable people are actually a group of Tatars. In other words...

These people were overwhelmed by the behemoth that was the Tang Empire!

But in any case, the strength of the Tang Empire was once again proven, and the numerical evaluation was further increased without any suspense. With such increasing... No, it cannot be said that the strength of the Tang Empire is simply growing, but the valuation is increasing day by day.

Growth - and at the same time, the empire's strength itself is also growing day by day.

Under this huge pressure, the Roman Empire's assistance to the Southeast Asian countries was also unprecedented. The Southeast Asian countries became rich almost instantly during the first farming in the spring of the following year... and by the way

, became stronger.

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