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Chapter 1382 Sovereign Tribe

Just when the battle was about to be won, a problem arose.

This problem is of course not a question of what to do if the Mobei tribe that eats living people suddenly explodes and the Imperial Army of the Tang Dynasty cannot defeat it - the nomadic barbarians are rich in martial arts and virtues is not said casually, because they are better than the Han people in the Central Plains.

Facing an isolated and helpless survival crisis, these barbarians can turn on the explosion mode at any time, or rather to put it more bluntly...

When fighting against the Imperial Army of the Tang Dynasty, these thugs were always on the verge of breaking out. And...

Since the Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty was able to survive in the world, of course they also shouldered the mission of dealing with the barbarian invasion of Mobei, and... As mentioned above, the founding heroes of the Tang Dynasty also struggled to survive in troubled times.

What's wrong, the Mobei barbarians are rich in martial arts? Coincidentally, the brothers are also rich in martial arts... So it's not a matter of the battle situation being dangerous or being invincible.

Instead, after a while, the patrol team of the Forbidden Army came back to report the news.

This group of tribes is not the only one... but there are several such tribes in that area, and among them there is a large, no - I should say, a very large tribe that controls several tribes at the same time.

In other words... this large tribe is equivalent to the "sovereign tribe" of several tribes, including the target of the war that everyone is facing. And when this happens...

Li Xiaogong was no better than ordinary generals. He was not only highly virtuous and capable of enduring hardships, but also had an extraordinary background and a high level of education.

In other words, he is the rarest kind of talent.

So Li Xiaogong couldn't help but think about this... If this wave of intelligence hadn't been reported back, it would be simple. What would a group of man-eating jackals have to say? They would just annihilate them all.

The policies of the Tang Dynasty can be said to be quite in line with the background of the times - people who don't have enough to eat come to the Tang Dynasty, but if they kill people because they don't have enough to eat, they will all be killed. This is like a code for wealth in troubled times.

, the snowball rolled up in the blink of an eye.


Since the tribe we are fighting this time has a clan leader behind it, things are a bit complicated. Of course...according to the usual policy, just ignore the big and small tribes, and don't come to join us in the Tang Dynasty...No, they dare to kill people indiscriminately.

, kill them all, this is "martial ethics"!

But... as we all know, life is cruel and war is difficult.

The power of "Tang" is snowballing very fast, and the cost is that there are more people to eat. In other words... of course we have to fight, to conquer the world, conquer the world, what can we do if we don't fight? But since you are determined to be a professional player, of course you have to do your best.

Low cost fights, therefore.

——Do you want to take a wave of prisoners?

Normally, these barbarians have done too much misdeeds and there is no possibility of containing them. To put it bluntly, they enjoy cannibalism so much that even the other surrendered Qiangjie and Xianbei barbarians feel that it is too much and they have lost their united front.

Value. Just kill it. But the problem is, since there is a clan leader tribe behind, and this clan clan master tribe has been standing still for such a long time, this makes people speculate...

No matter how you look at it, this sect leader tribe gives people the feeling that they are waiting for opportunities and observing the situation.

And Li Xiaogong called together the generals and lieutenants of his various ministries for a meeting, and the conclusion reached was exactly the same. This clan leader tribe is undoubtedly observing the situation... and may have a tendency to surrender, but...

Among the many generals under Li Xiaogong, no one had considered the option of letting go of this tribe.

The answer is simple, what we did is too outrageous. What did our Tang Dynasty army rely on to make such a big snowball today? Although there are factors of strong military virtue, strong martial virtue is the guarantee of survival, but

Not a guarantee for expansion.

The reason why you are able to survive today is because of the golden sign of "Teacher of Benevolence and Righteousness". If you meet the legendary two-legged player now, if you don't kill him, won't it become a joke in the future?

The generals were furious. Although there were various reasons, to put it bluntly, cannibalism for a long time was too challenging for the bottom line. The brothers couldn't stand it anymore. Although they were all fighting, there were many dead people.

But when eating this...


Despite the collective opinion.

However, Li Xiaogong listened to everyone's opinions and thought for a while with his elbows on the table and his chin on his palms, and then...

But he shook his head.

"Everyone, no. Killing prisoners is unlucky. We can't kill these people."

The so-called "this group of people" are of course the group of brutal and bloodthirsty barbarians that were just defeated by everyone's combined efforts.

And when Li Xiaogong said this... the next moment, as he expected, the whole tent immediately exploded——

Damn it, Your Highness the County Prince, this is too outrageous. If you don’t kill me like this, then what is the sign of our benevolent and righteous teachers...

So then, Li Xiaogong said.

I saw him waving his hands, signaling everyone not to get excited, not to rush to oppose him, and to speak after listening, and then...slowly came the reasons.

"The situation of the benevolent teacher is of course important. However...these barbarians are also extremely poor. Today's world is in chaos, food is scarce, and cannibalism has no choice..."

"His Royal Highness!"

"sit down."

Li Xiaogong raised his eyes and glanced at the excited general. The general had no choice but to sit back angrily, but his face was undoubtedly unconvinced. Obviously... this general was not from a high background, and he had also been hungry.

It's just that at this juncture, in his opinion, no matter how hungry he is, it's wrong to take human life lightly. Since we are the king's master, what will happen if we don't practice the king's law... In short, it is very annoying.

But Li Xiaogong went on to say, "I understand how you feel, but... when we go out to fight, survival is the top priority. Our small court is still just the Tang Army. It has not yet become the Great Tang Dynasty, and I don't know if it can become the Great Tang Dynasty."

.These barbarians are indeed evil and evil, and we should indeed do benevolent and righteous deeds, but don’t forget... Only those who survive, the living, can do the 'righteous deeds'!"

As soon as the words fell.

The faces of all the generals in front of Li Xiaogong were stunned...

Although there were many reasons, all the generals had to admit that Li Xiaogong's words really moved everyone. And then...

Li Xiaogong smiled slightly and continued, "Besides, we can't associate with jackals, can we send jackals as slaves... Now that the world is in chaos, there are countless fields left uncultivated behind us, so we can send these jackals to farm for everyone.

, they can also fill their stomachs, and my Datang’s resources will also be replenished...why should we not do it?"

Although there was still some weirdness in their hearts, the generals present quickly accepted Li Xiaogong's proposal.

After hearing this, King Luo Bin also nodded thoughtfully...

This chapter has been completed!
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