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Chapter 1402 Paper money is forever!

Of course...because recently everyone in the Southeast is hoarding banknotes.

If you want to hoard banknotes, of course you have to exchange them for things. In addition to the people at the bottom using what they earn from farming in exchange, there are also nobles and wealthy families in the southeast area who want to exchange banknotes, and gold and silver will circulate.

Gradually... of course, the price of gold and silver will also gradually fall.

In terms of the purchasing power of food, this trend is quite obvious. At the same time, we also need to consider that the people also feel the increase in the price of banknotes. Although they are not rich, they are also secretly thinking about selling extra food, which causes the price of food to also fall.


If we observe it from a modern perspective, it is not difficult to see that this wave of rising assets is just a bubble following the trend. But during this period...

In short, Wang Jing and others saw only one thing.

Paper money is forever a god!

Ever since the Southeast Asian countries recently issued banknotes, I started hoarding banknotes.

Not only did the assets on hand by Wang Jing and others appreciate significantly.

Even Luzon, Siam, Srivijaya, Johor and other countries began to become wealthy overnight.

This banknote is simply like the legendary hen that lays golden eggs all day long!

Of course, it is not easy to further increase the "position", because everyone has recently exchanged almost all the assets at home into banknotes, and there is not much "liquidity" left.

Under such a limitation, today's discussion took place, but it was Lu Changgeng who said this, and everyone else present immediately understood.


It’s true that the brothers don’t have much gold and silver in stock anymore. But...even though it’s small, it’s still equivalent to 10% of the previous total assets.

In addition to these assets, don't you also have the banknotes that Li Er got on hand?

To say that Li Er got these banknotes... that is simply unbearable. All other banknotes are rising, but the Tang Dynasty banknotes are not rising. What is this but unbearable?

Since it is an asset that Fela cannot bear, of course it must be replaced by an asset that is rich in virtue. And if you think about it this way...this thing is very wonderful. Originally, 90% of everyone's assets have been exchanged for various banknotes, and now they have to collect

It is obviously not easy to have more banknotes, but...

With more banknotes on hand, it is not that difficult. With gold and silver... it is equivalent to the "position" of everyone's banknotes, no, they are high-value and high-potential banknotes, which can be increased by more than 50%.

, isn’t this just wonderful...hehehehe.

I thought so, but this time something unexpected happened halfway through the whole thing.

But this time, it’s not a question of “so and so got on the bus again, and everyone’s share of banknotes is less”, but another situation...

Something happened in Champa.

The news first came to Wang Jing and others, and the content was: the price of national treasure banknotes in Champa has stabilized, but prices in the country have begun to rise.

This does not have much impact on Wang Jing and others. No, rather...

When this news appeared, Wang Jing and others further strengthened their determination to hoard banknotes because prices were rising... This was a very bluffing signal.

In ancient times, rising prices basically meant that there was going to be war and chaos. This was no joke.

However, at this time...the prices of banknotes from other Southeast Asian countries are still rising!

...what does this mean?

This fully shows that the business of hoarding banknotes is not only correct, but also highly correct! Not only is it highly correct, but it is also highly profitable.

Wouldn't it be foolish not to act quickly? But...

This time, just when Wang Jing and others were about to take action again and continue to eat the banknotes of the Southeast Asian countries, they received another news.

Before everyone had time to start anything, they learned about the ports near Manila...

Prices have actually started to rise!

...Manila is located in the northern part of the southeast corner and is a window city for economic exchanges with China. Prices in this place have begun to rise, so people can't help but ignore it.

Originally, Wang Jing and others were not so active. When they heard about the rising prices in Champa City, they reacted nervously. Of course, if you are nervous, you have to avoid risks. To avoid risks, of course, you have to replace them with high-value assets. However...

This time, after receiving the news that prices in Manila were also rising, Wang Jing and others suddenly became nervous and vigilant.

...Why are prices rising everywhere?

Originally planning to decisively continue changing banknotes, everyone stopped now. But then again, at this stage, almost 90% of the various assets in the hands of Wang Jing and others have turned into banknotes from the Southeast Asian countries.

, the gold and silver were basically all gone, and only some Li Tang’s banknotes were left.

The reason for doing this is actually not difficult to understand. For Wang Jing and others, it was a deep impression that the bank in Hangzhou was defrauded of all their gold and silver overnight by Li Er, a villain.

Now if I do it again, it’s not just talk, it’s really hard to hold back...

With such sad memories, when it comes to the issue of "leaving a certain amount of liquid assets", whether to leave some gold and silver or Li and Tang banknotes...

If they had followed their original thinking, they would definitely have kept the gold and silver. But think about it, gold and silver are not very valuable in Southeast Asia now, and have dropped in value. On the other hand... Li Tang's banknotes, although Li Tang is worried about them,

Second, it is troublesome, but the advantage is that it is indeed light and easy to load.

In the final analysis, for Wang Jing and others...the only real value of this banknote is that it is light and easy to carry, and nothing else.

So... Anyway, our main asset allocation is banknotes from the Southeast Asian countries, so it is better to keep some Li and Tang banknotes as liquid assets. After all, think about how many promising assets we hold in our hands now.

These are Southeast Asian banknotes that have appreciated the most, so you still need to risk a lot of gold and silver, and you don’t rely on this thing to store value.

And this time...

When news of skyrocketing prices appeared, Wang Jing and others became inexplicably frightened. And when this person became frightened...and truly frightened, he would inevitably think about whether the things in his hands were stable.

And this time...

Among the crowd, Mr. Li Tiancheng suddenly spoke worriedly.

"Everyone, this...should we exchange all the banknotes on hand for gold and silver? After all..."

In fact, Li Tiancheng himself didn't have much ideas. These economic issues were still a bit too complicated for him, a player who didn't study much. He...actually expressed the instinctive uneasiness in his heart.

That's all.

But when Li Tiancheng said this, others were shocked.


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