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Chapter 1426 Scared scalp tingling!

If the atmosphere hadn't completely deteriorated.

Otherwise, how could the Southern Dynasties have repeatedly surrendered to the Hu people for so many years? They were even taken over by the Hu people. This is not called Fela's unbearable, but what is Fela's unbearable? Everything always has a cause and effect...

But this time...

Yeon Gaesumun had to admit that he was shocked. Not only was he shocked, but his scalp was numb with shock!

——No emperor of the Southern Dynasties could reverse the trend for hundreds of years, but it was actually solved by Li Sheng in a few days!

When we say that the atmosphere in the Southern Dynasty was weak, we especially have to talk about the weakness of the scholars in the Southern Dynasty. This is especially true in Yeon Gaesumun's opinion.

Mainly the group of scholar-bureaucrats in the Southern Dynasties, especially the group of scholars called "Qingliu", Yeon Gaesumun simply couldn't understand.

These scholar-bureaucrats read a lot all day long. After reading the history of emperors and heroes, they should be somewhat capable, but...

Once the situation is severe and the confrontation is fierce, especially in the military confrontation, it basically belongs to the series of all members playing soft eggs, and it is completely useless.

This once made Yeon Gaesumun feel very incredible...because it stands to reason that he has also studied a lot, and it seems that he is not that unbearable?

After thinking about it for a long time... after so many years, Yeon Gae Suwen probably summed up some reasons.

In the final analysis, most of the scholars in the Southern Dynasties... to put it harshly, they were basically bastards. In other words, they were not engaged in production. In fact, that was fine. You could lead the people to fight and expand the territory.

, but these scholars do not even have such functionality. As for the reason... speaking of it, it still falls on a lack of production.

The books these scholars read are not so much about settling down the country and bringing peace to the world, but rather pretending to be about settling down the country and getting promoted and making a fortune. And it’s a shame that such a group of people can be useful in the field of farming and war... Of course, Yuan Gaesu

Wen still admits that Han Chinese classics are useful in the hands of some people.

...Otherwise, today's Li Tang Empire would not be able to be established. But then again, since most people are not Li Er, one can only imagine the quality of the rest... But now

But such a big change can happen overnight!

This is very surprising!

It can make a person's temperament change greatly... If it only changes the temperament of ordinary people - for Yuan Gaisuwen, it means changing the temperament of the Xianbei people in his hometown, then it is nothing special.

After all, the Xianbei people are originally barbarians, and they are originally rich in martial arts. The structural richness of martial arts in this group is also called primitive fertility. But for such a group of barbarians who have lived a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife, it triggers bloodshed.

Of course, being ferocious is of no use... To be honest, there are some cannibals in this group of people. Yeon Gaesomun has mastered many tribes' cannibalism, but it's just that it's difficult to control and turn a blind eye.

But correspondingly, also because they are all Hu people, so...without the strategic education of the Han people in the Southern Dynasties, their performance on the battlefield is naturally not as good as that of Li Er's group. Li Er's group is what Yuengai Suwen is like

For many years, I have always believed that there is a powerful enemy. On the one hand, it is as fierce as the barbarians, but at the same time, it has learned all the strategies and etiquette from the Han people's classics... It is extremely difficult to deal with.

And now...

Yeon Gaesumun suddenly realized something.

If this trend continues.


After a period of time... after reading books, learning history, strategy, and at the same time through this rugby drama, the Han people had a bloody and brave spirit... that is, people like Li Er, wouldn't it become more and more popular?


And such people...

Yuengai Suwen suddenly remembered that he had heard that in the Southern Dynasties, there were not only Shuxiang Colleges in Hangzhou, but also Lingzhou, Chang'an... and many other places, or simply all states and counties in the entire Southern Dynasties.

They are all newly built recently. So many young Han people have gone to school, which is really exciting to think about... If we go by the old almanac, even if Li Tang dances happily now, he will be dead in a few years, because where will he go?

At that time, there is 100% chance that this guy will no longer be available, especially... there will be no more people who can make decisions about generals and generals.

But it's different now!

The existence of these academies allows the young people under Li Er's rule to be finely armed, and at the same time... with the existence of rugby, these young people can become rich in martial arts. Such a combination of civil and military skills, I'm afraid...

I'm afraid it will only be a few years later.

Not to mention that the original Goguryeo could not compete with Li Tang, even if all the countries in the world combined, the scale of talents could not be compared with Li Tang... These are by no means the kind of pure scholars of the past Southern Dynasties, but will be the real elite.

...Isn't this invincible? After all, whether a country can be prosperous for a long time depends on whether the country can cultivate a strong next generation and whether this can be successful, and Li Er... this

Isn't it a successful criticism?

The essential……

It also depends on how effective this rugby is...

After this period of time, Yeon Gae Suwen was convinced by Li Sheng anyway - there are really people who can change people's temperaments in the blink of an eye... The key is to change for the better. If people become Fela

It's unbearable, but it's very simple and can be done easily.

But it is much more difficult to make people become brave and sharp, and it often takes many years of effort. And Li Er...

No, I had clearly never heard of this kind of rugby before, nor had I heard of it since I came to the Southern Dynasties. Obviously, it had never been seen in the Southern Dynasties since ancient times. Doesn’t this mean that it was done by Li Sheng again?

? If not him, who else.


Is this guy really sent by God? God is helping Li Tang?

Thinking about it this way, Yeon Gaesumun felt really sad. If God sent someone like Li Sheng down, it's no wonder that Goguryeo couldn't resist it... This ghost can withstand it.

This kind of thing really gets more and more terrifying the more I think about it... Yeon Gaesumun even felt a little lucky. Fortunately, he didn't have a fight with Li Sheng. Otherwise, not only would Goguryeo be destroyed, but it would also...

Thinking about it this way, Yeon Gaesumun suddenly realized that Gao Jianwu, the foolish king, might actually be a bit wise... otherwise? It's just that it is impossible for Yuan Gaesumun to accept this part of the conclusion. After all, Gao Jianwu, an idiot, can't even hold on to his ancestors' inheritance. So, then

It’s useless to say anything nice.

But... overall, the most bizarre thing is the thing itself, which is the football.

Now Yeon Gaesumun no longer takes rugby as a joke. The stadium is just outside Hangzhou. Because of Li Sheng's "ardent expectations"...that is, his path to promotion and wealth, and because of his own strong curiosity, even now

For no other reason, Yeon Gaesumun was quite happy to see what the final result would be, so he trained even harder...

This chapter has been completed!
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