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Chapter 1447 Deterrent effect

Originally, Li Er knew that Panyu was a relatively remote area, but after all, it was located in the south, and there was no problem with the cold weather. He didn't think he would be very poor, but who knew... Only when he got to this place did he realize that it was so desolate and desolate.

Just like the rumors...

Poisonous insects and ferocious beasts are rampant, which can be said to be quite exciting... It is not unreasonable for many officials with good backgrounds in the court to regard it as a "miasma place".

Especially this miasma... is really true. Anyway, there are many mountains and the mountain roads are very difficult to walk.

With such a situation in front of him, Li Er would of course feel heavy... After all, if he wanted to develop this Yu area and engage in overseas management, he would obviously have to find a way to get rid of poverty in this place... Of course, then again, in fact, the imperial court had

An option that seems perfect.

It was to move the merchants from Hangzhou, whether they were maritime merchants who ran ships or merchants who built things and opened factories, to Panyu.

In this way, Panyu was lifted out of poverty at the speed of light, while Hangzhou was used as a military base to manage the navy. In this way... the Tang Dynasty also benefited from trade, and its overseas control power gradually increased. It can be said to be perfect.


Some things are only beautiful on the surface. Just like this strategy...

It is good to move the merchants to Panyu, but... But if the Tang Dynasty's navy wants to take action - especially against the Southeast Bank, the Tianzhu subcontinent, the Persian Gulf, Africa and other places, then

It's troublesome, because we have to take a detour...

So after thinking about it, it seems that it still doesn't work...

Li Er expressed his thoughts. Of course, he said it in the tone of a Chang'an citizen who is enthusiastic about state affairs and loves his nation...

When Li Er said this, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and others on the side immediately became more energetic, because this was obviously what they were worried about.

The reason is simple.

The navy is used to manage overseas interests. Of course... it is not as good as the land-based imperial army.

After all, if you think about it, you will know that the navy is floating on the sea after all, and it is not like the land-based imperial army keeping an eye on people at all times, so its deterrent effect is quite limited. Of course... the ambition of the Tang Dynasty was to eventually spread its military power to the world and let the whole world

There is only one army in the world, the Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty, and it is the most perfect.

But since it can't be done now, of course we have to rely on the navy, and the role of the navy... to a certain extent, is no different from that of the army. It is to control overseas countries, not to mention making Datang friends more and more, but

But it can effectively prevent the Tang Dynasty from having more and more enemies. As the saying goes, 'conquer people with virtue'...

However, the same purpose does not mean that the usage is the same. If the army is like the chain saw of the Tang Dynasty, if you want to cut down the tree, just go straight and saw it through, then the navy is like a big ax, although it is also cutting down the tree... but

Unlike the Forbidden Forces on land, which can be passed directly until you feel comfortable, the use of the navy...

There is no doubt that it is time-sensitive, that is, the problem cannot be solved at one time, otherwise it will be too much effort, and in the end it will only consume Datang's military resources.

To put it bluntly, the land-based imperial army is used to solve major problems head-on, while the maritime military power is used to attack. The essence of the army lies in its tenacity and endurance, and its ability to fight with powerful enemies to the end; while the maritime power is prominent and focuses on deterrence——

And deterrence is not just an outbreak, it also has a timeliness. If...

If something happens overseas and the Tang Dynasty's navy wants to suppress it, it can't just move over to fight, but it must move over as quickly as possible and in time.

If you move slowly, you will...

Well, the fortress that appeared out of nowhere in the Andaman Islands, the inexplicable renaissance in the South China Sea at that time, and the re-emergence of pirates had already warned Li Er and others.

Therefore, this method of changing places is definitely not feasible...

As Li Erwei explained, Wei Zheng and others on the side could not help but frown and nodded lightly... Even Li Ji, who had come with him to watch and visit friends, could not help but look solemn.

However, after hearing this, Li Sheng just smiled and said, "Isn't this... simple? Hangzhou's business is not monolithic. It can't be all moved, why can't some of it be moved first? It's not that difficult!"

When Li Sheng said this, Li Er and others couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then they looked surprised. They couldn't help but frown and said, "Only move a few... Although this land of Yu is not as densely populated as Hangzhou, the area is vast.

...It's just a show, I'm afraid the people won't be able to accept it..."

Li Er's words are what he said in ancient books on Cao GUI's debate. The original version is just eight words: If small benefits are not spread, the people will not obey.

If it is just about the economy itself, then there is nothing to say. Everything is arranged by the court. But now it is necessary to build a military base in Panyu to expand the navy, and this case... it means that the court still needs to recruit troops nearby -

So here comes the problem. This requires recruiting troops and food. Not to mention whether the people nearby can withstand it, and the court's face obviously can't stand it either...

However, everyone looked puzzled, but Li Sheng waved his hands indifferently. Apparently he could tell what everyone was thinking at a glance, and said, "Who told you to act like this? They said that the imperial court would transfer part of the business and industry.

, is to lead the people here to engage in production, how come it is just a pretense? This time Yu wants to build a large army..."

Li Sheng finally understood what Li Er just said.

In short, based on the "rumors from unnamed sources" that Lao Li heard in Chang'an, the imperial court currently feels that the navy is insufficient.

Although they are elite, their scale is still too small, not to mention that they are not elite enough... unlike the Xuanjia Army and artillery, which can form an overwhelming force to deter the enemy on land.

And this is definitely not possible, because the army is actually okay, and sometimes it does not have to be that strong. The key to the army is the support of the people, and it is more important that the people have the will to fight. This branch is mainly responsible for survival issues.

But the navy is different. The navy is mainly responsible for deterrence, overseas interests... and related strategic planning around overseas interests.

This requires that the explosive power of the navy must be ferocious enough to suppress the disobedient Ma Zai at once, because if there is a country where all the people are fighting against the Tang Dynasty...

It would definitely not be a defeat for the Tang Dynasty. After all, the Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty could be defeated. It is possible that there are only a few opponents in the world today such as Rome and Arabia.

But such a war is undoubtedly extremely cost-effective. It is something that will really waste people and money, but the benefits are quite limited.

And precisely because a large army goes to sea, the cost-effectiveness of fighting with guest troops is always extremely low, so a truly powerful navy is needed... to create a deterrent effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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