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Chapter 1468 Strange Edict

This food issue...

Originally, this was not a new problem for Li Sheng. After all, in an agricultural society, it was normal to not have enough food to live on.

If it weren't for this reason, Li Er wouldn't have been so excited about potatoes and sweet potatoes at the beginning... And after arriving in Hangzhou, Li Sheng wouldn't have gone out of his way to make a fishery strategy booklet across majors and send it out.

To the fishermen around Hangzhou.

And this kind of pamphlet... The effect in Hangzhou is really good. To this day... Hangzhou is not only the number one trading city in China, but objectively the economic scale is much more prosperous than Lingzhou. At the same time, it is also the most negative city in the Tang Dynasty.

There is no such thing as a famous gourmet destination, because as long as top-notch ingredients are produced in places all over the world, there will be businessmen who want to sell them at a good price and make a fortune.

But...it's different from Hangzhou.

Although according to Li Sheng's understanding, there should be a bright future for fishing near Hong Kong Island. It stands to reason that the food is not even better than that of Hangzhou... but at least it reaches the level of daily working meals in Hangzhou. You should always eat fresh fish and shrimp.

...However, the actual situation is that there is not even enough food...

After all, although Hangzhou is in the south like Hong Kong Island, the gap between the two souths is too big. In an era when this kind of infrastructure is almost non-existent compared to later generations, Hangzhou is rare and has both water transportation resources and maritime transportation resources.

There is also a geomantic treasure land supported by the transportation capacity of steam trains, so there is no shortage of food.

But Hong Kong Island... is more troublesome. Just as the stereotype of the people in the Central Plains thinks, the nearby land is often salty, which is not conducive to farming. On the other hand...

In addition to not having enough food to eat, Li Sheng also found that there was not enough seafood to eat...the production base.

The reason... is actually quite simple, it is the problem of the port itself.

Although this port is the best port in the Asia-Pacific, it is compared to the giant ships of later generations. The wide-open terrain and bottomless water depth of the bay area are simply a holy land for large ships, but they are nothing for small ships.

usefulness, and...

Because the water is too deep, it can easily lead to danger. After all, the fishermen use small sampans and cannot afford such a good port... As for the urban legend on Hong Kong Island in later generations of "retire early and buy a boat to go fishing", then

It is also based on the developed economic conditions and infrastructure level of later generations. There is no economy and no resources to build infrastructure. Naturally, this urban legend can only be an urban legend. In short...

In addition, fishermen on the seaside face wind and waves all the year round. Compared with the people who farm in the Central Plains, who "depend on the sky for food", fishermen have to directly "depend on the sky for survival". And such a production and living situation will of course lead to superstition...

So the legend about that natural harbor that "the water is deep and there are dragons that cannot be invaded" soon began to spread after several safety incidents. Fishermen were unwilling to dock their ships there, and this...

If resources are not used, of course, the already inefficient fishery production will be reduced.

All kinds of headaches... It gave Li Sheng a deep understanding of how awesome those captains in the Han Dynasty were.

Taking a group of troops and going all the way to the Western Region to colonize and guard the border would be even more difficult than this, with all kinds of affairs complicated and resources scarce...

But these are not fundamental contradictions after all. After all, "high-end consumer goods" such as music boxes are produced here, which belong to the upper level of the value chain... and there is also a natural harbor. No matter how fishermen are afraid of the abrupt water depth there, it does not affect the sea.

Business contacts - In fact, the reason why the Hong Kong Island Industrial Zone was able to quickly start selling goods in the past two months was precisely because Li Sheng spread the news...

Maritime merchants from all walks of life passed by and took a look, and they all marveled that this place was really a perfect natural port... With such a convenient port, of course, it was necessary to bring a wave of goods conveniently, which would increase the profits of the trade trip.

With maritime trade, these supplies are naturally available. As for the remaining problems, they are not fundamental problems after all. However... considering this, I originally planned to take the Danqing girl directly... No, big sister, run away. Li Sheng suddenly received a strange edict that he would remember for the rest of his life.

... Zhi said that the Holy King's strategy in Panyu has made great contributions to Hong Kong Island, and I am very pleased. In this case, the Holy King is specifically allowed to continue the strategy without slacking off, with the consent of all the people and the hope of the court...

Li Sheng was simply dumbfounded. He never expected to encounter such an edict!

... Could it be that the emperor has begun to consciously not let himself get close to the Chang'an area?!

If that's the case.

From a political point of view, my current position is dangerous! It is getting more and more dangerous. And it is not the danger of "losing all your fame in one day for many years", but a real danger to personal safety!

After all, think about it.

No matter how these people view what they have done, since the objective value is not low, then... it is inevitable to attract attention, leading to various not-so-good rumors - such as the reincarnation of xx, which is also inevitable. But after all, I was not born in the Guanlong area, which is equivalent to Li Er...

No, it is with the entire Guanlong military elite circle, not the same.

The most important thing is that I am not a relative of the Li family, so there is no blood... Regardless of whether I have a father who can fight for this kind of thing, it doesn't matter now, but the key is...

He has no blood, nor does he share a common childhood experience with Li Er's group of people - or a common language, and does not belong to the same circle.

For a pure outsider to make such a big fuss, it's almost like being bullied on campus...

Although Li Sheng is not afraid of anyone targeting him, after all, finding a boat to escape is not difficult in China these days - and Li Er obviously cannot do anything about it, after all...

Encouraging sea trade, from a real human perspective, has the implicit element of encouraging reckless heroes who have committed crimes to go out and make achievements... In a sense, this is the real national policy, or a national policy. The most hardcore political content.

But it would be a big loss if you really run away. After all, China has a lot of delicious food...

Li Sheng was a little uneasy, but thinking about it, since Li Er's move was obviously hinting that he should not get close to Chang'an, it at least showed that the emperor did not have the idea of ​​​​"five hundred swordsmen", which is a good thing...

So Li Sheng's trip to Panyu gradually changed from a "shop-exploring" trip in search of delicious food to an agenda to prevent trouble... Of course, in this way, Li Sheng had a clue in his heart, and of course he understood the matter. This is enough to achieve this level, and we can’t go any better. Otherwise, if the performance is too high, the boring people in Chang’an will make up some jokes to make Li Er unable to come to Taiwan, and I’m afraid he will have to recall himself to Chang’an again. …that’s where the trouble is.

This chapter has been completed!
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