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Chapter 161 Subject Exam!

Changsun Wuji’s words are very simple.

Not to mention him, the two counselors Du Ruhui, and even Qin Qiong and the three generals could understand it.

But it is also true that the simpler the truth, the more bumpy and unbreakable it is!

How intelligent and far-sighted was the person who came up with the idea of ​​dividing the imperial examination into subjects?


This incident and that conversation took place.

Some are happy, some are sad, some are happy, some are depressed, and some have mixed feelings.

After several investigations,

Queen Changsun still knew that Qin Ruochan also appeared that night...

And in order to protect the Holy Land Marquis, he risked his life.

However, she didn't know it at the time, and in order to avoid spilling the beans in front of more ministers, Empress Changsun kept telling herself not to think about Sheng'er's problem for now, and just think that the Shengxiang Marquis was a relatively good foreign minister.

But late that night, after falling asleep...

In a daze, she remembered this matter again.

Wait a minute, Qin Ruochan also showed up that night... and in order to protect the Holy Country Marquis, he got into a deep crisis and almost lost his life.

Queen Changsun suddenly realized, this girl...isn't she just trying to protect Sheng'er?

This girl didn't mean to offend anyone...

Met Sheng Er again.

So that means that the offended person is the thief with the fifth surname and Qi Wang?


She understood very clearly, first the report from Chang Sun Chong, and then the confession from Dali Temple.

The information coming from these two routes told her that this group of children from aristocratic families held a grudge because of Sheng Er's advice to Li Er, and were intent on bloody revenge.

The original reason was that Sheng'er went to Chang'an for fun and ended up having a song with a girl, stealing the limelight from those thieves.

From beginning to end, it has no direct relationship with Ruochan girl.

If there is any connection or suspicion, Ruochan seems to have privately paid for the girl's body, and then placed her in Sheng'er's shop...

The matter of this daughter is complicated and confusing, and Queen Changsun is really a little confused.

These juniors spend more money playing than her generation.

No matter what the specific situation is, it has nothing to do with any enemy.

Soon, she suddenly realized something.

Could it be that there are no enemies at all?

This girl is actually on good terms with... He Sheng'er, so she deliberately used words to evade herself?

After all, I didn't tell her at the beginning who her husband's family was talking about getting married to this time... so she refused?

Doesn’t that mean?

Thinking of this, Empress Changsun laughed directly in bed...

There is such a strange thing!

As a female elder and Li Sheng's biological mother, seeing this plot is simply a case of gossip.

At this time, Li Er was not asleep either. When he heard the laughter, he couldn't help but murmured, "Why don't you take a rest, Maid Guanyin? Didn't you say you have to get up early to arrange a wedding for Sheng Er..."

"You don't have to worry about this, Erlang, I have a clever plan of my own! Hahahahaha!"

A few days later.

Qin Ruochan stood in the streets of Chang'an, holding her beloved horse, feeling a little confused.

She has never been as confused as she is today in her life.

It was noon, and she was holding a document in her hand. This document was a notice.

The content is very simple,

First, His Majesty’s provisional imperial examination will begin today, so all scholars are requested to sign up as soon as possible!

Second, starting from the temporary imperial examination, every imperial examination thereafter will be divided into four major subjects: classics and history, literature, literature, and military science. Each subject is subdivided into several small subjects. For example, classics and history

The subjects of Spring and Autumn Period and Han Dynasty are also tested, and the subjects of Military Affairs are examinations of bow and horse, Tao strategy...

Third, women can also take the exam.


This notification document does not come from elsewhere.

But this morning, Empress Changsun came to the Duke Protector's Mansion and brought it specially for her!

If you just bring a document, that's fine.

The key is this morning, when Empress Changsun explained her purpose of coming, the main thing was not the document, but... to apologize to her!

That's right, the majestic Queen is here to make amends to the daughter of a duke!

Qin Ruochan could not help but be frightened no matter how deviant she was.

This time, the queen made her apology.

Last time, His Majesty clearly issued an edict to reform the customs and encouraged young men and women to marry on their own, but I was overly enthusiastic and always thought about arranging lifelong affairs for the children of several ministers.

I didn't consider Ruochan girl's feelings, so I'm here to apologize!

Qin Ruochan couldn't bear the apology from Queen Nima, so she quickly said that the empress was serious and she must not offend the little girl.

But I was secretly relieved...

It would be great if we no longer have this burden!

But... then, Empress Changsun said, since girl Chan has her own opinion, is heroic and is not inferior to men, then the empress... No, aunt will give you good news.

Women can participate in the imperial examination, and... they can also participate in the military examination!

If Chan girl is the daughter of the Protector of the Country, she must cherish this opportunity and not let her reputation as the Protector of the Country slip away!

When the Queen came this time, her two reasons seemed a bit inexplicable.

Because in the final analysis, this is not a big deal. It seems that the queen is too concerned about her, the daughter of a prince.

However, Qin Ruochan was still very interested in this news.

She had never met Li Sheng before...

I always think about how great it would be if one day I could ride a war horse, defeat the Turks, become a marquis from thousands of miles away, and welcome Sister Danqing into the palace...

It's a pity that I am a girl after all, so there is nothing I can do about it.

After all, if it weren't for the fact that I was a girl, I probably wouldn't have had the chance to be sent to learn piano from Dan Qing.

But this time... the opportunity really came.

She originally thought that her father might never understand her many thoughts, and she even had the idea of ​​hiding in Zichengzhai anonymously and talking about it after a few years.

But now...it seems unnecessary?

So I followed the empress' advice and decided to take part in the imperial examination to save my life.

In her hand, there is another document, but it is not paper, but a wooden notice board, which is a kind of certificate that all scholars who take the life-saving imperial examination must have, similar to the admission ticket.

Qin Ruochan sighed secretly.

I am only a 28-year-old girl, and my life is too rich.

First, I learned the piano and fell in love with the older sister who taught the piano.

Then because he couldn't stay together, he became angry and turned to martial arts, always wanting to prove that he was no worse than a man.

Then I met another annoying guy that I can't forget...

It just so happens that this annoying guy is very talented.

After some back and forth, I decided to take refuge with this person and live my life, but I got another chance to take part in the imperial examination.

It seems... I really have a chance to become a general!

Qin Ruochan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she was still very happy in her heart.

His Majesty actually approved things that his father didn't approve of. Now that he no longer approves, his father also begins to change his attitude to support him.

Qin Ruochan suddenly discovered that...since this guy appeared, many things in Datang seemed to have changed.

It seems... not so annoying anymore.

The man's face came to mind, and Qin Ruochan smiled silently.

Go to the exam!

This chapter has been completed!
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