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Chapter 1723 Dangerous Land

It is neither safe nor dangerous to take action in either direction, but both sides will also gain huge benefits.

This is not to say which side has greater benefits. In fact, no matter which side is successful, the benefits will be huge, but it is not just that. It means that once one of them is successful, Datang's financial pressure will suddenly reduce. In this way,

Things on the other side become simple - the court only needs to spend a lot of money and resources to change the principles.

In this way, both directions are solved, and the hegemony is achieved!

But the problem is that it's difficult to do either side.

After Du Ruhui finished speaking, he felt that it was obviously impossible to talk about this matter as simply as before, and it must be discussed clearly.

If it were for other things, as long as it was the advice given by Li Sheng, there was basically no bad use. Almost all of them would be successful if they got it. But this time, Li Sheng directly expressed his support for the personal expedition, and they still couldn't rest assured.

Can not accept.

Think about it.

Fang Xuanling couldn't help but add, "Sir, although the Tang Dynasty's hegemony is important, the art of war has it that you can't win with your own."

This saying comes from Sun Tzu's Art of War. To put it bluntly, it means to keep yourself in a safe position and consume your opponent at a lower cost. This is the king's idea of ​​making sure profits without losing money.

But when he said this, Li Sheng smiled slightly, "Okay, okay, who doesn't know that edge ob is the most enjoyable, but if this happens, the fame and benefits your majesty will earn will be at the Qinhuang and Hanwu level, or even more. So

How can such a great achievement come without some risk?"

"Besides, how can there be such a big risk? It's just one Rome and one America. This is just a risk!"

After Li Sheng finished speaking, he snorted disdainfully and went to eat his wine and food - as if he didn't think that this issue that everyone valued so much could be considered a problem.

But veterans like Li Er, Wei Zhengfang and Du were shocked. Is this not considered a risk?

The Romans were very strong, okay? As for the environment in America, which is completely different from China, you didn't mark this on the map. Isn't it dangerous and unpredictable?

It's not that simple!

But Li Er and others were unable to say this, because Li Sheng's words obviously meant that he had something in his stomach, but he just didn't say it!

After asking for so long, Li Er felt a little embarrassed.

But even though he was embarrassed, Li Er couldn't help but ask, "Master, why do you say there is no risk? These two places are considered dangerous places. Since they are dangerous places, then..."

Although Li Er actually felt that he could defeat either Rome or North America, and personal conquest would not be a problem, but Li Sheng was so confident, so he obviously had something to think about, otherwise why would he be so calm?

So Li Er couldn't help but ask, as the emperor.

It is said that the general takes the lead, and only then can the military unite as one. As the greatest commander-in-chief in the world, the emperor must be cautious in his actions, but he must not be cowardly. But not being cowardly is one thing. Since Li Sheng has something to say, he must ask clearly.

Anyway, this old face has already been pulled off. It would be a loss if he didn't pull it off more by the way.

This time, Li Sheng heard the words and said slowly,

"What's so strange about this."

"First of all, Rome, there is nothing to say about the dead bones in the grave, right? His Majesty will capture him sooner or later. Is there any controversy about this?"

"The second place is America. That place has not even invented the wheel. You can imagine the level of its army. Wouldn't it be broken at a touch?"

"That's why I said you are worried too much! Forget your useless worries, why not hurry up and try this new dish from the Lion House? If you don't eat it, I will finish it all by myself."

Li Sheng complained while speeding up to pick up the food. Even though he reminded him clearly and clearly, Wei Zheng, Fang Du and Li Er became more and more stunned.

Good guy, I just call him good guy.

After doing this for a long time, Li Sheng felt that he, the emperor, and these bastard ministers were wise and powerful, so he felt that it was reliable to personally conquer them!


This is so fucking embarrassing. Li Er was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. He was hesitant to make a decision and asked his child. As a result, the child said that because the emperor was wise and powerful, he didn’t have to worry about anything. He just went with A and the game was over.

, this is really true.

This is so sour and refreshing!

The faces of Wei Zheng, Fang Du and the three ministers turned the color of pig liver in an instant, and they almost choked to death.

Your Highness, can you please stop lifting people indiscriminately, or you may fall and get hurt!

We are so wise and so powerful!

Isn’t that why I came to you for advice because I didn’t know what I was doing?

Li Sheng ate like this for a while, and then suddenly realized that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

When he raised his head and looked up, he found that these four old men were staring at him with red faces.

"Why are you looking at me? Are you not eating food or drinking wine?"


Being stared at by some old guys, Li Sheng felt a little nervous, but he immediately reacted and understood.

Yes, these old guys are definitely planning to do some business along this route - I found a way for them before, and also revealed the big trend of sea trade, but these old guys ended up doing it.

Later, Li Sheng understood that these guys were from Chang'an, and they were unfamiliar with other places, so they would inevitably cough when doing business.

But this time is different. This time it is the emperor's personal expedition. If he really does it, he will definitely have to bring a group of loyal generals - there must be many clans here.

The emperor himself led the team, and there was also a large group of clan members. This was an intersection with Lao Li's circle!

Anyway, Li Sheng is relatively sure of this now.

That being the case, the top priority for these old guys is to integrate various channels to prepare various materials and prepare to make a fortune from the expedition. There is also a major priority, which is to find out who Li Er is.

You don’t really want to conquer it yourself!

If the emperor didn't have that plan, wouldn't this trip be in vain?

After doing this calculation, Li Sheng basically knew what was going on, and said with a smile, "I understand."

"Okay, since we are all our own people, I will tell you."

Li Er and others were staring at Li Sheng, and suddenly they were stared at and observed by Li Sheng. It was impossible not to say that there was a ghost in his heart and that it was not creepy. He also said "I understand". Who wouldn't be nervous at this?

.However, Li Sheng said that he would tell everyone about this matter, and Li Er couldn't help but feel relieved immediately.

This guy has such a great reputation, he is finally willing to help!

"As for the personal conquest, I think there is a high probability that we will actually do it."

"Because the resistance to this matter, to put it bluntly, is the risk on the way to the expedition, which is what you just said."

As Li Sheng said this, he couldn't help but nod secretly in his mind, thinking that these old fools are pretty good at it when it comes to business matters, "But this matter is actually not a problem, first of all."

This chapter has been completed!
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