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Chapter 1735 The dividing line!

If you want to find a way to break the situation, you must first deal with your own problems thoroughly.

In addition to the previous financial part, there is also the investment in the weapons research institute. How can Datang's internal governance be considered comprehensive?

Doing things "thoroughly" seems to be an unstructured matter.

It's like cleaning your home. How far does it go before it's considered clean? There's no upper limit. You can't clean your room into a dust-free workshop anyway.

In other words, everything has a degree, this degree.

Most people are envious of all kinds of big guys, who seem to be able to reap huge amounts of wealth without doing anything. For example, Dalio is very envious and envious. There is actually no doubt about this. Their only job is to master this thing called "degree".

s things.

Because if you stick to this degree, you can achieve a passing level at the lowest cost.

Getting things done at the lowest cost means the highest efficiency - efficiency is not the source of wealth, but it is the source of wealth growth. If you control the source of wealth growth, you will naturally be able to control the trends of all wealth in the world.


And this is exactly what Li Er's main job is as a monarch.

The Tang Dynasty would not expose its flaws and allow foreign countries to take advantage of it. This is a problem.

Li Er hasn't thought of the answer yet.

Without the big business created by Li Sheng and the development of commerce and industry, what could China do to ensure peace and prosperity for the country and the people? Li Er is very confident that he can do it with his eyes closed, because these things have been used in the Northern and Southern Dynasties for hundreds of years.

It has been discussed and implemented too many times, and the most successful one was the reform implemented by Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Yang Jian - that is, the imperial examination system.

But today is different from the past.

The population structure of China today and that of China during the Southern and Northern Dynasties has changed, a fundamental change.

At that time, China basically had three types of population.

Peasants, peasant armies, and scholars.

Once these three problems are solved, the empire can be established and prosperous, but now, there are too many people in the business and industry sectors - and because these people do produce a lot of good things.

Whether it's artillery, steam trains, or steam chariots.

These are the most important strategic resources.

Therefore, we cannot classify this group of people into the "Five Worms" like Han Fei. Even because of the powerful effectiveness of artillery and steam chariots, China must give these people positions, salaries, and official positions to ensure that they are the most powerful.

The most important group of people have feelings for Datang.

But looking at it this way, although the measures in front of us are all urgent, they are also things that obviously need to be done immediately, just like cleaning the windows when cleaning. The problem is.

Clean the windows, what next?

What’s next?

The biggest reason why young people are always ridiculed for being too young is that, apart from some greasy elements who are shamelessly flattering themselves, the biggest reason is that even though they dissatisfied with the leadership's decision and think it is wrong,

But these people have never thought about how to make the right decision.

Is this what it is, or is it not what it seems? If so, how should it be handled?

Li Er is currently studying this matter, but it is a pity.

From the moment we got the news, we made a complete set of financial changes, adjusted military configuration, and doubled the investment in the weapons research institute.

After completing this series of things, a full month passed, but Li Er still felt...

Why do you seem to be cleaning the windows all the time?

Although there is no upper limit to cleaning the house, and it is always right to make persistent efforts to clean, but as a monarch.

Especially Li Er, who still wants to make a difference and be a promising man, it is obvious that he cannot be satisfied with this.

There must be some main thread.

Everything has a thread!

It is the existence of the main line that gives all undertakings in the world a "degree" and makes those who can capture this degree become the kings of the earth.

Now that I am the king, how can I not figure it out?

The key is that he came to power through a military coup.

Although Li Er did not think in this direction, the fact is that people can ignore thoughts, but it is impossible to ignore feelings.

An emperor who comes to power through a military coup is equivalent to an emperor who "comes to power by force."

Although there are various reasons for this, however.

Since he came to power by force, it means that it is impossible for him to become the Carpenter Emperor.

Although Li Er certainly didn't know that there was a carpenter emperor in China, the logic was this. In short, he had to come up with something, seize this key point, and ensure that the Tang Dynasty was safe and sound in the longer game cycle of the Romans.

No worries!

But maybe I’m afraid that something will happen!

Before Li Er could think of a way out, new news quickly spread to Chang'an. Not only did the Romans quickly establish a foothold in America, but this group of people also spent a lot of money this time, using countless Roman ships.

He sent countless elite soldiers and generals to the Americas, quickly defeated several large tribes and directly established base areas.

And because they fought several great victories in a very short period of time and destroyed the power of several large tribes, there are now a large number of tribes in America that have surrendered to the Romans even though they have not yet been occupied by the Romans!

Nowadays, the Romans can be said to have all the power in North America, and there are even extremely bad signs.

The Romans themselves did not need to use troops. They only needed to provide a deterrent guarantee to mobilize the native American tribes to help them fight!

Whether to send out your own fresh troops to fight, or to send an imperial edict from afar to mobilize the troops of vassal states to do things for you, is an important dividing line between large native tribes and real empires. Even realistically speaking, this is the only

The dividing line!

When the memorial arrived at the royal desk in the palace, Li Er looked at the memorial with his eyes wide open and could not calm down for a long time.

These Romans moved so quickly!

Although Li Er does not envy this kind of expansion, if he were a common person and a kind of observer hidden among the people, he would still laugh when he saw such tricks, because although the Romans controlled the Americas, they could not really

Digest the newly acquired territory, because so far, although a large number of tribes have openly pledged their allegiance to the Romans, and have even... begun to personally fight for the Romans, in fact, these people have no loyalty at all.

To put it bluntly, we just saw that the Romans were powerful, so we followed them to rob others and get a share of the pie.

The people under his command are all such people. It is easy to imagine what will happen to Rome as the boss in the future. As long as the Tang Dynasty also establishes a foothold in America, there is no need to use any means. The Romans will not be able to continue to benefit those tribes.

, these tribes will immediately fight back and devour Rome!

But the speed is still too fast.

This chapter has been completed!
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