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Chapter 1755 Public opinion is boiling!

But fortunately, the emperor finally came back and reappeared!

The emperor finally reappeared. On the one hand, these officials were extremely annoyed. They couldn't help but want to ask you where this foolish emperor had gone. Although they didn't dare, they wanted to!


What shocked these officials was...

One day, the emperor seemed to appear out of thin air and suddenly returned to the palace.

I gave the order directly.

"I declare that from now on, this palace will be sold directly to merchants. Anyone who wants to get a higher price will be traded by auction!"

The palace is a rather ambiguous and strange thing to talk about.

Although it was used by the emperor, it was much simpler than Chang'an - or the previous big city like Luoyang. After all, it was just a palace, although it was not completely positioned as a post exclusively for the emperor - there was no such "advertising effect" in ancient times

It’s not a saying, but those powerful literati also have this consciousness.

Whenever the emperor goes on patrol somewhere, this is to warn or reward the officials there, indicating that you have done a good job/that there is something wrong with you and that the court is paying attention to you.

Building a palace is an improvement in the expression of the above-mentioned meaning. Originally, it was attention, but building a palace means not only paying attention, but also taking action. The court may suddenly promote you and give you a high official and a generous salary, but it may also happen overnight.

, I will directly clear out all your fame, status, and wealth.

This is "building a palace", it is not just a matter of building a villa somewhere for fun, it all has meaning.

The reason why Li Er is worried about this incident is, on the one hand, because there has never been any benchmark traffic individual in this matter of industrial upgrading. To put it bluntly, no one is following the path pointed out by Li Sheng to innovate and make a fortune.

Then it became known all over the world and everyone imitated it.

At the same time, on the other hand, Li Er also regretted building this palace, because it might spread wrong hints to the people of the world, suggesting that the emperor's strategic direction is mainly to expand overseas. This is certainly very important, but for now

In other words, the focus of the imperial court's work is still to set off a craze for new industries and new technologies within the Tang Dynasty!

The more people participate in it, the more Tang Dynasty will be able to accumulate wealth, wisdom, and strength.

How much power can be accumulated is what ultimately determines the outcome of the game.

And if this information is conveyed wrongly, then it is very likely that the folk culture is still mainly based on regional speculation - for example, which city Datang is going to conquer recently, everyone should hurry up and make plans to make a lot of money in the future.


The merchants' desire to do this certainly had no impact on the Tang Dynasty - even the biggest negative impact: a certain amount of gold and silver flowing out could be quickly earned back through industrial products, so it was not a big problem at all.

But this will still consume too much manpower.

The key point is that too many maritime merchants are still simply following the trend and building overseas fortresses as they were a few years ago.

In fact, it is a good thing, because the Tang Dynasty has always wanted to open up borders. As for where it is opened, it is not a big problem. It is not that important whether it is in the Americas. But the Americas are now becoming the branch base of Rome, the number one enemy of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang's first task is to deal with this powerful enemy.

Therefore, it is not a problem for maritime merchants to go overseas to build estates and build families, but in this case, the progress of innovation, new weapons, new industries, and new profits will not look good.

And now, as we learned before, the Romans are expanding their power crazily in America by using unscrupulous means and regardless of the consequences!

No matter how many hidden dangers there are in this approach of the Romans, at least they are indeed expanding rapidly.

And if the Tang Dynasty cannot accumulate enough power and really lose blood in a wave of battles, the impact on both finances and morale will definitely be far-reaching.

Under the influence of such factors, Li Er would of course worry about whether this palace would have any adverse effects. This was also a pain point for a monarch. He had to pay attention to the effects of everything he did. He had everything in his life, but he was destined to never have freedom.


If this palace is to be demolished, it will definitely not be easy to demolish it. After all, it belongs to the emperor.

Moreover, it was not an ordinary imperial object, but was built on the emperor's "whim" - which means that this palace was the emperor's own will.

If you suddenly build something and then suddenly tear it down, then the people can't help but ask, is it hard for the emperor to do what he said?

So shouldn’t we make plans early?

Of course, this will not lead to internal turmoil in China. The scope of the impact is still small, but the degree is not high, which does not mean that the nature is not special, so it cannot be dismantled.

So finally.

Li Er himself thought about it and discussed it with Wei Zheng and others, and decided to auction off the palace.

Of course, this is not the main shock to the officials working here. After all, it is just an auction palace.

Although this kind of thing has never happened before, in recent years, there have been so many unprecedented things in the Tang Dynasty that it has long been nothing.

When Li Er returned to Chang'an, the officials composed of eunuchs and ministers were really shocked.

Li Er directly announced this time that the entire palace would be renovated.

All styles, all changes!

This kind of thing happens.

Naturally, it is impossible for ministers and officials not to be shocked. In fact, all the ministers and officials in Chang'an are not shocked, and everyone is shocked!

It's so exciting that the emperor suddenly wants to renovate the palace - the key point is that this is not an ordinary "repair", but almost the same as reconstruction. According to Li Er, everything in the palace needs to be replaced.

into new ones!

Such a big thing is almost the same as rebuilding the palace - if an adult's residence needs to be renovated, no one will force him to do so.

Renovating one's own home is a very normal thing - even young people who don't have a house will buy a few cases for their mobile phones. After all, life always needs decoration.

But Li Er is not an ordinary person!

This guy is an emperor.

The emperor's food, clothing, housing and transportation were all regulated by etiquette.

Now the emperor suddenly wants to renovate the palace, which means clearly that he wants to change the aesthetic style of the entire palace.

This is so amazing. It concerns the emperor and etiquette.

If it’s about etiquette, that’s not a big deal!

Not to mention anything else, sacrifices and so on in the future.

Public opinion was boiling for a while!

In particular, the Confucian school had the biggest reaction.

In China, there are people of all types from the three religions and nine schools, but in this case, it was undoubtedly the Confucian Qingliu who caused the most trouble.

This chapter has been completed!
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