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Chapter 1760 Critical period!

Until the end, Li Er and others did not take any effective measures. This was not because they did not care about Li Sheng, but because

The current situation is not related to the situation of the game itself. If that were the case, Li Er, Wei Zheng and the others could make moves at will - in the whole world, there are few Wen Tao Wulue who can compare with them.

But since it is a change in the rules of the game, there is no way. The problem itself is that the rules have changed, which is why Li Er feels that it is a big deal, but it is also because this "big deal" is a change in the rules, so instead

Even if people want to solve and deal with it, they can only lament that they have no way to start.

But this time, what seemed to be over, actually turned out to be turbulent as Li Er expected.

The heat generated is not effectively dissipated, and the device may not feel hot to the touch at first, but it is not difficult to imagine that the performance will degrade on its own as heat accumulates.

As time went on, since Li Sheng invented printing in China and Li Er seized the opportunity to build a private school in four places, the literacy rate of the entire Chinese world has increased significantly. As a result, various folk associations have also begun to quietly

Change occurs!

Originally, these associations were basically associations of craftsmen in various cities, but now.

Whether it is China or Europe, the process of social change is actually not much different.

Almost all civil associations began in the era of printing. Because of the birth of printing, human potential was further liberated, productivity increased, and at the same time, the scale of cities expanded and the industrial population expanded.

There are new production methods, and of course there are corresponding production organization methods. In ancient times, various "sugar shops", "cloth shops", and even the legendary "car, boat, foot shop, and teeth" shops all came into being in this way.

Although these things have existed for a long time, their influence is at the level of small fish and shrimps.

But later, when the great masters of the Renaissance joined in, the game suddenly became more exciting. From then on, Europe entered a situation where a hundred schools of thought contended and the world was in a melee.

And now Datang is in such a critical period!

Guilds, which were originally composed of craftsmen from all walks of life in handicrafts and factories, originally only shared market information, discussed where to work together, and where to make money—an association of this nature.

Now, the learned scholars of the Tang Dynasty have begun to penetrate into this.

If Li Sheng could know about Li Er's worries, he would definitely feel sorry for him, because if it were Li Sheng, he would definitely not agree with Wei Zheng and others' judgment of the situation, but would definitely remind everyone in the hall that a man named

"Mojia" stuff.

Although the Mohist family is known as an association of craftsmen, during the Warring States Period, it was a powerful existence second only to the three strongest forces of Confucianism, Legalism, and Zongheng!

It can easily shake the political situation of various countries during the Warring States Period, and its power is immeasurable.

As for the true potential of the Mohist family, only Li Sheng knows about it in this entire era!


Although the matter was big, it did not cause any sensation for a while.

After all, Li Er is the king of a country. He cannot study these things all day long. As long as the matter does not have any serious consequences within a certain period, or it is "likely" to have serious consequences, then Li Er cannot go.

No matter how much energy is invested, or to put it another way, it is impossible to use the national treasury - then of course the various yamen have nothing special to do.

After all, Li Er still had to deal with the Romans first, as well as the industrial upgrading of the Tang Dynasty!

Because this industrial upgrading matter was so important, Li Er naturally paid more attention to it.

This industrial upgrading is not something like the previous reform edict. It is a "movement" and is similar in nature to building a sports field.

The national cultural, educational and political effect of building a sports ground is actually not as good as that of the reform edict, but it does cost a certain amount of money - of course, in the long run, the money is worth it. In this sense, building a sports ground

It is still more meaningful than an edict.

But in general, both have the same nature. In the final analysis, it is not something that costs a lot of money, but industrial upgrading is different.

This really costs a lot of money!

Although at present, Li Er traveled thousands of miles south to ask Li Sheng for advice, and after some twists and turns, he finally got the plan.

This idea can be said to be crucial. With this thing, the court can do nothing, and industrial upgrading will happen naturally, but.

It's like a farmer doesn't have to manage the land at all, and there will always be crops to survive even if he doesn't do anything. This kind of thinking is obviously not what Li Er would use. Therefore, of course the court still has to spend money, and it still has to continue to proactively find ways to upgrade the industry.

The craze comes as soon as possible!

This is what Li Sheng said personally. When China really starts the wave of industrial upgrading, it will be simply,

By then, Datang's national power will definitely grow faster and faster than the expansion of territory.

To open up territory, you have to fight - no matter how capable the generals are, they still have to fight anyway? The consumption of food and grass and the shortage of supplies.

Both are costly.

And there are still constant wars in this world, which naturally shows that these high costs are not so terrifying. In other words, the benefits of victory can not only cover the costs, but also often make a huge profit!

It is no joke to make a fortune with a fortune, as the saying goes, a cannon fires a fortune and makes a fortune.

But according to Li Sheng's description, once this wave of industrial upgrading starts, the national power of the entire Tang Dynasty will grow faster than the war!

What is gained in war is territory, and territory is opened up.

Traditionally, it has always been a great joy. After all, which tribe or state leader in the world does not want this? But industrial upgrading can provide Datang with even more.

And the key is.

If the territory created by opening up and expanding the territory can be in the hands of the Tang Dynasty, it can also be in the hands of others in the future.

In an era of long-lasting peace, people often believe that land is the most valuable thing in the world.

But when it comes to fighting for hegemony in troubled times, land is the least valuable, because it can be involved in war at any time, and war capability is the most valuable thing - no matter it is any part of "war capability", such as talents

, such as grain and grass, will be treated as guests of honor and treated as treasures.

One of the simplest examples is Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, the group of big guys during the Three Kingdoms period. Before the war broke out, these guys were not good in the elite circles, but after the war started, they were treated as guests of honor.

And it is this kind of thing that promotes industrial upgrading!

This chapter has been completed!
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