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Chapter 1762 This thing is very useful!

Of course, I also heard this thing about "a boat that can dive" from Li Sheng.

When he heard it for the first time, Li Er felt quite unconcerned, because a boat that can dive,

This seems strange, because if the ship sinks, doesn't it mean diving? But this is too strange.

If the ship sinks, how can it sail?

However, this rebelliousness was not difficult to understand. Li Er quickly changed his mind and thought that this might be some kind of ship that was not afraid of capsizing and sinking.

If this is the case, then Li Er feels that it is indeed useful. After all, going to sea is too dangerous.

It would be great if we could build a ship that was not afraid of wind and waves and would not sink.

Following this idea, Li Er thought that this might be a ship within a ship, that is, building a ship inside the ship.

There is a hull on the outside and a slightly smaller boat on the inside, it should look like this.

This kind of thinking grains.

It seems funny to modern people, but to the ancients, this was a normal way of thinking.

In fact, it is not funny in modern times. For example, for a certain brand of chips, two chips of the same model are often "paralleled" together to form a high-performance chip, add a suffix of "max", and then sell the chip for several times the price.

In ancient times, it was almost the same, such as the operation of turning a crossbow into a bed crossbow without thinking.

This approach seems funny, but in fact it is understandable. After all, there is market demand - Datang does have such demand now!

And it is not a general need, a need that is forcibly found, but a real need.

This demand is a matter of America.

Because of its strategic plan in America, the Tang Dynasty now used countless manpower and material resources. In a sense, Li Er's recent upgrading of industry, which he had been so sad and troubled by, was also centered around his strategic plan in America.

As for the Tang Dynasty's American strategy, the biggest problem now is not that the environment of the Americas itself has not been developed by agriculture and is not suitable for habitation, or that the native forces in the Americas are numerous and complex, or that the Romans have now established a foothold in the Americas and have begun to entangle themselves.

of extending tentacles.

These are not things that the Tang Dynasty could not handle. The Tang regime was able to end hundreds of years of chaos, but no one believed it even if it had no tools. Those issues were not decisive in the final analysis.

The real decisive problem is that Datang cannot send people to America now!

The transportation is not convenient, which is the biggest shortcoming.

Of course, if you go north, you can still pass through the tundra areas north of Mobei, but in this regard.

Although Li Er has now engaged in a political maneuver and made a brotherhood with an American tribe, and at the same time personally demonstrated the unique products of America to the world, it can be said that he has done a good job, but he did it this way.

There is nothing wrong with this operation, but the audience is always limited!

It's just like how awesome the iPhone is, but the elderly only use feature phones. No matter how good Goose's down jacket is, people in the tropics don't even wear thicker jackets.

The wave of operations carried out by Li Er in the northern Americas was of this nature. What was actually mobilized were those merchants who "had the intention to develop in the Americas but had doubts." However, most of the real merchants basically had no interest in the Americas.

It's unmotivated.

After all, everyone has made a lot of money during the years of maritime trade. Since you have already made a lot, why bother going to America to take risks again?

Therefore, most people are not willing to go to America at all because of the risks of the long sea journey.

Risk, that's the key.

Merchants are always on the go, and it is not a problem to be tired and tired. However, the risks are high, and it can often cost people money, or even their lives, so no one cares about it.

Because of this reason, Datang is now in a rather embarrassing and somewhat unbearable state. Private merchants are unwilling to go to America. This is the reality.

And Li Er undoubtedly wants to solve this reality, so the two-story ship.

Li Er really felt that it was reliable. After all, the wind and waves sank one floor, and there was another floor inside. Wouldn't this safety factor be much higher?

Of course, Li Er is not an idiot who doesn't understand world affairs, and he still knows that many things cannot be applied mechanically.

This is a double-decker ship.

Although it looks useful, beautiful, and great, if you look closely, it's actually not that good.

Because doing this would be equivalent to the Imperial Guards soldiers wearing heavy armor on the battlefield, or, for example, double-layered armor.

This defense will definitely increase significantly, but it will consume too much energy!

And the mobility is also insufficient, because you definitely have to fight on horseback, which means that the war horse also has to bear double the weight.

In this way, the charge will be very fierce, but if the opponent pulls a little, the battle will be troublesome.

Of course, in the past era, it was not so easy to pull. If you pull it, you have to deal damage, right? Otherwise, what is the point of pulling? But because it is heavy armor, even if the enemy pulls it, its bow and arrow will not be able to hit our soldiers.

Horses pose a threat!

This is the power of the heavy armored cavalry and Tiefutu's equipment.

But now the situation is different, it will be really dangerous if it is pulled.

Because there are landmines and grenades!

Lack of mobility means that the opponent can "design" a battle to a greater extent. This kind of "design" was useless in the past because bows and crossbows could not destroy the defense of heavy armor, but it is different now. The opponent has

Hand mines and mines, if one accidentally sets them on, the entire army will be wiped out.

The same goes for this ship. Although its ability to withstand wind and waves has been greatly improved, the cargo and manpower it can carry are much less, or even much less, because it is a new structure after all, and it must be stable and reliable -

- This will inevitably require stacking materials, and thick and strong structures are used everywhere, which adds up to more weight.

So it's not good enough.

However, Li Er was still a little hopeful, because although the load capacity of such a ship was not ideal, or even very unsatisfactory, seriously speaking, it was not unusable.

After all, America is not an ordinary place. If merchants want to go to Southeast Bay or Tianzhu, then this kind of ship will definitely not be popular, because first of all, this thing is definitely more expensive than ordinary ships!

It may even be much more expensive, because there are small boats inside the big ship. When building, it is definitely not a simple matter of building a large ship and a small ship.

After all, this ship still has to carry things, so the ship inside is not a small one, but at least a medium size, and preferably a sub-large size.

The question then arises, wouldn’t it be expensive to build?

Of course, there are advantages. If a maritime trader wants to go to America, this thing is very useful!

This chapter has been completed!
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