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Chapter 1794 The pirate problem!

During the hundreds of years in China during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, in addition to being devastated by war, many Hu customs were also introduced to the Central Plains.

Although this cannot be said to be such a bad thing - anyway, Han customs have long been ruined by those people in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but in general, for an empire, any kind of "custom" is not good.

A real empire must have its own "customs", customs unique to this empire, so that it can unite people's hearts.

Although the imperial examination system was introduced in the Tang Dynasty, which played a key and core role in uniting people's hearts, unique customs had not yet emerged.

This thing, in the records of later generations, is the calligraphy and poetry of the Tang Dynasty, which shocked the past and the present. But now,

Anyway, customs, aesthetics, and other things are meant to be like most people and light. The specific form is not important.

What is important is the influence of customs on people.

Although these ministers themselves did not notice it, even today, even they have gradually begun to use words that Li Sheng often said and words coined by Li Shengsheng.

As for when Changle will get married.

Although at the moment, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and others seem to have an open attitude, if the time goes back a few years, even if there is a reform edict, even with their broad vision and mind, they will be very concerned!

Whoever marries the princess is equivalent to being connected to the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and is also indirectly connected to the entire political power of the Tang Dynasty.

How could we not pay attention to such a big matter? Changle, like her sister Ziyu, had begun to show signs of marrying late or even not marrying. How could the ministers not be surprised.

But now, people just don't take this kind of thing that seriously.

And then again, a group of ministers had been summoned, not just the Minister of Rites, so it was clear that there was still something to discuss.

Although everyone has some feelings for the emperor, but there is no business, just for the marriage of a princess. If it is a formal day to do business, it is normal to call him for a drink, but to call the ministers over when there is no business, this seems to the monarch

A bit frivolous.

So in the end, everyone was still inclined to definitely have something serious to say, but the ministers couldn't figure it out. The pirate incident was not over yet. How could the emperor be so happy?

But soon, several ministers understood.

——Li Er really solved the pirate problem!

At least when Li Er came to this "reception room" with a smile on his face and announced this, the expression on his face undoubtedly showed this.

And the emperor said this.

Although Wei Zheng and others felt that the matter was not that simple, and that the Romans had been making things difficult for everyone for a long time this time, the emperor's happy announcement still made a group of ministers feel excited.

It can be regarded as.

But it also makes people wonder, what plan has His Majesty come up with to directly announce that the matter has been settled?

Could it be related to the submarine we built a few days ago?

But submarines.

Several ministers had some excitement in their hearts. This thing was obviously for the imperial army. It was a weapon, a new weapon.

It is definitely a good product, but no matter how powerful the weapon is, it cannot suddenly solve the current dilemma.

After all, weapons are dead, but people are alive. The Romans were able to cause so much chaos to the Tang Dynasty not because of their ability to fight, nor because of their strategy.

The ministers looked at each other in disbelief, and every old and weathered face had a look of disbelief.

But then, Li Er smiled slightly, a smile that understood everything.

"Hey, are you trying to say that weapons, which are nothing more than dead objects, can solve the problem of blunt soldiers in the Tang Dynasty?",

Li Er suddenly asked, and these ministers became even more curious - I wonder, has your Majesty really come up with some clever plan?

This thought flashed through the minds of all the ministers instantly.

But of course, these people still didn't think about the weapon, that is, this new thing called "submarine" itself.

But then, the smile on Li Er's face became even bigger. He sat down directly on the "sofa" in the "living room", picked up a cup of ice cream, tasted it elegantly, and answered questions like a master to a child.

Instructive in a general tone,

"It is true that weapons cannot change anything. People use tools. You are right in thinking that."

"But have you ever thought about it, with different tools, people can do more things?"

As soon as Li Er finished speaking, several ministers were surprised.

Damn it, this emperor was still in an explosive state of mind two days ago, so why did he suddenly become a master today?

However, Li Er did not pause. He put a mouthful of sweet food into his mouth with a small wooden spoon and continued, "This submarine is such a divine thing. I tell you, the recent plans of this Roman are actually famous.

The purpose is called 'terrorism'. To put it bluntly, it is to create panic and interfere with the national affairs of the Tang Dynasty. And if the Tang Dynasty wants to break the situation, we can actually follow the same pattern."

"The Romans used the pirates to cause panic, and we, the Tang Dynasty, used the pirates they raised to cause panic!"


What Li Er said to these ministers is true.

In fact, I can basically understand it, and the part of creating panic is quite simple.

When it comes to the later part, this becomes quite intriguing.

What does it mean to follow the same pattern?

The Romans used pirates to rob merchants and prevent Tang Dynasty's ships from going to America. So what should Datang do to prevent these pirates from taking action?

after all.

The military operation that was organized with great difficulty and great expense during this period has been declared a failure!

To be precise, it is not a failure. It is still a bit difficult to let the Imperial Army of the Tang Dynasty experience the feeling of defeat.

But the failure to succeed is true, and even more embarrassing.,

Not only did it not succeed, but it was impossible to succeed. This is for sure!

Because whether the pirates themselves had great supernatural powers or relied on the support of the Romans, they knew the actions of the Imperial Guards of the Tang Dynasty. This was certain - then there was nothing they could do, and they would always come up empty-handed.

Of course, looking at it this way, it seems that the Romans were a bit too powerful, and the Tang Dynasty should have suffered a loss if it directly operated on land.

But it's not like Wei Zheng and others haven't considered this situation, that's not the case.

It seems that you will suffer a loss on land, but after all, it requires a lot of effort from the Romans. After all, the main force of the Tang Dynasty's imperial army is on land. Even if you have intelligence, how can you survive?

And then again, the Forbidden Army of the Tang Dynasty was a standing army composed of off-duty soldiers! They were in the wilderness all year round, which was still different from the army at the seaside.

This chapter has been completed!
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