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Chapter 1810 The sea area!

For a moment, Queen Changsun was not extremely surprised, but was stunned for a moment, looking at Li Er as if she didn't recognize him.

Being able to control all the oceans in the world is of great significance!

This kind of thing is completely different from siege of a city. No matter how high or high the benefits are, they are all valuable.

But dominating the whole sea is different. This is equivalent to the nature of "conquering the country". In other words, it is the same nature as when the Li and Tang regime unified China!

After all, it is all the seas, all the seas!

To put it bluntly, the actual situation may even be more than that, because it dominates the entire sea.

Although this may sound impressive at first glance, when you think about it carefully, it is very false.

After all, the sea cannot be lived in or cultivated. The most things in it are, except for pearls and the like, which can be said to be relatively ethereal... Although these things are valuable, they are nothing compared to the expenditures of the military and civilian treasury. The most things

It's just sea water.

...Why do we need so much sea water? Therefore, it is meaningless to talk about dominating the entire sea.

If you want to take advantage of this advantage of dominating the entire sea, you must either have an invincible navy called a "submarine" and an invincible army at the same time, or... you have to think of other ways.

No matter how strong the maritime power is, it can only intervene with force instead of occupying all parts of the world.

It is obviously impossible to use this as a basis to control the world. Intervention by force can only have a military deterrent effect - military deterrence is not a military victory. As long as all the peoples in the world gradually realize that you, Li Tang, are only powerful at sea.

, then all localities will just have to pile up their core strength and assets, in short, all kinds of things in the inland areas, and that's it.

The control of the sea power over the world naturally gradually weakened or even disappeared. This is the situation.

If we really want to solve it, we obviously need talents like Ban Chao and Huo Qubing to cooperate with this invincible maritime power to carry out actions, establish our own spokesmen and trusted forces among all the countries in the world, and divide and govern. Only in this way can we conquer the world.

As for Ban Chao and Huo Qubing's method, to put it bluntly, he relied on the advantages of the system that the Han Dynasty was more advanced than the ordinary barbarians at that time and was more in line with the interests of the people. Facing the barbarians on the grassland, the system of the Han Dynasty was simply a dimensionality reduction attack, and the effect was naturally outstanding.

Of course, this requires the Han Dynasty itself to be sufficiently knowledgeable, and it must be a regime that is responsible for the vital interests of the people and highly satisfies the interests of the people, otherwise the effect will not be achieved - but there was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at that time, so the effect was indeed powerful


As for the current situation, it goes without saying that Li Er's control over China is no worse than that of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It is not difficult to achieve this!

Therefore, this invincibility on the sea, which seems to be an empty invincibility, will cause all the races in the world to become a party that listens to the tune but not the propaganda, and will eventually turn into a de facto de-Tangification situation, so it is not a problem.

Datang could use this empty invincibility to achieve true invincibility!

And since it has this meaning, even if Queen Changsun is a female concubine in the harem, she can't help but be shocked on the spot. This is a real big event - the capital of the country may have to be moved by then!

Seeing Empress Changsun's expression, Li Er's smile became even wider, and then the empress directly said what was on her mind.

She just couldn't directly intervene in political affairs and give opinions, but it was still okay to talk about what she knew, especially something that was relatively grand - generally the harem's political affairs were all about people's affairs, this kind of healthy discussion

Of course there would be no problem. As soon as she finished speaking, Li Er laughed heartily and nodded immediately.

Yes, that’s what happened!

After Li Er nodded, Empress Changsun finally understood what Li Er was excited about these days.

It's such a big deal, so it's no wonder I'm so excited.

Although it has been nearly a year, Li Er's rest has not been very good, but now it is such a big achievement... Empress Changsun thought about the time when she was fighting in the north and south, not to mention the person beside her who could not rest.

Well, it was possible to lose your life at every turn, but now, although it is harder, it has almost conquered half of the world. It is also the current new, "real" world. There is no need to get hurt and risk, which is already very good.


Empress Changsun glanced at Li Er with some annoyance, but still felt distressed, and said displeasedly, "I know someone in your old Li family is powerful, why are you telling me this? If you stay up late like this, if you don't get important things done, your body will be damaged first.

Well, let me see how your Li family ancestors will laugh at you in the future... and you haven’t given the ginseng soup to my concubine to drink!"

Early the next morning.

Establish the Zhengdian Palace!

Although the imperial palace of the Tang Dynasty has been renovated in style, there are still some places that have not changed, or the changes are not that big.

First of all, it must be the Ancestral Temple and other places. These places are used to worship ancestors. This of course remains unchanged, and at the same time...

The Li Zheng Palace was originally going to be changed according to Li Er's wishes, but while changing the style... we still had to consider how to make it more convenient during court meetings.

As a monarch, I have many occasions to speak. I still need to have a sufficiently centered and preferably higher position. How to change this is really not easy to figure out. Recently, I have been busy with certain things in the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, the officials of the Ministry of Rites were worried about how to change the Zhengdian Palace.

Therefore, in general, the layout is still the same as before, but the use of colors and the carved beams and paintings have been greatly simplified, turning into a more concise style, so as to be closer to the increasingly rich and huge factory aesthetics in China today.

The industrial aesthetic advocates simplicity and cleanliness!

Totems such as dragon and phoenix, as well as the special golden color representing perfection, are concentrated on some special structures in the hall.

Although the simplification has been simplified a lot, the craftsmanship has actually improved. Once inside the main hall...

On the contrary, it can give people a strong aesthetic stimulation. That kind of precise industrial beauty has now been directly imprinted on the highest administrative organ of China.

before this day.

Because the overall layout has not changed much, Li Er only paid attention to the structure and decoration of the Zhengzheng Palace once. That was when the palace was just renovated, and naturally he did not pay too much attention to it after that.

And today.

Although this Li Zheng Palace was still the same Li Zheng Palace, sitting high on the throne of the monarch, Li Er did not feel that the work pressure was coming again like he usually did in the early morning. Instead, he felt extremely relaxed and happy.

Even the sculptures on the beams and pillars, which we have long been accustomed to seeing in the main hall, are particularly beautiful and fascinating to look at.

This chapter has been completed!
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